Friday, 4 August 2023



1. Sleep opens the storehouse of the subconscious or is it the superconsciousness that I perceive in the depth of a dream?

2. The micronotes of music make for the symphony.

3. Man dreams, and in his dream he sees.

4. The whole world is harping on love. It is the recurring theme of life, its ever-sustaining primal principle. ❤️

5. Silent are the ways of the seer. He creates no turbulence. The Rishi realises.

6. The Avatar creates a depth-churning, fashioning a new universe of men.

7. Is there a day the goes without God chanting for us?  Not an hour passes nor a moment flits by without the Beloved filling us with His life-breath, His love that sustains.

8. The mighty river of love rolls carrying the multitude along.

8. Earthly life is the surface of a vast ocean of consciousness. There is a depth to it that passes understanding. And, yet, in the depth of the night when the world sleeps, in the depths of this dream where reaches not the surface mind of man, a music sounds beckoning man unto a homecoming. Calleth the Mother, calleth She with Her primeval longings. Man cannot but respond to that call. The Divine descends and ascends the soul of man.

9. Who was it that in Dakshineshwar came in disguise?

10. When the cuckoo sings, whose melody comes through?

11. The world is becoming increasingly noisy. And, yet, Nature sings the same way. Where discordance seems, it is the handiwork of man.

12. Quell the chaos and be at peace. War is unnecessary for the evolution of life in the human phase. Culture must provide the fillip to evolving life.

13. Where moonlight ceases, sunlight reigns. There's always hope for the future for it draws us ever to our glorious past or deepens our perception to the depth-Presence.

14. Gandhiji was way ahead of his times. Gandhiji was not understood by man who settles things by unsettlement. Ages must pass before Gandhiji's significance will in its depth dawn on man. The cultured have seen his significance and honoured him. The lowly must evolve to understand. But in the fullness of time this Messiah of mercy must gain ground in the mind of man to usher peace and understanding. Whatever detractors may say, and they have plenty to say in the coarse context of the immediate, the Mahatma's effulgence will spread till it envelopes the world of warworn man.

15. Our paths intersect but our minds do not meet. And this is the predicament of man. At the billowy surface harmony can never be. It is the depth that harmonic lies. Dive deep, O man, to live. Dive deep.

16. The material man dissolves in the spiritual man but only when the dross of desire wears off.

17. Moments make the thread of eternity. And yet in a single moment is contained it all.

18. Unholy is the association of money with monasticism if even organised unto welfare work. Money invariably corrupts.

19. Is there a moderate who was once not an extremist and who will once more not an extremist become? Life is a moderation between extreme ends.

20. Swamiji wanted to free devotees, not enslave them to organisation. If devotees confuse Thakur to be his Mission, then they will have failed the Swami in terms of right perception of his famous statement that called the Sangha as the veritable body of Thakur. Remember, the body of Thakur and not the soul, and the affirmation has its validity and expiry in time as has also been amply enunciated by Swamiji.

21. It were better if truth were to pay a visit than the President to the once hallowed precincts of the monastery. And if money were to make a holy exit!

22. First, the light. Then delight.


There was a star

That lit up the sky.

It waxed in the heavens

And wafted through space nearby.

Oh, the light streaming through,

The glow gleaming nigh.

Solitary stellar being,

Waltzing through the vault up on high.


Whole day I write.

How many do you read?

Why should I give credence

To what you want me heed?

25. Ki Gurui paile? Fazil Guru!


লকের পেছন লক |

তার পেছনেও লক |

আর তার পেছনেও লক করে

মারছে যত টক |


যে কৃপায় জন্ম হয়েছে,

সে কৃপায় মুক্ত হব |

28. How I wish to create thought ripples if Swamiji created thought waves, tsunamis across the spiritual landscape of the world!

29. If you really love your motherland, read Vivekananda. Mere passive piety will not do nor gathering crumbs of information about Swamiji from online posts. Study Swamiji in-depth. Read his speeches, his LECTURES FROM COLOMBO TO ALMORA and become inflamed with a like idealism and power that will impel you unto character-building and nation-building in consequence. This is the way to Self-realisation and this is the path of national progress.

