Saturday 28 May 2016


Vivekananda devotees, be brave. Swamiji would have nothing to do with cowardice. The freedom fighters, especially the extremists, had the Geeta in their hands, Vande Mataram on their lips and Vivekananda in their souls as they dared the British to leave the country. Even so, must you be to free the country from the internal and external threats that have so beset it. May Swamiji inspire you with courage to do great deeds for the Motherland and the Sanatan Dharma which through wrong usage has come to be dubbed Hinduism! May Bharat Mata give you the strength to carry out her mission of the dissemination of the spiritual culture of the Vedas throughout the world and so bring about a human renaissance in this age when all seem to be lost to the foul play of fanatics and materialists! Jai Hind!

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