Thursday, 14 September 2017


1. It is brahmacharya alone that makes us perceptive of the music that Netaji was, it is purity alone that characterises the hero best.

2. How many of us truly respect Netaji? Do we love our countrymen enough that we claim to be followers of Netaji? Purity, purity, purity --- this was the constant mantra of Netaji's life.

3. The voice of truth cannot be stifled nor the conscience stilled. Netaji lives on glorious, pure, fairer than the fairest snow.

4. Attempts to reduce Netaji in stature by elements near and far by consistent propagation of falsity will, for sure, fail. Long fabrications, roundabout tales and incoherent concoctions will scarce establish the continent Netaji's precipitous fall into carnal connections.

5. Netaji used to change into ochre robe before entering the RKM shrine at Singapore and meditate. Is this not proof enough of his purity?

6. What glory is there in Netaji beyond that which his lifelong unbroken chastity gave him? Love of motherland was but the corollary.

7. Et tu Brute! Then fall, Caesar! The difference was that while Caesar fell, Netaji rose. But it was the same betrayal as ever.

8. Does selfish living have much in common with the lives the revolutionaries lived? Who is the custodian today of our revolutionary past? The affluent activists who hit the streets or the silent sufferers, the multitude whose misery is their daily revolution of survival, whose patience is piety in practice and whose ire could yet spark off a convulsion that will set the continent alight?

9. Netaji belongs to the nation and to his friends, followers and devotees across the world. But, above all, he belongs to Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, to the divine ideal he consecrated his everything to forever.

10. Who loves Netaji --- he who maligns him by foisting relations on him or he who stands strong in denunciation of such perfidy?

11. Simple people are closer to Netaji for they are humble and live lives of greater sacrifice with barely any security.

12. Unless one is totally devoid of self-interest and stands clear in the sunshine of life with a heart full of love and a head free of hate, unless one is established firm in truth and the character born of purity with no selfish motivations impelling, one cannot truly belong to Netaji for the warrior-sage was the very antithesis of it.

13. Netaji has been betrayed by all without exception and survives still to receive our adoration. Hail his lifelong purity!

14. Netaji, the worthy successor of Swamiji, followed his spiritual mentor to the hilt and liberated his being from the temptations of the flesh. His epic personality untainted by cravings carnal lent his being a supernal dimension unmatched in the political history of the world and permanently etched him in public memory as the warrior-sage of our times.

15. Netaji's greatest achievement was his fidelity to the ideals of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda the crowning glory of which was his observance of lifelong chastity.

16. Netaji dehypnotised the already hypnotised Indians and galvanised them into revolutionary action against the British imperialists. His power to dehypnotise was founded on his spiritual power. And his spirituality consisted in his maintenance of lifelong celibacy, perfect chastity and unbroken continence in the very mould of his spiritual mentors, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, who he, following the footsteps of the unforgettable Sister Nivedita, considered as an integrated spiritual being and in whose penumbra he flowered into the redoubtable revolutionary who shook the world.

17. How strange it is that men across the border of West Bengal in neighbouring Bangladesh rejoice over Netaji and weep over the betrayal done unto him while we remain oblivious of all the perfidies perpetrated against him from every quarter! Oh, how the valorous suffer at the hands of the very ones they seek to liberate!

18. To sift fact from fiction in Netaji's life is a Herculean task and to see people gullible in their acceptance of traitorous tales!

19. It is the characteristic of the coward to threaten, it is the calling of the valorous to march ahead.

20. Netaji's devotion to Brahmachari Kailasham and Swami Bhaswarananda needs to meditated on.

21. How can you call a brahmachari a married man and ascribe to him wife and daughter? Ask your conscience.

22. Netaji will resurrect when valorous souls will be born in days to come. It is not for cowards to do his cause.

23. Oh, how it must have felt for Netaji to have been betrayed by one and all! He was felled even in character by malicious campaign.

24. Could the one that had pledged himself to the nation in dewy dawn betray his calling of chastity late in the day? I so much doubt.

25. Was Netaji married? Well, my understanding is that he was not. He lifelong practised the golden principles of renunciation and service as enunciated by Swamiji and lived a life of perfect purity in line with his early leanings towards sannyas.

