Tuesday 3 May 2016


The world is athirst for spirituality, genuine and not the sham that abounds in the marketplace masquerading as messianic wisdom. What the world wants is a spiritual anchor where it can seek refuge from the turbulence of the times, a spiritual force that can rescue it from impending destruction from the surfeit of material tendencies? Who will give such spirituality? Who has it in him in such abundance that transmission into seekers will be spontaneous and transformation of their consciousness inevitable? Who breathes, O Lord, today, who does so that others may live, who dies every moment that some such may spring to life, who endures the rigours of life that others may smile in freedom?

It is such a one who the world awaits,
The man with the mission to See,
To do away with frothy forms,
To cleanse the clogs that be,
And so release the bliss within
Of flowing fountain free.

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