Saturday, 7 May 2016


Do the politicians of the day love the nation? What is your judgement on the issue? I await your response. Do they have the right to uttering the name of Netaji to garner votes when they are hell-bent upon destroying the very fabric of the nation through divisive vote-bank politics? How do they stand in comparison with the stalwarts of the freedom movement or even to the common cadres then when they are busy filling up their pockets with that which ought to be filling up the coffers of the nation? The freedom fighters fought the British to free us while these wily practitioners of politics are fast dragging us into bondage of what proportions one shudders to think. The martyrs then bled that we may breathe the fair air of freedom. The molesters of the motherland today are bleeding us to our doom. Where are we headed in the world of foreign affairs when we cannot keep our domestic front in order? Is it not time enough to wake up or shall we still pretend that we are a spiritual nation, steeped though we be in untruth, insincerity and selfishness of the most servile kind? Citizens awake, lest the hour to redress the follies and foibles that beset us as a nation passes by and we go down the gutters of Time, a forgotten people who prided in a heritage they were unworthy to hold on to.

The times are bad but indecision now as to the course of action to be adopted to counter the vice of the hour will be worse and portentous of impending doom. Politicians cannot be allowed to believe they are our masters and mistresses and we are their slaves with whom they can do what they please, speak any foul language of threats and abuses, behave in any manner devoid of decorum or decency, and simply masquerade as messiahs with a mandate to molest. They are mere representatives of the popular will --- subjugated though it be by the barbarous trends of the times --- and not above the people themselves. Democracy enshrines dignity of the individual, they must as representatives never forget. If the people's rights are infringed, the people will rise in rebellion through the mandate they offer and worse still, if oppression continues, by revolution that history may bear testimony to. The British oppressed us. Where are they today? Politicians beware! Your hour is up. The call of the Divine has been sounded on the banks of Dakshineshwar. It is futile to imagine that you may be more powerful than God Himself. Vivekananda is on the rise in the hearts of the masses, Netaji and the countless martyrs of the Indian freedom struggle are awaiting re-incarnation to reform the land and drive out the last vestige of your evil designs. Lest such an hour comes that you are denied a re-birth in India ever again by the curse of the Almighty for your dastardly deeds, beware! While their is time yet, rectify your stance, dear perpetrators of political perfidy. The morrow may be murky for all your misdeeds and visibility so poor that recovery thereon may not be possible.

My heart goes out to you, my political brethren, for even though apolitical I am, you all are my kith and kin, misdirected souls deluded by the ephemeral gain of the hour and fast sliding into the yawning chasm of self-destruction for inexorable is the Law of Karma and each one of you must account for your misdeeds committed in the name of people's representation. Each tear-drop that has fallen from the eye of a bereaved mother, each wail of a woman widowed in the prime of her youth, each cry of a child orphaned in the sterile curse of a bomb-blast, all of these will have to be accounted for before you find peace with yourself. Till then drink of the cup of desire while the people prepare to pull you down from your perilous pedestal. Remember, the greatest of tyrants succumbed to the might of the common man, you are but yesterday's children.    

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