26. Swamiji and Netaji both had uncompromising courage of conviction to pursue their ideals. Nothing could thwart their way. No hindrance was big enough to cower them into submission. Theirs was the play of the mighty will enjoined to absolute purity of living and purpose dedicated to the cause of national and world regeneration. Separated in years, they were, yet, the twin souls that manifested on the terrestrial plane to set ablaze the citadels of human ignorance and its concomitant evils, and, so, set into motion the Wheel of Dharma which is the mission of the Avatar. Swamiji worked in the thought plane, in the subliminal human consciousness, while Netaji set about recreating conditions on the surface level of human existence such that those supernal vibrations of the Swami may seek fruition and humanity enlightened unto its divine end.

27. Much more than activism will be required to do justice to Netaji. Character will have to be formed in the very mould that had been the cast for the hero in his formative years, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda.

28. Swamiji and Netaji represent a continuum. The latter was the seamless transition of the former.

29. Must we lend sanction by our silence to the threefold heresy of ash, crash and paternal dash of our hero of unsullied purity?

30. Why must we reduce Netaji to our own fallible proportions and attribute carnal heresies on his unsullied being?

31. He was cast in a heroic mould. He liberated our motherland. He had fallen from grace. Incongruous!

32. Our nation is doomed to failure at home and abroad so long as we do not solve the Netaji mystery and give the great man his due.

33. Men will go exuberant in their devotion for Netaji, yet, will not exercise the slightest effort to clear his name of calumny.

34. What a shame that Netaji has supporters that silently defame him! Woe unto the hero of such cowardly following!

35. Deep is the conspiracy, treacherous the means to keep the hero within fallible bounds, lest he grow too far for enemies to combat.

36. Such a soul of Himalayan altitude, how on earth can men foist unholy attributes on him, how associate ill-founded relations?

37. Netaji is like an iceberg whose revealed portion is gigantic but whose submerged section is significantly vaster.

38. Dare ye plunge headlong into the Netaji mystery? Then buck up, you'll need some pluck to tread this thorny path. It's treachery all the way!

39. The sattvik man has slow breath, fast thoughts, focused mind and dispassionate soul. Such was Netaji.

40. Who betrayed Netaji? Who tarnished his reputation? Who all continue to drum up the same old narrative?

41. Q. Who loves Netaji?
A. Those that do not attempt for selfish reasons to sully his unblemished, spotlessly pure character.

42. Why cast this solitary reaper of the harvest of freedom in the marital mode? Why malign his lifelong innocence of the flesh?

43. A falsity is a falsity,
      However well you dress it.
      Dupe you can the whole world,
      You can scarce dupe yourself.

44. A cry for justice on one hand,
      Casting calumny on the other.
      Was this the gift we gave him?
      Was this our love for him, brother?

45. Was it not an imperative for the enemy to tarnish the image of Netaji by concocting carnal connections and attributing them to him?

46. It is a corrupt carnal conspiracy that has been hatched against our hero to reduce him to fallible human stature. Shame! Shame!

47. Did Netaji ever say in person before reliable multiple witnesses that he was married? Is there any proof whatsoever?

48. Those that clamour most in the name of Netaji ought to first seek to clear his name of the carnal calumny thrust on him.

49. Netaji, fervid follower of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, had vowed perfect allegiance to them lifelong. Would he belie his own words?

50. Is there any other historical personality than Netaji who has been so brutally betrayed in every count right to the assassination of his character?

51. Would he, for whatever we know he was, risk revolution, reputation and responsibility to enter into carnal complications? Ask yourself.

52. We love Netaji as Netaji had loved all of us before even our days had dawned. Yet, must we in silence bear this carnal conspiracy?

53. Do you know who Netaji was? He was fiery brahmacharya, unbroken chastity, absolute fidelity to the national cause. Was he, you think, an irresponsible fool that he would give in to carnal connections, in those tumultuous days of global cataclysm, risking his entire revolutionary movement for freedom? No, no, not he, not he. He was of a sterner stuff, a purer perspective, a supernal soldier of the soul who would never compromise national interest for petty personal purpose, however exalted human relations of whatever type may seem to be in the individual eye of infatuation, but never quite sublime enough in the hero's vision to lower his zeal for liberation of the motherland. For invariably such striking of earthy roots was alien to his avowed being and he had assiduously avoided company of the fairer sex in youth when the passions are heightened and fallibility is at its vulnerable worst.

