Merely preaching liberalism will not save the world from toxic extremism. Daydreaming does not destroy dastardliness, effective action does. Purification of humanity is not the preacher's task. Giving birth to a holier humanity is the only way to ensuring a nobler order of social existence. This cannot be achieved by tall talk, by pandering to the vanities of the senses, by make-believe interfaith harmony that exists not, but it must be achieved by the sacrifice of thousands of souls at the altar of human evolution, souls that will dedicate their lives utterly to the cause of human regeneration in a fearless, uncompromising way, careless of return. This is what Swami Vivekananda had wanted and this is what we have failed to fulfil while all the while engaging in tall talk that is mere froth and no more.
The world has multiple challenges facing it, challenges that could extinguish human existence on earth or seriously impair human civilisation. The biggest threat is the environment, degrading fast unto human annihilation. Another is the nuclear threat, a stockpile of bombs sufficient to destroy the world fifty times over and send humankind careering backwards to the Stone Age within hours of a full-scale war. The third major threat is American domination of the world which catalyses the above effects. The fourth such is the rise of Political Islam with its demographic effects on Europe and India, the latter remaining as yet the last bastion of spirituality and civilisation that can as yet save the world. Where we are headed is by now clear but what measures must be adopted to avert catastrophe isn't.
Written by Sugata Bose
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