Tuesday, 24 May 2016


It is character that is the force in spirituality; it is purity that moves the masses; it is service and unsullied love that win the sympathy of the people. Cultivate these and the world will rally round you.

Seek not the support of the rich for the masses are your real strength. Money can scarce make any worthwhile change in human society; it is love and genuine concern for all that strike chords in the human heart and bring about gradual transformation in society.

Those that wish to work for the masses must identify with them but on an enlightened basis and not on that of fanatical ideology or political aspiration. The masses suffer everywhere and they have suffered so for ages. They have been the makers of civilisation, these millions of mute victims of social tyranny who for all the persecutions of an unjust world order have, nonetheless, by their labour produced the priceless possessions humanity has been heir to and whose spilled blood from their burst veins have built the edifice of all that is glorious and all that is commonplace in human civilisation.

The history of the world is the life-story of these masses of the freshest flowers of humanity whose toil and tears have shaped the course of human existence but whose sacrifices have been allowed to slip into oblivion for want of suitable representation of their cause in ages gone by when their animal labour was all that mattered to the tyrannical upper classes and they were fodder for the feudal lords, their lives worth a pittance.

If such be your love, my brothers, that you wish to pull these masses up from their dark dungeons to the sunshine of life’s efflorescent spring, then give them culture, the right education, to restore them their lost individuality. The task is onerous but attainable if you are armed in supernal love for your kith and kin, your flesh and blood, your very Self in so many garbs, in so many forms, so much so that life ought to be a veritable festival of worshipful service when all around abound kindred spirits fraught with the depth-divine but suffering in oblivion of their essential identity. So, may it be that some among you be fired up by the idealism of youth and, awakening to the divine within you, set up sympathetic flames of love in others for the poor masses that know not the light of day despite the declaration of democracy for all.

Hail my pure, pristine protagonists of the people! For you is the stage set to safeguard the rights of man; for you is the tide in full flow to carry across the ocean of life these billions of survivors of the barbarism of the ages. Character, purity, love --- let these be the watchwords of your movement to restore the balance of life and usher in a new era of equality and justice for all.

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