Saturday, 23 September 2017


1. Shashi Maharaj and Tulsi Maharaj laid the foundation of the work begun by Swamiji in South India. All three were brother disciples for they were all the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna.

2. Read Vivekananda. He will enter your bloodstream and make of you a superman.

3. The clarion call from Colombo to Almora wakened slumbering India into revolutionary activity. Decades later the same lion-roar was heard across the continents from the protege, the climactic enactment of this unfinished drama. And even now may be heard such a thunderous tone in the wild winds, in the rapids and the rushes, and in the heartthrob of patriots inspired by the call of freedom, freedom that is the song of the soul.

4. Swamiji in his humility used to hold Raja Maharaj as being spiritually superior to him. Verily, the spiritual son of Thakur is to me an enigma.

5. One should imbibe the democratic spirit from its supreme exemplar, Sri Ramakrishna. How catholic, how liberal, how accommodating he was!

6. Did Swamiji deliver merely a message for the world? No, his words were spirit and fire, as he himself averred, and they penetrated the subliminal consciousness of humanity and transformed man.

7. Latu Maharaj was truly a marvel of Thakur. Utterly unlettered, he yet rose to the heights of spiritual transcendence through the sheer grace of his divine Guru.

8. Meditation clarifies the system of the dross that otherwise creates psychological stress with all its concomitant evils. So, meditate if you wish to be healthy, happy and peaceful. Om!

9. The problem with those that speak on religion today is that they lack the character to lend force to their utterances. Hence, they fail to impress upon the audience the import of all that they articulate.

10. How lucky you would feel if you could ride a spaceship and travel to Mars! How much luckier you right now are when you can ride this human body and fly to freedom! This body is the greatest vehicle that is engineered to enable this flight and, yet, to what despicable use we subject it to in our daily intercourse. The prime purpose of life is the realisation of who we are. This is called God-realisation or Self-realisation and is the ultimate quest of man in his terrestrial dream.

11. The man of renunciation is the proof of God.

12. The generality of mankind must adopt service as their spiritual motto while the ardent must strive for realisation.

13. Long ago Swamiji had invoked strength in our nation by drawing on the eternal powerhouse of the Upanishads. Thakur had awakened him from his state of samadhi and brought him down to earth to save humanity from imminent destruction. Swamiji is an ever-free soul who holds in meditative grip the fate of the universe. The earthly incarnation was but a spark.

Whenever terrestrial conditions degenerate unto the reign of evil, the Lord manifests in human form to set things right. For the destruction of evil, for the preservation of good, for the establishment of righteousness, He manifests in earthly attire.

The world evolves in an undulating cyclical form in alternate phases of progression and retrogression along a spiral path. Following this pattern spirituality and materialism take to alternate rise and fall as in a sine wave. The balance between the two is ever shifting leading to an eventual criticality. It is then that a readjustment is necessary when materialism rules the roost and threatens to destroy the fabric of civilisation. Times are ripe now, the conditions pregnant with possibilities of a divine descent and the Avatar is born. An Age unfolds.

14. When the springtime of youth dawns in the wake of spiritual initiation, it is blossoms all the way.

15. He lives in the poor and the destitute as much as He lives in the rich and the secure. Let us serve all without distinction.

16. The path of the spirit is austere, never the primrose path, but the way beyond this world even unto the sunshine of freedom.

17. Self-promotion leads to death, Self-realisation to immortality.

18. The peerless Paramahamsa was purity personified which lay at the base of his appeal unto all. And thence flowed his supernal love.

19. He held them in love like none had ever known, he strung of them a garland for the Mother.

20. Once more must the Master come to deliver unto man his perennial message in invigorating terms. The collective consciousness must be quickened.

21. His entourage comes with him for the Master must have carriers of his message and transmitters of his power.

22. Swami Vivekananda was the cyclonic monk, so said Hemchandra Ghosh, the redoubtable revolutionary, thrilled by his heroic touch.

23. Vivekananda left the shores of India in search of funds to rebuild her. In effect he rebuilt civilisation across the seas.

24. Brahmananda was a veritable dynamo of spiritual power. Unto him was delivered by the Master the key to granting men freedom.

25. Ketaki Maharaj has remained unparalleled in the annals of the Mission in his service to the Khasis. He was barely 38 when he died.

26. Like as the blue sky beckons us to a higher realm,
      So do our thoughts unify unto the One.

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