শিক্ষার আমূল সংস্কার চাই
আছেন এক ভট্ট,
নিবাস শ্রীহট্ট,
ব্রাহ্মণ নামেতে,
মারকস ধামেতে,
বৈদিক বেদনায়,
প্রসুপ্ত চেতনায়,
মারমুখো খড়্গ,
নেবে বুঝি ধর গো !
ওরে বাবা বাঁচারে,
নিল জান চাচারে,
প্রাণ বুঝি খাঁচারে,
ছেড়ে যাবে বাছারে |
এমন বামুন ভাই
জীবনেতে দেখি নাই !
ছড়াকার : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
P.S. : This is a humorous sonnet composed on a fellow Marxist brahmin who desperately attacks us, Hindus, in his bid to prove his self-supposed superiority in knowledge, the supposition though being widely off the mark as this Marxist typically demands documentary evidence for anything and everything that goes against Marxist theory and praxis and spits venom on opponents to his creed of fanatical violence perpetrated in the name of high-sounding ideology which in truth goes against the very grain of civilisation. True to the degenerate brahmin, he has subscribed to alien ideology in all its toxic variation that in vituperation violates the pristine principles of decency and decorum. One hopes that the present effort in comic characterisation of the Marxist brahmin of antipathetic atheism will not be misconstrued as a description of all brahmins as such who are the carriers of the Sanatan Dharma and in exemplary living, erudition and enlightenment, the pillars of our spiritual civilisation. No offence meant to any beyond what literary license permits, this has been a humorous rejoinder from my patriotic self to all such carping communists who dare offend our perennial philosophy -- the Sanatan Dharma -- and its traditions in their vainglorious attempt at reestablishment of their failed philosophy of godless communism in a country which shall forever reject them for their blatant violation of Indian culture and customs, and their barbaric approach of revolutionary violence to seeking solutions of socioeconomic problems that plague the poor. Such atrocities as communists have perpetrated throughout the world in the twentieth century have unmasked their inhuman intentions before the whole of humanity and Indians can no more be fooled into believing in their toxic ideology. So, let communists, especially the degenerate brahmins in their unholy order, remain as museum pieces for limericks and sarcasm-sonnets as this one is. Read deep into the lines of the verses above and you will discover a world of meaning in them. May a decent sense of humour allow you to relish the spice of these lingering lines at the expense of this expendable community of blood-red revolutionaries who go by the name of India's brahmin communists of corrosive culture !
Written by Sugata Bose
Life is a progression towards the Real through the shadowy world of the unreal till in the high noon of immediate realisation (Aparokshaanubhuuti) the shadow disappears and the Sun shines in all its effulgence. It is a seeming movement of the unreal vehicle along unreal tracks through unreal space-time towards the Real. Once the breath stops in purified concentration, the dream breaks and the dreamer with it vanishes into the Void that is the seat of condensed consciousness -- self-brooding, existence absolute -- frozen, integrated, seamless, spherical in non-spatial boundless terms.
Returning from such nullified relativity into its domain once more, the finite form reappears, the nameless one assumes a name again, but the Spirit remains free in continuous penetrative vision through the veil of Maya. The wheel has run its course, the vehicle expends residual fuel in progressive deceleration till the elements that hold, disintegrate, releasing the disembodied being to soar to limpid heights of supernal consciousness if it wishes fresher incarnation, or freeing it forever in Self-subsistence.
Hari Om Tat Sat !
Written by Sugata Bose
The highest education is that which induces, inspires and energises us to transcend phenomenal existence that is our own relativistic identity as well, and be self-conscious of the Self or the Absolute Existence which alone is. This is the ultimate Truth before which all relative truths pale into insignificance. What Tagore says is wishful thinking for in a universe of endless entanglements and confusing contradictions there can never be a harmony, however dearly aspired for, through both factual data collection or intellectual, emotional and moral reflection and response to such, however creatively endeavoured. All of phenomenal life is bound in the principle of energetic imbalance which never allows harmony as Tagore conceives in his philosophical fancy. Harmony in the real sense is possible only in the transcendence of phenomena which was not the poet's domain. Rishis have internally attained such spiritual balance and lived their lives post-realisation as Jeevanmukta with perfect control over Nature internal and near perfect control of the forces without as our Yogic shastras (Patanjali Yoga Sutra) claim. The harmony Tagore alludes to is wishful and never materialised in his own life but did so in the lives of Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Shankaracharya, Buddha, Chaitanya and the like through their pursuit of the renunciate's life which was not Tagore's as he himself has affirmed in his celebrated poem 'Bairagya sadhaney mukti shey amar noy...' which adorns his autobiographical analytical study, 'Atmaparichay'. Hence, the poet's noble aspiration notwithstanding, his statement is fallacious and indubitably false.
