Friday, 25 August 2023



1. Hindu organisations are obligated to save Hindus from conversion. But a few prefer to remain indifferent to such a call of duty.

2. Dewy dawn welcomes you. Awake! Awake! The first beams are yet away. They are missing us as of now as we rotate to come across their streaming path. Then all will be light and all will be life as the early birds awake from their slumber.

3. Strengthen India by developing yourself and laying your talents at the service of the nation. 🕉

4. Here I raise a wave. There you feel the ripple. We are connected by a common consciousness. Let us unitedly work out our destiny.

5. ধর্মপ্রতিষ্ঠাতা যদি ব্রহ্মচারী না হয়ে ব্যভিচারী হয়, তার ধর্মও হবে তথৈবচ |

6. Celebrate Chandrayan 3's lunar landing like a true patriot. Do not pinch while praising under the pretence of being one.

7. If this body goes, it will be grand. I will come back with a fresh one, ready to sacrifice myself yet again for resurrecting the glory of my motherland and serving her to surpass it by miles. Who cares if this body remains or goes? The work will go on of the rediscovery of our past glory, of preserving all that is good and great in our much-wounded civilisation and of building on such secure pristine foundations the future grand edifice of Bharatvarsha that is light and love and work in union in the mission of integrating all in the Divine within. 

8. Do not be afraid of Hell. These are all clever ploys devised by religious leaders and clerics to keep community under control. Hell derives its existence from you. You create Hell in your superstitious fear of the unknown and you can destroy it as well through knowledge. Shed superstition. Shed fear. Be free.

9. Pilfer from the past and pass it off as original. With the advent of dawn, the game will be out.

10. Love your motherland. Do not find fault with every good thing happening in India in the name of being a progressive citizen. Ask yourself, "Am I? Or, am I merely putting up a pretence of it which everyone can see through and find me exposed?" Wholeheartedly support every achieving Indian, every achieving institution, every achieving endeavour that is helping build India's glorious present, her even more glorious future in the making. Vande Mataram! 🕉

11. Let us struggle hard to become the third largest economy in the world. Population control is necessary, though, to improve per capita GDP.

12. Be precise, concise, straight to the point. People lack patience. Say what you have to head on without beating about the bush.

13. Conciseness of expression comes from concentration of mind and organisation of thinking. Brevity is beautiful.

14. Hindu girls are targeted for marital conversion. Beware sisters! Marry within the Hindu fold. Do not let your dharma be ruined.

15. 'Hindu' mother, Muslim father--children Muslim;

'Hindu' father, Muslim mother--children Muslim;

Hindu mother, Christian father--children Christian;

Hindu father, Christian mother--children Christian.

This is the state. I speak from what I have witnessed personally in repeated instances without fail. After all all religions lead to God! What if Hindus diminish in numbers in their 'own' land? All religions lead to the same goal, don't they?

P.S. 'Hindu' means Hindu converted at the time of marriage. Hence, double loss to Hindu numbers. 

16. ঘরে ঘরে 'স্বামী বিবেকানন্দের বাণী ও রচনা' এবং 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' থাকা উচিত |

17. আমাদের আজ এমন একটি আধ্যাত্মিক প্রতিষ্ঠান প্রয়োজন যা কিনা কোনো অজুহাতেই অর্থের পেছনে ছুটবে না | আপাততঃ এমন কোন প্রতিষ্ঠান তো দেখছি না | আশা করি ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর পুনরাবির্ভাবের সাথে সাথে কিছুকালের জন্য তা আমরা নতুনভাবে আবার পাবো | এখন কি তবে শুধুই প্রতিক্ষা ? তা কেন ? আমরা নিজেরাই অগ্রণী হয়ে ছোট ছোট অর্থে অনাসক্ত প্রতিষ্ঠান গড়ে তুলতে পারি | ভুললে চলবে না, 'লোভে পাপ, পাপে মৃত্য |'

18. Religions that have conversion as core concept are a menace to modern society.

19. Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa has by his prajnaa (wisdom) in chess given us great joy (ananda). He is the world champion in waiting.

