Tuesday 3 May 2016


We, who are the members of THE GOSPEL SOCIETY, have initiated a movement to encourage the reading of THE GOSPEL OF SRI RAMAKRISHNA 10 pages a day. We believe that the words of the Master, if read and absorbed, will purify us and take us closer to God. Thus, shall we be more peaceful and productive which will conduce to our personal benefit as well as to the benefit of the world about us. An army of Gospel readers is the need of the hour for great is the darkness all around but greater is the light within, shrouded though it be by clouds of material cover which may be blown away in a trice by the reading and the reminiscence of the Master's words as recorded by his chronicler 'M' (Mahendranath Gupta) in his epic hagiographical work. So, we exhort devotees to come forward and participate in this grand venture of transformation of self and society by effective reading of THE GOSPEL OF SRI RAMAKRISHNA. May Thakur preserve all in their noble endeavour for, indeed, the reading of the Gospel is dear, very dear to him!

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