Tuesday, 31 May 2016


1. There is no other God than thy own Self whose reflection is the wide world around.
2. Thou shalt not worship any as God save he that hath shown thee the Way.
3. And he shalt be worshipped in spirit alone and never in form for the Self within, that is the Lord, is formless too.
4. Thy Lord and Master is thy own Self, seated deep within and seeking nought from thee for It is they essence, so what shalt It seek?
5. If ye shalt worship, then do so to thy preceptor who art thy Self reflected in thy purest mind, thy core communing to thee.
6. Thou shalt please him ever with service supreme for in it lies thy highest good, the following of his precepts, obedience of his commandments, fulfilment of his wishes and practice of the principles taught thee by him that hath given life and light to thee.
7. He who hath given thee direction in this maze ye call life shalt lead thee unto thy highest Self too in the fullness of time and know ye that it is thy Self which is the Self in all and that all that appears to be not thee are but thy Self covered up by the light of this world.
8. So, adore thy preceptor who art thy purest form but do so forsooth never in form for he forbids the worship of the finite that warps thy thoughts in the mire of matter.
9. In spirit abide, and in spirit adore, him who hath given thee light of thy inner Self for verily he that receiveth the wondrous word shalt be set free from all bondage.
10. Light of the world, O, thy light is hid deep within where dark may not ever overcome thee, and know that light to be thee in thy inmost Self akin to the Sun that shines ever and never dims, so also is they truest Self.
11. Thy Lord seeks nought from thee save thy continual contemplation of thy core consciousness where freedom is, holiness is and all that is good and welcome for man is.
12. So, live thy life not in liveried form but cover thyself in simple thought of the Self within that ye may be freed from this error of sight that sees the all and fails to witness the One within.
13. Live within in blessed bliss and seek ye not the life without for fraught it is with shadow of death, but the life within flows fragrant free, nor tinge of doubt nor shade there be.
14. Hold hard to thy guide as ye proceed through the rough ravines and the precipitous paths en route to the summit of the Self supreme where the twain in bliss shall merge for sure and be the One that never was two nor three nor more but ever was one or less than so, nought, nought and nothing more.
15. Thou shalt eat, drink and sleep in moderation for thine it is to keep the vital stuff.
16. Thou shalt not forsake thy infirm parents but shalt serve them to the best of thy ability.
17. Thou shalt seek the pleasure of the soul and not that of the palate for in such withholding lies the liberation from the pain of the unceasing cycle of life.
18. Thou shalt honour thy nation and of thy nation seek that which is consonance with humanity in the whole.
19. Thou shalt not smoke or drink or partake of forbidden food, for the elements purified will lead to a greater joy and liberation thereof.
20. Thou shalt ever speak the truth and hold on to truthfulness through your trials and tribulations but shalt never compromise the general good for such personal adherence for the other one ought not to pay for your virtue by undergoing pain or loss of security.
21. Truth in the absolute is one but may be approached in a myriad ways. Hold unto the path that ye hast been endowed with but wish well to those that traverse along parallel paths.
22. Dogma binds, spirituality frees. So, hold fast unto the Spirit that ye shall in vision see that which is thy aspired end, thy glorious Self.
23. Study the Word daily and make a sacrifice of thy life unto the good of all.
24. This life is an ephemeral dream but live it well to realize thy permanent abode lest thou shalt fall into darkness which goes by inertia. Ever strive to live well and righteously so for in thy effort lies the well-being of many. Then, having had the taste of life ephemeral, renounce to prepare for the grand departure.
25. Purity being the sole source of energy, be pure by all means to achieve thy wherewithal in life and to give up when the call comes or when age beckons thee the other way.
26. Thou shalt conserve thy energy and not fritter it away in fruitless pursuits, frivolities and anger, lust and greed.
27. As thou sowest, so shalt thou reap. A single cause may bring forth a single effect or multiple causes may produce a resolved effect. So, there is clemency in good action, mercy in love as truer deeds ward off evil effects.
28. Act wisely to strike off fetters for unwise deeds forge more links to bind the soul to bondage base.
29. Seek the company of the Word within and the Light that shines in the sanctum serene where silence reigns save the Om and the dark is dispelled in effulgence free.
30. Seek not the path from prophets false but seek ye the light from thy Master that knows for whosoever knows the Self shalt show the path and none else, none else.
31. The Self is all that is, what else ye seek in ignorance of thy real nature? None else is but the Self.
32. Read the library of the Self to know the world around but never judge the Self by the standards of the world. Science illumines the ignorant mind, this Self-knowledge enlightens the wise.
33. The Self is neither born nor does it die, neither does it live nor have cessation of existence, for it is the essence of existence transcending life and death. Itself illimitable, it does not enter into space-time-causality but is the witness to it all.