Netaji had always striven for the spiritual ideal of perfection right from his boyhood days when he was lightening-struck by the integral spiritual personality of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda. Struggling with continence in those initial days of self-awakening, Subhas Chandra had eventually eradicated lust from his body by self-admission but had found elimination of its seeds from the mind a more difficult proposition. His lifelong battle with conquest of carnality continued but that should not prompt one to rush to a hasty conclusion that he did give in to the pleasures of the senses thereof and relinquish his life's pursuit of spiritual perfection. Such a one, weak-willed, short-sighted and lacking in fundamental fidelity to traditional Hindu values and the moral bindings of the day, such a one, given to the fleeting sensations of the hour or the ephemeral dreams of familial life, as he would be should be assume the intimate relations foisted on him to be true, could not have been the Netaji we know and who the world revered, from Hitler to Hirohito, from the commoner to the Crown, and who with his towering self brought down the Empire to its knees. It is conspiracy of a heinous order to so cast calumny on a spotless soul such as he and time will sure erase this blot that has been thrust on he who liberated us.

There were many who profited then and there are many who profit to this day from aspersions cast, myths propagated, character assassinated in relation to the one who truly was the soul of India after the demise of the Swami Vivekananda who he ardently followed throughout his life, whose framed photograph he kept beside his bed and whose idealism fired his revolutionary fibre to the inmost depths of his being. To defame such a one with perfected lies is worse than blasphemy in the fanatic's eye.

And here lies the crux of the matter. Do you love Netaji? Do you also believe in his :
1. death by air-crash?
2. interned body-ash?
3. perverse paternal dash?
If you do not, I am in kinship with you. Else, we severe bonds for such culpability is alien to the truth-seeker, to the uncompromising warrior of the soul.

Jai Hind! 

54. To defame such a one with perfected lies
      Is worse than blasphemy's in the fanatic's eyes.

55. Gumnami Baba / Bhagawanji cast aside the ash-crash-paternal dash theories and disappeared on Sep 16, 1985 into thin air as before.

56. It is curious, indeed, that the best devotees of Netaji, those committed to his cause, all believe in Bhagawanji / Gumnami Baba as being Netaji.

57. There are those who genuinely love Netaji and those that pretend. The latter prefer ash-crash-paternal dash. Hence, deduce...

58. Ashraful Islam has through his love for Netaji opened my eyes to a deep spiritual truth in whose light Netaji stands revealed.

59. I wonder how many agents are at work to prop up falsehoods in the name of aspersions cast on Netaji's character.

60. To call genuine devotees of Netaji fanatics is but the last-ditch effort of the deluded to distract attention from the main issue.

61. Facts are proven by files, not myth-making to please masters or to get their nod. Who says dynasty is gone?

62. Such a plethora of lies! Credulity surely has its limits but indoctrination admixed with servile infatuation knows no such bounds.

63. The innocent of facts give in to lies, the deliberate fools thrive in ignorance but traitors they are who mislead the masses.

64. Foisting fatherhood on an unmarried person arbitrarily and without credible proof is surely not a principled stand nor is it moral.

65. What do these agents of untruth gain by attempting to sully the image of our patriot premier by foisting wife n daughter on him?

66. Have the so-called protagonists of Hindu culture forgotten that it is not binding on a Hindu to marry and beget progeny?

67. Just a nod, just a pat on the back by your mentor/master/myth-maker and you swoon into an ocean of lies. Patriotism indeed!

68. Is fractional familial affirmation proof of patriot's paternity? What about the fractional familial negation of the same?

69. The revolutionary movement was foiled at every step by betrayers. How horrific that they operate still to malign our liberator!

70. Where's the evidence fair n square?
      Where's the proof of it all?
      Why concoct love-letters galore?
      Why so make him small?
      Why foist fake romantic bonds?
      Why death-sentence in air?
      Why repose such faith in ash?
      Why fatherhood? Lay bare.

71. He had asked for our blood and we spilled his by tarnishing him in every count including his crystal-clear character. What devotion!

72. I wonder where the fabrication unit is where lies about Netaji are forged and foisted on the nation to tarnish his celibate status.