20. What about setting up another Ramakrishna Mission centre in the Kashmir valley itself and spreading more the message of peace and harmony there where it is needed most?

21. Conquer by love but exhibit power in self-defence. Patronising wickedness is sin.

22. ছবির প্রতি অতিশয় মূঢ় আকর্ষণ ও আনুগত্য অধার্মিক প্রবণতা যা হিন্দুর সর্বনাশ সাধন করছে |🕉

23. The multifaceted genius, Vikram Sarabhai, guides us in our scientific, artistic and economic endeavours even today. Truly a nation-builder.

24. There is a large ignorance about Swamiji among the vast populace of Hindus. They only know his name and not his message.

25. It will be grand if the Ramakrishna Mission monks of erudition and oratory keep spreading the words of Swamiji everyday on YouTube. But they must have erudition, oratorical power and spirituality to impress upon the minds of the audience the volcanic words of the Swami that had once ignited India to freedom and set her on the royal road to recovery.

26. Be not self-betrayers, cowards who cower before the enemy's might and talk tall to hide cowardice. Be brave.

27. Can you defeat a toxic ideology that is eating into the vitals of our nation by playing the safe game of compromise and cowardice?

28. Conversion is spiritual corruption.

29. When death is certain, why not live for a grand ideal? And what better ideal can there be than living and dying for preservation of the Dharma? We shall with our labour of love, free of fear, build the edifice of a grand Hindu civilisation that is as yet in the womb of futurity. But it is approaching. Hearken to the call of the future. Those foot-falls can be heard indistinct but growing louder by the day as the future comes upon us unfailingly to fulfil the destiny of the Hindu race for which our Rishis have waited aeons. Behold the light! The Naad sounds deep and resonant, awakening the kundalini of this benighted but blessed race, for God in His infinite mercy has chosen this, the Hindus of Aryavarta, for the resurrection of the Dharma and the regeneration of sunken humanity. 🕉

30. Hinduism is the future religion of the thinking world. The subcontinent will be Hinduised in due course. Intellectual Europe and America will embrace Hinduism.

31. To me a devotee is one who is fearless in the defence of the Dharma. If not, I do not regard him as one.

32. I am proud to be a Hindu. 🕉 is the integrating symbol of godhead for all Hindus. We must unite under its banner.

33. Frightening people into submission? That is not quite the divine way.

34. I am ashamed of those Hindus who, donning the hat of secularism, humanism et al, bat against Hinduism. Hindus, unite!

35. India is predominantly populated by Hindus and it must remain so. Which is why it is so important to maintain our numbers.

36. Do we need irrational faith-based religions for vast masses of people who would rather submit to blind belief than think?

37. Hindus must study the works of Ram Swarup and Sita Ram Goel ('Voice of India' Publication) to understand the adversarial intent.

38. Cowardice is killing us. Swamiji hated cowardice. How can anybody professing to be a follower of the Swami be so cowardly?

39. Fear is the cause of evil. Fear not and fight evil wherever you meet it. Samesightedness is as yet far off. So, pretend not. 🕉

40. Kashmir's integration with the rest of India post abrogation of Art. 370 and 35A is of monumental significance. 🕉

41.We need Vedic schools and colleges everywhere for the propagation of Sanskrit study and the study of our scriptures. 🕉

42. We must love all Indians as our own so long as they do not engage in antinational activities. If they do so, we must resist them.

43. Let love be the watchword of all our vocabulary. May peace and wellbeing reign! End all war, and wickedness, its progenitor.

44. Religion when pursued individually is a force for good. The moment it becomes organised, it becomes a force for good and evil.

45. Let no inhibiting intermediary be between you and God. God is your very Self, the Atman.

46. India has a vast complexity of causes and consequences which must be taken care of as she progresses as a nation. No mean task.