30. যদি মাতৃভূমিকে যথার্থ ভালবাস, তো বিবেকানন্দ পড়ো | নামমাত্র ভক্তিভানে কাজ চলবে না, গণমাধ্যমের সহায়তায় সামান্য সংবাদ আহরণেও নয় | স্বামীজীর সমস্ত বক্তৃতা পাঠ করলে চিত্তে আলোড়ন ঘটবে, চরিত্র ঘঠিত হবে, বলবীর্য জাগবে প্রাণে, স্বদেশপ্রেম জাগ্রত হবে যা বলিষ্ঠরূপ ধারণ করবে নিঃস্বার্থ সেবায় দেশকে যা শক্তিশালী করবে | এই পন্থা আত্মমুক্তির, এই পথ জনকল্যাণের |

31. পড়ুন যা লিখি | চিন্তা করুন | শুধু ছবিতে আকৃষ্ট হবেন না | চিন্তা না করলে চৈতন্য আসবে কি করে ? স্বামীজী বলেছিলেন ১৯০০ সালে তাঁর বিখ্যাত বক্তৃতা 'Is Vedanta the Future Religion'এ, 'Let men be thinkers.' ['মানুষ চিন্তাশীল হোন |']

32. Swamiji must be preached fair and square without diluting his message. Cherry-picking passages will ill serve the purpose.

33. ব্রহ্মচর্যের এক অর্থ পবিত্র উচ্চ চিন্তা |

34. ব্রাহ্মণ, জাগো ! তোমার কর্ম বিদ্রূপের নয়, বিদূষকের নয়, ব্রহ্মবিকাশের | স্বরূপ ভুলে কেন বৃথা বেদান্তবুদ্ধিরহিত হও ?

35. As China rejects communism and adopts Buddhism and the Vedanta, its enmity with India will cease and a great Asian alliance will be forged with Japan the third ally. Then the Sanatan influence will spread in the world and usher in a new age.

36. আত্মনির্ভরতাই আধ্যাত্মিকতা |

37. The history of the world is massacre and more massacre by the mighty. And through it gleams the flickering flame of civilisation, now dull, now brighter a bit, glowing still and never quite extinguished.

38. ব্রাহ্মণত্বের অপর নাম অশরীরী ভাব |

39. জগতটা কি ? মায়াবৃত আত্মা |

40. গণতন্ত্রে একটা সুবিধা হয়েছে---অবাধ্যতাটা generalised হয়ে গেছে |

41. How wonderful it would be if the whole of the subcontinent could be deluged with the Vedanta!

42. Can someone who has a fractured view of life, divides humanity into believers and infidels with the promise of paradise for the former and perdition for the latter, be deemed a model for humanity to emulate?

43. Maintaining purity of food for the purification of the mindstuff (chitta) is one thing and confining religion to the kitchen and the cooking pot is another.

44. ঢাকঢোল পিটিয়ে কর্ম করার থেকে নিঃশব্দে করাই ভাল | শব্দদূষণ বড় দূষণ |

45. The moderator must moderate his propensity to shouting to attract lowly TRP.

46. Creating self-importance is the sign of a shallow soul.

47. Noise! Oh, how it disturbs tranquillity and destroys work!

48. জগতে তমোগুণ ছড়িয়ে কি লোককল্যাণ করা যায় ?

49. Spiritual organisations must refrain from running after money in the name of building temples and doing welfare work.

50. Selfishness is at the root of all social evils and it springs from spiritual ignorance.

51. Read Vivekananda and find your spiritual bearings.

52. If Vivekananda does nothing at all, he will at least drive your effeminacy off and make you a man.

53. I have at last a committed member of the VIVEKANANDA ACADEMY, a fourteen year old student of mine (Hridansh Surana), who is avidly reading the selected works of Swamiji.

54. People give recognition to great men at a great distance in time. While the greats live and reform society, they are reviled, opposed at every turn, persecuted and even killed, and it takes centuries for their message to take root in the hearts of men. This slowness of perception is an organic feature in human beings and is the cause of much greater suffering than would otherwise have been were the masters to be recognised for their worth in time. It is, thus, incumbent upon the followers of the masters to mould their lives upon them, live out their spiritual messages in real life and then preach the same, publish a like literature and disseminate the teachings of these seminal sages who periodically visit the planet to save humanity from sinking unto extinction.