73. If to defend Netaji's celibate status is to defame him, my Lord, I plead guilty to the charge. Now sentence me in conscience clear.

74. The apathy among those who claim devotion to Netaji to clearing his name of carnal calumny is baffling, nay, downright blasphemous.

75. To every challenge thrown at me I have an answer that will uphold Netaji to be pure and celibate.

76. Netaji is as deep as the ocean, as wide as the skies and as subtle as the Atman to elude the understanding of fools galore.

77. The blood of the revolutionaries had flowed for fools to make merry with marriage story it seems. Bridal procession indeed!

78. What have cowards to do with one who was the epitome of courage? How can sensual beings comprehend the grandeur that is continence?

79. Are we men when we so betray
      Our patriot pure everyday
      With links of love that foul his soul
      And cast him down to earthly sway?

80. Pity those who suffer from the need for attention and spray comments vicious on my profile posts to label indignities on Netaji.

81. Sycophancy is a common trait of sold-out characters who switch loyalties overnight to please familial masters.

82. Can anyone by force of perfidious comments galore ever succeed in proving that Netaji was not celibate?

83. Evidence and lack of it both amply demonstrate the celibate status of Netaji. Now what is to be gained by foisting relations on him?

84. It astounds one to witness so-called devotees of Netaji shower accolades on him while allowing the assassination of his pure self.

85. Netaji was a true follower of Vivekananda and, in the words of Swami Bhaswarananda of the Singapore RKM, bore a monk-like equanimity.

86. It is fascinating to see how some professed devotees of Netaji can stoop so low as to cast calumny on him through foisted relations.

87. Netaji used to visit RKM, Singapore in the dead of night, change attire, enter the shrine and remain lost in meditation for hours.

88. When the venerable Bhaswaranandaji of RKM, Singapore says Netaji had monk-like equanimity, my purity-pointy has been made.

89. Cowards, cowards everywhere that dare thrust on Netaji of blazing purity, unsullied innocence, that which even the shameless shirk from.

90. Poor Netaji, this spraying commentator on my profile wall will perforce give you marriage! Beware of such perfidious elements!

91. I oft wonder why commoners of little intelligence attempt this impossible task of fitting Netaji into constricted conceptions.

92. It is such a crime to label Netaji as not celibate when he was manifestly so and then to keeping spraying ludicrous comments.

93. A seafaring soul has lost sanity, it seems, as he is hell-bent upon solemnising nuptial rites for Netaji.

94. But for a marriage feast, oh, how he craves for the meat! Is there someone who will fulfil his wish?

95. Shamelessness has its limits; this commentator on my profile wall has none. It is the most horrendous offence against Netaji to force him into marriage.

96. Mr. Sea, don't you see
      The hero was not, not like ye?
      Wish for one, so, you are free,
      Pray, spare this god, so, let him be.

      Mr. Sea, what fantasy!
      By day you dream such heresy.
      Twisted minds do spell such charm
      n sweep thy sense in perfidy.

      Mr. Sea, must magical be
      To hoist the flag of nation free.
      Why foist relations flung so far?
      In what envy, pray, what envy?

      Wildest dreams, now let them rest,
      Mr. Sea, you've tried your best.
      His life so pure doth fair attest
      No marital mar, dark blasphemy.

      P.S. :
      What foolishness, Mr. Sea!
      Thou revile both Netaji and me
      Who thou addressed Guruji.
      I wonder what's in store for thee.
      A slur thou art for sure,
      A slur on humanity.

97. Hurling invective at me and my family will scarce prove Netaji's loss of celibacy. He remains ever-pure, unsullied by carnality.

98. As sanity returns with the cessation of foul comments by a deliberate one, I return too to Ramakrishna. He shall sanitise our souls.

99. Netaji's abiding purity lasted a lifetime. Thus, marital implications on him and progeny thereof are utterly blasphemous.

100. This marriage myth must be dispelled if we are to honour our premier leader fair and square. How can you give in to such conspiracy?

101. How can anyone who truly honours Netaji give in to lies perpetrated about him in terms of cooked-up alliances? Gullible, beware!

102. Why must you malign Netaji with carnal connections profane and false once he is not there among us to refute the relations? 

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