47. Fooling the multitude through clever talk and amassing riches. If this is not fraudulence in spirituality, what is?

48. No scripture is holier than human being. If scripture is the word of God, human being is God Himself.

49. God is not a superstition. God is the innermost reality. He is not He but You.

50. We objectify goodness. So, we live in the estimation of others. If we dive within and once touch the Self, we shall blissfully remain self-contained.

51. A strong nationalistic, humanistic, scientific education ought to be imparted to our children cutting scross communities. Improve the physical, mental, moral, intellectual and spiritual diet of the nation, and see what a wonderful changes comes. India will as yet scale heights unprecedented in her history. That should be our aim, not petty personal ambition that ends in itself, but national well-being of a deeper import, a vaster significance. Vande Mataram! 🕉 

52. Population policy is of prime importance now. Otherwise, all growth of GDP will be of no avail. Population will nullify progress.

53. Who is the future of India? You are the future of India. I am the future of India. We all are the future of India. Every moment every bit of effort to excel in any endeavour that we undertake creates the future of India. 

54. Build yourself. Build the future of India.

55. They don't care who don't share. Sharing happens only on account of a common consciousness. Communication likewise is.

56. We must clean up our own house before we welcome guests in. A sense of 'sundaram' would serve us best.

57. To combat anti-Hindu forces Hindus must aver their Hindu identity with far greater force. Hypocrisy scarce serves the purpose.

58. India not only needs increased GDP but increased culture. TV shows each night, especially on a leading channel, betrays the cause.

59. Just a 100 regular readers of Swami Vivekananda's Complete Works can revolutionise society to a degree. Who would come forward?

60. Symmetry is beauty.

61. If a 'religion' is so peaceful, why is its history so full of war? Why did it spread by force of arms? Why does it proselytise?

62. Apostasy is on the rise in Islam. Millions are leaving the Deen. The ex-Muslim movement is growing stronger by the day.

63. Hindus need to study the four yogas of Swami Vivekananda to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of the Dharma.

64. Man submits to fear, not God. Truly, though, Man is the father of God.

65. No exclusive cult with intentions of political domination can be a force for good or peace.

66. Proselytise or progress?

67. 'DAHEJ' and 'JEHAD' are laterally inverted words seen in a plane mirror.

68. No God created Me. I create God and the universe each moment. And when I withdraw, God and the universe dissolve in Me.

69. O faithful followers, how long will you enslave your fellow beings to your faith by instilling fear in them? The nation needs scientific progress, not regressive fear-inducing faith. Educate yourselves, especially your women folk, and spare the children indoctrination from birth. Learn critical thinking. Challenge your texts on the basis of reason and accept only those doctrines, if any, which are rational and conducive to democracy, freedom and human welfare. Reject the rest which are regressive. This is the path to progress. This is the way to national reconstruction. Awake from your slumber and face fact straight in the face. Dawn it is now. May a new dawn in national consciousness animate all citizens! May light and love spread with the diffusion of daylight!

70. 400,000 declared apostates in Pakistan. How many times more undeclared ones! Blasphemy law can scarce hold the apostasy avalanche.

71. The sword of steel spread the faith. Now the rapier of reason is erasing it.

72. The wicked rule because the good are cowards and do not dare resist evil. Such cowardice is weakness and the handmaid of evil.

73. Apostasy avalanche in Pakistan. Internet exposing evil and saving humanity from religious regression.

74. Partition has destroyed Pakistan. Jinnah's dream has turned dreadful for the 'holy land' tottering as it is on the brink of ruin.

75. Come out of your microgroove and expand your horizons. Reality is vaster than your religious conception deems. 🕉

76. What is the future of India? Your honest opinion please.

77. Ought electoral politics in a secular democracy to be strictly divorced from religion and fought on secular issues only?

78. The world needs to listen to Sri Ramakrishna's harmonic message if peace and amity are to hold us all together.

79. Read Ramakrishna-Vivekananda if you wish to be the conduits of peace and harmony all around.

80. The way forward is scientific education. But the nation's spiritual traditions must be preserved as well. Swamiji's works must reach the masses.

81. If liberals were truly liberal and not covertly serving illiberal causes, there would be no reactionary response to them.

