Monday, 2 May 2016


My young friends,

We must in Swamiji's name shake up the world. Read, study, orate Swamiji and galvanise human society. Transform yourselves and the world around you beholding all as the manifestations of the Most High. Help the Ramakrishna Mission attain its welfare objectives by assisting them in the fruition of their projects geared for national development and the uplift of the poor and the downtrodden. Make a little sacrifice daily and save Rs. 20 a day and donate the sum when you deem it best in some worthy cause of the Mission. Do not hesitate to seek any clarifications here for all support will be provided in terms of providing information and web-links regarding the projects.

Also, read 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' 10 pages a day to feel inspired to live a spiritual life. These are the words of God, direct and unaltered, and have the sanction of the Supreme. They will fill you with spiritual enthusiasm and uplift you to a higher plane of pure and ethereal vibrations where all is blissfulness and peace. Then will you be impelled to take his holy name, contemplate his holy life and earthly sport, and meditate on him who is the Soul of your soul, the Self of your self, your essence, the substance of your very being.

One more word. I said 'help'. No, not 'help' but 'serve the Mission' for who can help any save God Himself? We may only humbly serve but with flowing confidence in our abilities. There is no greatness in cringing before the mighty Mother, says Swamiji, but, surely, there is merit in self-assertion when such is your stance not for selfish gain but for the good of all. Self-confidence, self-assertion but total absence of egotism or self-serving, that is the way.

May you, my friends, who are in the prime of your youth, be full of the fire of purity and all-embracing love for humanity that you may carry the cross of Swamiji and fulfil his vision of a renascent India in the service of humanity! May your sincere labour of love find fruition in unnumbered acts of service to the cause of suffering humanity, here, in the offering of bread to the one that is condemned to eat grass, there, in the slaking of the thirst of the parched dying for a drop of water, and, yonder, in distant lands across the seas, in the propagation of the message of the Motherland brooded on by seers and sages through aeons, awaiting the fullness of time for the inundation of the world mired in materialism! May Swamiji impregnate your very beings and make you his worthy instruments in the cause of the regeneration of the world for which he had lived and died! Jai Ramakrishna!

Yours in Thakur-Ma,
Sugata Bose.


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