55. বৌদ্ধরা ঠিকই ধরেছিলেন আকৃতির প্রতি জনতার দুর্বলতা | তাই মত প্রচারের স্বার্থে জমকালো মন্দির, বিগ্রহ, পূজার উপকরণ, রীতিপদ্ধতি---এ সবের অনুপ্রবেশ ঘটালেন সমাজের বুকে | এইভাবে তত্ত্বদর্শী বৈদিক ভারত কালে বিগ্রহদর্শী বৌদ্ধ ভারতে পরিণত হলেন | পরে বৌদ্ধ ধর্মের অবনতিকালে সনাতন ধর্মের পুনরভ্যূত্থান হল ও বৌদ্ধ বিগ্রহ, রীতিপদ্ধতি সকল হিন্দুধর্মে কিয়ৎ পরিবর্তনপূর্বক গৃহিত হল | ভারতে বিগ্রহপূজা স্থায়িত্ব লাভ করল | আরও পরে যুগের অবনতির সাথে সাথে বহিরাক্রমণে ভারত বিপর্যস্ত হলেন ও হিন্দু নারী হলেন অসূর্যস্পর্শা | নারীর সতীত্বরক্ষার সংগ্রামে নারী বলি হলেন অশিক্ষার যূপকাষ্ঠে | ভারতে হিন্দু সংস্কৃতি ব্যাহত হল, বাধিত হল ধর্মের স্বচ্ছন্দ বিকাশ | ভারত ভূপতিত হলেন বিধর্মির পদতলে | এর ফল হল বিষময় | কালস্রোতে ভারত হারাল সৃজনশীলতা, চিন্তাশক্তি, স্বকীয়তা | বিমূঢ় ভারতবাসী পরানুকরণে মত্ত হল, আত্মবিশ্বাস হল হৃত | শূণ্যমস্তিষ্ক লঘুচিত্ততা শিক্ষিত জনসাধারণকে গ্রাস করল আজও যার রেশ চলছে---ছবির প্রতি প্রেম ও পাঠে অনীহা, চিন্তাভাবনায় অরুচি, চটুলতায়, চপলতায় আকর্ষণ, লঘুচিত্ততায় পারদর্শিতা ও বুদ্বুদসম জীবনযাপনে প্রবৃত্তি | ঠাকুর বলতেন, "ওপর ওপর ভাসলে কি হবে? ডুব দাও | তবে তো রত্ন মিলবে |"

রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)

পুনশ্চ: এই রচনাটির সার বিষয়বস্তু স্বামী বিবেকানন্দের চিন্তাভাবনা থেকে নেওয়া | অসারবস্তু অবশ্য আমার রচনা |

56. With great hopes I had founded this group (VIVEKANANDA YOUTH MISSION) with a view to invigorating the masses. It has petered into a lacklustre group. Fresh effort must go in now to infusing strength into this group and make it a worthy vehicle of Swamiji's message to the world.

Sugata Bose (Administrator)

57. Man chases earthly ambitions for long, only to find a vacuous frustration awaiting him at the end. Fill your life with sublime spiritual thought right from the beginning and a harmonic living will find fulfilment in God-realisation.


ভাবের ঘরে চুরি করলে টাকার বেশী প্রয়োজন হয় |

আবার সেই টাকা বেশী বেড়ে গেলে, ভাবের ঘরে চুরি হয় |

59. The divine forces and the demonic forces are at war. Once more the epics are being repeated.

60. Partition was a reality, not propaganda. So also much that is feared today is a prospective reality, not propaganda for votes.

61. শুধু 'জয় স্বামীজী', 'প্রণাম স্বামীজী' করলে হিন্দু জাগবে না, বাঁচবে না | স্বামীজীর বই প্রত্যহ পড়তে হবে | কাপুরুষতা দূর করে শৌর্যবীর্যসম্পন্ন হতে হবে | তবে তো স্বামীজীর ভক্ত |

62. Shall we remain gullible and succumb to proselytising pretence and pressure?

63. Whither free speech when such undue restrictions are on course to curb it?

64. Each and every educated Hindu must make it his/her dharmic duty to read Vivekananda daily.

65. আপনারা কি আমার লেখা পড়েন ?