82. The VIVEKANANDA ACADEMY started by us some time back is beginning to thrive now as a handful of its members have begun serious study of THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA.

83. Spread love, not hate. Love integrates, hate divides. National integration may only be built on the basis of love.

84. Build the future of India by teaching children critical thinking and to accept truths only on the basis of evidence.

85. All intermediaries are bars and ways to the Divine, each link that holds, leading the way to the next till in light and love, truth and existence, in absolute abstraction of the essence all links dissolve, all fetters fall that have fooled thus far the finite man, now standing resplendent in the dignity of the Self. Things phenomenal are but playhouses where the infant soul sports and matures before wandering off into the vast terrain beyond. From the limited to the unlimited, from the finite to the free, from ignorance unto light is the progression of the soul.

86. Indoctrination from infancy can seriously impair the rational faculties and foster fanaticism. Parents, do not brainwash children.

87. স্বামীজীর বাণী ও রচনা পাঠ করলে তাঁর জয়ধ্বনি আরো ভালভাবে দেওয়া হবে | শুধু 'জয় স্বামীজী' বলে ক্ষান্ত হবেন না |

88. We live only when we love. When we do not, we are as well as dead.

89. Inter-faith meets are a mockery when they fail to discuss flat out core issues of conversion and doctrinaire intolerance.

90. Pakistanis under Blasphemy Law are in a state of fear. Any moment the guillotine can descend on any. How will Pakistan progress?

91. Secularism is the only way to secure national integration. Religion must be kept separate from state. And appeasement must stop.

92. What sort of a state do we deserve?'

'Where the mind is without fear

And the head is held high.' (Tagore)

93. There are some people you take for granted who you can insult with impunity. But, alas, ought you to?

94. সমাজজীবনে ঘৃণা ভালবাসার দ্বারা দূর করতে হবে | সম্প্রদায়ে সম্প্রদায়ে, ধর্মে ধর্মে এই বিরোধ মৈত্রীর দ্বারাই দূর করা সম্ভব | কিন্তু তা এক অখণ্ড সত্যবোধ থেকেই এক উদ্ভূত হতে পারে, নচেৎ নয় | ভারতের ঔপনিষদিক ঐতিহ্য মানুষকে এই ঐক্যের পথ দেখাতে পারে | কিন্তু উপনিষদকে শুষ্করূপে পরিবেশন করা হয় অধিকাংশ ক্ষেত্রে | তা হলে চলবে না | প্রেমের, সহানুভূতির, ঐকান্তিকতার রসে সিঞ্চিত করে বেদান্ততত্ত্ব উপস্থাপন করতে হবে তা জনমানসে রেখাপাত করতে পারে যাতে, যাতে তা উদার, উন্নত, প্রেমিক হতে মানুষকে প্রবুদ্ধ করে | সেই রকম প্রচার হোক বিশ্ব জুড়ে |

95. কত এলো, কত গেল, কত রঙ্গ দেখলাম | বাজিকর সত্য বটে, বাজির সত্যাসত্য আপেক্ষিক | যেমন দর্শন, তেমন লাভ---এ কথা ফেলার নয় |

96. Indoctrination duping gullible ones to martyrdom in the hope of heaven. Alas, what a senseless waste of human life!

97. ১) শ্রীশ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ কথামৃত (৫ খণ্ড)

২) শ্রীশ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ লীলাপ্রসঙ্গ (২ খণ্ড)

৩) শ্রীশ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ ভক্তমালিকা (২ খণ্ড)

৪) স্বামী বিবেকানন্দের বাণী ও রচনা (১০ খণ্ড)

এই কটি বই অবশ্য পঠনীয় প্রতিটি রামকৃষ্ণ ভক্তের |

98. If we wish to compete with U.S.A. and China, we must as a nation attain 100% literacy, that is, 99%, statistically speaking.

99. We are leading the world in population. What is needed, though, is not to lead so.

100. Hindus are rising and will continue to rise. Pokes and pinches cannot push the people back. 🕉

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