Thursday, 19 May 2016


Q. 1. Is there a meeting-ground for different, mutually opposed, doctrinaire, exclusive religions?
A. 1. Yes, in the pure pursuit of God-realization by individuals of any faith, regardless of dogma, and in the inevitable reformation of human society globally owing to scientific enlightenment when irrational doctrine, dogma or diktat will be thrown overboard as so much trash into the cosmic bin.
Q. 2. Why is that malefic movements of dubious origin and destructive potential are allowed to grow to pernicious proportions before effective action is earnestly contemplated to control them and, where necessary, eliminate them?
A. 2. This is because hypocrites running the world-show forever compromise on truth for purposes of petty personal gain, for political advantages, business benefits and plain fear to control the devil head-on while yet there is time. And this they do on account of a certain debasing spinelessness of character they suffer from despite tall pretensions to education and culture. Deflecting the main issues of totalitarianism of theology and uncomfortable fundamental facets of exclusive faiths and rather setting up a comfortable conversation on inessential superficiality that will never go to address the deeper issues affecting the world on account of the fall-out of fanaticism stemming from these faiths, is now symptomatic of public speaking, lest the speaker comes by harm from a death warrant signed by an over-zealous bigot. Also, it is fashionable among so-called liberal circles to criticise the mother religion of India for offences made by the million by other faiths of fanatical following to give the appearance of equal blameworthiness to all religions. This is a spineless capitulation to the force of fear and the greed for gold, that is, inducements infiltrating the ranks of the modern messengers of information. Covering a corpse under masses of fresh flowers does not arrest the decay of the dead remains but merely fills the air with the added stench of the festering flowers as well. So is it with this despicable cover-up of the conspiracy of religious terror that passes the buck on geo-political situations and colonial inheritances as being responsible for viciousness of such order while the mainstream adherents live ever in a mode of dubious denial about the foundational sanctions which are the mainspring of such dangerous derivatives. The hypocrisy of semi-literate liberals in refusing to debate on the fundamental tenets of these doctrinaire faiths while making seasoned attacks on the one truly universal religion functional in the world is proof of the mercenary nature of these merchants of information and is, along with the pernicious patronage of politicians for these movements, a significant cause why, unchecked, these archaic absolutisms keep flourishing till they have grown to pernicious proportions. Now is the hour to act in reasonable reflection on the ramifications of irrationality and unreason taking civilization down the drains, if humanity is to survive to see a brighter day. Religion must be scrutinized with rational rigour and accepted or rejected in so far as it passes the test of reason. Individual 'inspiration' cannot hold humanity hostage to violent programmes of indoctrination whereby mass mobilization of malefic forces takes place, perpetually threatening peace and harmony on earth and reducing humanity to a conditioned victim of conspicuous conspiracy they call 'religion'.


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