34. This One is beyond enumeration and so cannot be called the One but is the nameless one, formless, unqualified, without attributes, location or alliance. Solitary, serene, self-brooding, this is the sole Presence, unbounded, spherical infinitude that is at the heart of things while roof-life hangs the Cosmos.
35. Transcending the 'I', this Atman is the non-dual existence, self-conscious, the golden thread running through the pearls of life, the pervasive Presence through eternity, lonesome, alone, without a second nor with any hope of a replication. Subject it is forever with the objectified world its shadow.
36. The power of forgiveness wins over enemies but this power must be with discretion uses, else, evil will rise in society.
37. Love is the essence of life and love consists in sacrifice.
38. Renunciation, truthfulness and purity are the pillars of religion and without these any movement in the name of God peters down to politics of a debasing kind. So are prophets of old often the initiators of perfidious political movements that have deluged the world with blood and wholesale destroyed civilizations.
39. Silent are the saints, vocal the politicians who amass an army of followers for their nefarious political ends in the name of religion and God. Like dewdrops these pure children of light freshen the soil and help blossom the flowers of humanity. These are the living wells of spirituality and deserve our highest worship. They us unto liberation.
40. Shrouded in mystery are the origins of religion but clear as daylight is thy own origin where thou shouldst seek spiritual sustenance from. Thou art thy saviour, thy prophet, thy liberator, seek none beyond.
41. What thou cast off follows thee, what thou forsake enslaves itself to thee. Knowing this, reject all and be the master of this universe for thine it is to renounce thus and possess.
42. Truth abides in the heart of all, yet, truth reveals itself not, for myriad are the desires that cover up the face of truth. The dust of desire having been washed off by the tears of divine love, truth manifests itself in its pristine purity flooding the form in bliss.
43. Holy is the water that holds the soul, holier the soul that beholds it.
44. There is no coming or going, 'tis but a flight of fancy that in delusion displaces the soul from point to point when all of space-time is but an extension in thought, a stretch of imagination. The Self ever broods upon the Self, spaceless, timeless, uncaused.
45. Mark ye thy Master that hath given thee light and freedom in removing the scales off thine eyes and set him apart from the rest of humanity that ye shall be blessed in such honour. For blessed is he that doth follow the Lord and find his footing in this maze of Maya, the desert-sand of life. And that Lord know it to be him that hath cast off his all to save thy soul. Follow him!
46. Unto him belongs the eternal beatitude who shall spurn the offers of this narrow plot ye call the earth and greet that is offered him from the highest heavens, his fountain of perennial peace, the Self within that is the source of all.
47. When the final moment comes, let not the thought revert to aught of earth but may it flow in to the One within which art the end of all.
48. Birth was but a blessed dream, life itself a dream of sorts, and now that death stares stark in the face, will ye not see the dream-end too and so shake off this dream of dreams?
49. Live thy life in a manner free that ye may never bondage see. Shun the shame of of finity free and fearless abide in infinity.
50. Give unto others all that ye wouldst give unto thine own in distress. Blessed be the giver for unto him belongs the bounty of the world and the peacefulness of the Self serene.
51. The disciple runs into grave danger on forsaking the Guru. Hence, transgress not the preceptor's bounds.
52. Submission to the preceptor achieved, all attainment is at hand. Then, victory is within sight of the final scaling over the precipice to the garden of joy.
53. On this side is the deadly chasm; on the other side is Paradise. O devotee, seek to hold the hand of thy preceptor as thou traverse the razor's edge.
54. All is well when the Guru is pleased; all foul up when ye incur his displeasure. For the pathfinder never lets thee down but ye doeth it to thyself. Therefore, forever seek solace in his company, seek ever refuge at his blessed feet.
55. Culture is plummeting. You, my children, must be the vanguards of the new civilization that must now set in to save humanity from extinction.
56. Is there a link between the great saviours of humankind? Could they be manifestations of a single super-soul with a single agenda, that of human redemption? What are the missing links? What are the links that be? Where is the flow, the continuum? Discover that ye may be delivered.
57. Whosoever knoweth It, knoweth It not, but, verily, verily, this I say unto thee that whosoever hast lost his self and found himself in It, hast known It and yet not known It for sure, for who can know the unknowable save by deflection of It's shadow from Itself? Therefore, be It and be It in truth alone, for the Messiah liveth on this side of the mountains as well.
58. Water of the Jordan or water of the Ganga? Each is pure by its self-standard or the standard of the clime but rare, indeed, is the one that sees into the heart of things and sets forth the value in the light of the soul that is the substance of all that is, and never the shadowy world about. The Self is the standard, the essence, whose crust is the wide world ranging from the dust to the Divine.