66. We, Hindus, are a trusting community. Our gullibility will destroy us. Knowledge will empower us and save us from destruction.

67. The 'progressive-proselytising' combine is dangerous for India, dangerous for the West.

68. মহাপুরুষের বংশে এত কাপুরুষ জন্মান কেন যাঁরা তাঁর নামটি ভাঙিয়ে খান বটে কিন্তু তাঁর আদর্শের সম্পূর্ণ বিপরীত আচরণ করেন ? এর ব্যাখ্যা কি বলে মনে করেন ?

69. প্রণাম নিতে নিতে স্বামীজীর পা ব্যথা হয়ে গেছে | এবার অনুগ্রহ করে লেখাগুলো পড়বেন |

70. Emoji দেওয়া বন্ধ করে আমার postগুলির comments sectionএ নিজবক্তব্য রাখুন | এইটি সনির্বন্ধ অনুরোধ |

71. Heaven and hell are low material ideals unworthy of being dubbed spiritual. Desire is diametrically opposed to divinity.

72. Ideology, when toxic, contaminates community.

73. Spiritual organisations ought to gather spiritual wealth and not material wealth. The founder's ideals must never be neglected.

74. Today is a day of mourning for us---PARTITION DAY. Pakistan was born by dismembering India.

75. Communists in India are always allied with anti-Hindu forces.

Monumental revolution of Lenin needs to be remembered by communists when they talk of Hindu architectural vandalism.

Communists preaching peace and harmony! Height of humour! Depth of deceit!

76. If ideology be violent, how can peacefulness be?

77. Did the Muslims not kill the Buddhist monks en masse, destroy the Buddhist universities of Nalanda and Vikramashila? Why blame the Hindus for reclaiming their spiritual culture? What had the invading Islamic hordes have to do with India? What sort of historical heresy is this? Deliberate amnesia?

78. As character in truth strengthens, people will leave intolerant cults and come to  embrace the Sanatan Dharma.

79. India will never become a communist country. It is an impossible dream of those who are aspiring for it.

80. Think. Reason. Accept your faith if it satisfies your reason and provides evidence for claims made. If not, reject it.

81. Don't worry. No angel will record your good and bad deeds. Shed all such superstition and stand in the sunshine of freedom.

82. Do not be afraid of hell. Let hell be afraid of you. Fear none. Be free.

83. Do not fear God. Love God. Fear of God is unspiritual. Love of God is spiritual.

84. Hindu girls, beware of marital traps! Hold onto your religion. Never convert. Conversion through marital compulsion? Never.

85. Do not yield to superstition. Be spiritual but rationally so.

86. Progressive we must be but by being rooted in the Vedanta. This alone is the gospel of the divinity of beings. 🕉

87. The religion spread by Vivekananda is divine, deep and comprehensive, even socialistically so. 🕉

88. Proselytising religions are a poison in the heart of Hindu society. Beware of them! Hold fast onto Hinduism. 🕉

89. We have to be rational as a nation. Mythological reading of history is unfounded and must be discarded in this modern age.


আজ ঠাকুরের তিরোধান দিবস | ১৬ অগস্ট, ১৮৮৬ |

91. In life desire is always fraught with danger.

92. Do not depend on God. Depend on yourself.

93. Capitalism creates 'spiritual' capitalism. Thus spiritual organisations decay and die.

94. Do not try to read a novel in a note, cryptic and deep though it may be.

95. A toxic ideology can only produce toxic disruptive elements in society rending peace apart. What hope of harmony there sincerely?

96. Wherever truth be, I must gather it. I need not confine myself to selective sources.

97. Don't get brainwashed into conversion. It will destroy your life. As Hindus you are privileged to be in the grandest religion. Preserve it.

98. An organised movement to subvert Hinduism and to convert the Hindus to proselytising cults is on. Beware! Hold fast onto your dharma.

99. Study Vivekananda. Read the Bhagavad Geeta. Hold like gold onto your Sanatan Dharma. 🕉

100. Fight conversion. Save the Hindus. Propagate the Sanatan Dharma. 🕉

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