Friday, 23 April 2021

এক বামুনের বিবরণ

এক বামুনের বিবরণ


আছেন এক ভট্ট,

নিবাস শ্রীহট্ট,

ব্রাহ্মণ নামেতে,

মারকস ধামেতে,

বৈদিক বেদনায়,

প্রসুপ্ত চেতনায়,

মারমুখো খড়্গ,

নেবে বুঝি ধর গো !

ওরে বাবা বাঁচারে,

নিল জান চাচারে,

প্রাণ বুঝি খাঁচারে,

ছেড়ে যাবে বাছারে |

এমন বামুন ভাই

জীবনেতে দেখি নাই !

ছড়াকার : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)

P.S. : This is a humorous sonnet composed on a fellow Marxist brahmin who desperately attacks us, Hindus, in his bid to prove his self-supposed superiority in knowledge, the supposition though being widely off the mark as this Marxist typically demands documentary evidence for anything and everything that goes against Marxist theory and praxis and spits venom on opponents to his creed of fanatical violence perpetrated in the name of high-sounding ideology which in truth goes against the very grain of civilisation. True to the degenerate brahmin, he has subscribed to alien ideology in all its toxic variation that in vituperation violates the pristine principles of decency and decorum. One hopes that the present effort in comic characterisation of the Marxist brahmin of antipathetic atheism will not be misconstrued as a description of all brahmins as such who are the carriers of the Sanatan Dharma and in exemplary living, erudition and enlightenment, the pillars of our spiritual civilisation. No offence meant to any beyond what literary license permits, this has been a humorous rejoinder from my patriotic self to all such carping communists who dare offend our perennial philosophy -- the Sanatan Dharma -- and its traditions in their vainglorious attempt at reestablishment of their failed philosophy of godless communism in a country which shall forever reject them for their blatant violation of Indian culture and customs, and their barbaric approach of revolutionary violence to seeking solutions of socioeconomic problems that plague the poor. Such atrocities as communists have perpetrated throughout the world in the twentieth century have unmasked their inhuman intentions before the whole of humanity and Indians can no more be fooled into believing in their toxic ideology. So, let communists, especially the degenerate brahmins in their unholy order, remain as museum pieces for limericks and sarcasm-sonnets as this one is. Read deep into the lines of the verses above and you will discover a world of meaning in them. May a decent sense of humour allow you to relish the spice of these lingering lines at the expense of this expendable community of blood-red revolutionaries who go by the name of India's brahmin communists of corrosive culture !

Written by Sugata Bose

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