59. Know the preceptor to be of the nature of the Self and thy final fruition too. There the Trinity meet.
60. When shall it rain the water of the heavens, cleansing the soul of all its dross? When shall it flood the mansion of this man, taking away the dark and lighting up the cells that lie in wait for the call of the Sun? The plains fill up, so do the valleys, and in this mountainous terrain, shall not the water stand? From end to end the light washes its beams onto fallen man, raising him unto the realm within, his lost domain. And then, freedom is.
61. Superstition of the ages have held their sway till date. The time has come when thou shalt strike out against these ancient fetters that bind thee down and proclaim with voice of truth thy inherent rights, the rights of man, boundless, free.
62. Light the lamp of knowledge within to dispel the dark of the outside.
63. Whosoever cares for the needy, shares his all for the same; whosoever shares what he hath with those that hath not, cares indeed for all.
64. Duty lies in serving all, not in piety divorced from the well-being of brother man. Piety purifies the soul of man that he shall serve his brother best. Fraternal feelings must include all, not mere clan or tribe or sect or nation but the whole of blessed humanity and even beyond to the lower beings. And it is blasphemous to label the worm as low, for who shall rank life-forms so, when in Brahman all are threaded the same.
65. Prosperity pursues the virtuous one who knows the use of wealth. The vicious one, mired in self, ever seeks well-being but is denied the same. For him it is a craving so crass that Nature spares nought for him. So, seek thy wealth but ever seek, before, the virtue to wield thy power, pelf, in righteous way for the good of all and, last of all, for thy own good.
66. Why fear thy fate when in virtue thou shalt cross the ocean of terrible life? Why fruitless dwell on the night of death when springtime blossom thou fail to see? Awake, awake, O sleeping souls, and virtuous, valorous, smash the dream, this nightmare dreaded of forms and names.
67. A nation is not built by a mass of indolent fools nor is it built by characterless politicians or avaricious businessmen. A nation is built by millions of selfless individuals who can sacrifice their lot unto the good of all, caring not what may befall them in the bargain. These are not traders in love but are patriots whose religion is national well-being and whose motto human welfare in the name of the highest ideal, that of Self-realization. Such a life of pure service lead, my children, that ye may not spend thy terrestrial time in vain.
68. The world is going to ruins in the absence of genuine love. All that is there in the name of love is barter, trade in love, so mired in materialism the world is today. It is here that ye may be of service to the world if ye will set up a high ideal of selfless love for all and sundry, especially, the weak and the oppressed, the destitute and the dispossessed,the sick and the suffering.
69. Thou shalt pursue beauty in thy quest for truth and truth in thy adoration of beauty for, verily, thy deepest welfare is bonded in the twain.
70. Educate thyself if ye will bring about human welfare. Knowledge helps lifts the veils that hang over the eyes and keep one in servile state. Ideas dispel illusions, empower the soul to battle against the iniquities of life. So, know and serve to advance civilization.
71. International understanding is an imperative today in a world increasingly getting interconnected at every level, in every phase. Cross-cultural interactions are routine nowadays and this requires effective communication of ones' own culture without any proselytizing pretensions and appreciation of others' cultures with a view to absorbing what is best in them. Education, absorption, assimilation and growth---this is the way forward.
72. The youth may transform the world for the better if they choose to be objective about the problems besetting it, resist brainwashing, indoctrination and all of its ilk, and set about reshaping their own lives along lines of enlightened rationality. A system of scientific education, despite resistance, may yet transform the world and remove much of the maladies that affect it today. Therefore, it is imperative to work for the proper education of the masses. Herein lies dharma.
73. Ye can never attain to Truth unless ye be ever truthful in thought, word and deed.
74.  Failing in thy duty to conform to truth, thou showeth before the world thy weakness of will. What glory thou behold in such debasement of thy self , what aspirations of thine dost thou seek to fulfil thus? Verily, do I say unto thee that whosoever shall abide by truth shall attain to Truth and none else. Hold fast unto thy supreme Self and with every breath seek the living God within who art the essence of Truth.
75. Wonder of wonders is that man clings to faith and refuses to reason, believes in the mercy of a tyrant God and rejects the benevolence of brother man, suffers superstition in hope of heaven and renders life on earth unto a veritable hell. Primeval light peering through polluted mind seeks deliverance through cosmic delusion. The result is religiosity of a vicious kind, fanatical, obsolete, absolutist exclusiveness that knows neither acceptance of others' beliefs nor tolerance worth the call. Seek within thy inner self the sanctum of the Spirit and break free from age-old darkness. Step ye into the realm of light and bear the bliss of freedom. Within the human frame lies the God ye seek, within the heart of hearts lies the bliss ye yearn for.
