Friday, 27 May 2016


Each one of you is made up of the stuff of which the stars are not made of but you are the masters of this phenomenal universe and all that abound beyond for you are of the very essence of divinity.

Birthless, deathless spirits you are, perennial beings under temporary delusion that will pass with the passage of time when the cup of your life's experience will be brimful. Then shall you be set free and by whom? Why? Yourself.

This freedom is your true state, your only inheritance, your rightful status. You are blessed beings, sinless, pure, without any vestige of material contamination.

Awake to this realization that you are free already, that you were never bound. Shake off this delusion that you are human and assert that you are divine beings, higher than all the gods and prophets that have bound you to this abject misery of your supposed humanness. Once and for all, break through this network of Maya, strike off these fetters of archaic superstition that you have to submit to any authority on earth or in heaven and stand clean upon your infinite Self. Then shall you know the glory of your Self and never be fooled again.

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