76. Fanaticism wins over liberalism in securing adherents on account of its intensity of negative concentration and because the human species is not yet evolved enough in the general to discriminate between truth and untruth. Fantastic propositions hold the human mind more securely than reasonable realities. The delusive idea of infinitude in ignorance leads men to pin faith in the fanciful articulations of messiahs and prophets themselves perverted from truth by self-deception. Yet, such is the grip absurd imagination has on the untrained mind that billions fall for it and suffer subjection to gross materialism masquerading as spirituality. God, the figment of man's imagination, rules over him and sentences him to servility for ages before the critical mass of reason be reached when he will wake up to his faculty of free-thinking and rational enlightenment. Much later will come spirituality that transcends matter and reason and reaches the core of consciousness which is the seat of the absolute Brahman.
77. Pitfalls of logic suit irrational faiths well, fallacies fructify as foisted tenets, dogma displaces deliberation. Imposition impairs insight as spirituality takes to flight. Pollution of personality prosecutes proceedings despite pretentious claims to purity of purpose and the slightest deviation from dogma decrees devastation as blasphemy barbecues blessedness. A scientific revolution is the way out but alas, it may yet be at a heavy cost. 
78.Revelation must fulfil reason, not contradict it. If it runs contrary to reason and is exclusive in its occurrence, reject it, for truth must have validity either in universal experience or in enlightenment which must be open to all. This is the only way past dogmatic adherence to irrational beliefs, founded on so-called revelations, and their foster-child, fanaticism. If peace and prosperity in their highest sense are to prevail on earth, archaic superstitions must be given up and rationality upheld as worthy of being integral to the human pursuit for truth and excellence. This, however, does in no way mean that religious practices pertaining to cultivation of the inner life of man have no place in the future renascent order of things. Rather, reason is to be the safeguard against falling into the pitfalls of magic and mummery and absolutist assertions of the chosen ones of an arbitrary God who speaks only to the ignorant that dare not contradict Him in terms of enlightened reason. Reason that is chastened in the crucible of renunciation and purity where the least contamination of lust, lucre, power or pelf is assiduously avoided to attain to the subtlest of nervous evolution whereby the higher truths of the spirit may be perceived, such sublimation of the mental faculties are in conformity with the pursuit of truth without a tinge of external imposition or internal presupposition. Such is the rational way of the spirit as it obtains in enlightened India which in no way contradicts the investigative, evidential methodology of science as applied to the inner world and is free of dogma, doctrine, diktat or mental imposition of any kind, for freedom being the goal of this search after truth, freedom is held as the means to it as well. The Abrahamic religions have much to learn from the democracy of spirit as obtains in Hinduism and if they do so, they stand a moderate chance of surviving the onslaughts of modern science. Else, they will dwindle in course of time, for an increasingly educated humanity will refuse to abide by archaic irrational prescriptions of scriptures or absolutist assertions of messiahs or messengers. Man is on the rise and only the spiritual traditions of India that collectively go by the name of the Sanatan Dharma or, popularly, Hinduism can accommodate the rising aspirations of the human soul that will brook no opposition as it manifests progressively its godhead. Only Hinduism and its derivative schools of religious thinking such as Jainism and Buddhism allow this fullest bloom of the human soul and only these will survive the ravages of time. Grounded in the scientific spirit as these are, they are in perfect compatibility with the findings of modern science and are being strengthened by the mathematical formulations of science unlike the Abrahamic religions which are forever in conflict with science and, as such, are threatened with extinction at the hands of science. Either they reform their ways, become tolerant of other faiths and learn to harmoniously co-exist with all, or they will go down the way other ancient religions have at their hands, for, in the very words of Christ, ''Whosoever shall liveth by the sword, shall perish by it." Long live the meek Hindus and all those who choose to emulate them in civility of behaviour, catholicity of culture and universality of acceptance! Om!
79.The tenets are there to follow, the faith has a foundation and the Self is the ground on which to stand. But adherence to the preceptor is the key for in him the principle becomes flesh. Whosoever follows the Guru, reaches the goal.
80.Spiritual effusions are often a hindrance to spiritual progress for a sudden overload of emotions often degrades the aspirant after a temporary high. Therefore, seek to subdue emotional overflow with discrimination and channelise the energy within to sever the karmic links that bar the way to freedom.
81. The world is battling to be human, the divine is far away still.
82. Freedom they fight for is of the bound soul, spiritual freedom is far far away.
83. Material cravings having been met, the thirst of the soul begins. Then comes renunciation and with it comes light.
84. Perfection is one and performance is another. Between the two lies perseverance buoyed by patience. Effort and execution are siblings that behold each other with an equal eye.
85. Be pure, be holy, for such are the bearers of the best fruits humanity is heir to.


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