Written by Sugata Bose
The Hinduisation of India began in remotest antiquity where history dares not peep into but its renaissance has begun with the advent of Adi Shankaracharya in 788 CE.
Amidst the historical trials and tribulations that our motherland went through ever since the conversion of two-thirds of the Hindus to Buddhism, the latter's degeneracy in its final phase in its birthplace and consequent expulsion from the terrain, the invasion of India by Islamic hordes, their marauding and murder, conquest and cultural imposition on the Hindus, through all this, Hindu influence -- checked and controlled, throttled and snuffed out in places with its ultimate fate of the dismemberment of the motherland to whet Islamic appetite for increased territory -- has been growing almost imperceptibly, for such is the decree of the Divine unto the descendants of the Rishis. Shankaracharya to Vivekananda mark the procession of sages with this singular aim of the resurrection of the Sanatan Dharma.
The Hindus, despite opposition from within and without, are awaking at last and a new era is opening which will see the rising influence of the Sanatan Dharma across the subcontinent and the world. India will integrate again and the subcontinent will be Hinduised completely. The modern-day religions will wither away largely, leaving behind trace influences, and the Sanatan Dharma shall reign supreme. O God of India's destiny, grant us this boon of fractured India's eventual unity ! Vande Mataram !
Written by Sugata Bose
It is dangerous if an entire race takes too much to soft music, art and poetry. Such hyper-emotionalism en masse usually spells the doom of the race and it is enslaved by more robust races with lesser propensity to cultural refinements. Such a state we have in Bengal today and it does not augur well for the race. There must be an immediate change in attitude and it calls for virile action forthwith. Else, bondage awaits Bengal with its music, poetry et al. The martial spirit needs to be awakened in Bengal. That is the cure for the effeminacy of the Bengalis today. But will Bengal heed ? Will the Bengalis switch from Tagore to Vivekananda and save themselves from impending ruin ?
Tagore for all his literary greatness has injected and induced a debilitating cultural trend in Bengal which has resonated to the psychology of the Bengalis. Hence, Tagore has taken root in Bengal to its utter loss of manhood. The type of effeminate that abounds in Bengal and breeds its type further by the hour has paralysed the sinews of the race, polluted its mind and converted it into a weak sensual race capable of a general weeping and submitting to imposed force which is historically evident in it having undergone mass conversion to Islam -- note that two out of every three Bengalis are converted Muslims from Hindus -- and quite a bulk of the remainder to sensual atheists and godless communists. Here Tagore has led the charge in providing food to the Bengalis to subsist on mere cultural debilities.
This is no indictment of Tagore, the cultural icon, as such but is a critique in a sense as to his debilitating effect on Bengal. And by Tagore is meant not just the poet premier but the entire bandwagon that accompanied and succeeded him in paralysing Bengal. Tagore in that sense has thwarted Vivekananda who has lost the game till now in a general sense to the poet, for Bengal is still not ready to receive him.
Vivekananda's strength Bengal fears. So, it either avoids him or like the coarse commoner criticises him but cannot as yet yield to his directions or dictates. This is a great departure, though, from the revolutionary Bengal which followed Vivekananda during the freedom struggle to liberate India. Bengal then had pledged its loyalty and service at the altar of the motherland to free her from colonial consequence, being fired by the volcanic words of the cyclonic monk. But post-independence the scene changed as Bengal flung itself into its age-old Vamachar (left-handed practice) albeit along its modern derivatives and lost purity and manhood.
The infiltration of sensual ideas through art, literature, poetry, drama, music and invasive alien political thought has reduced Bengal into a land of irreverence where the inhabitants take especial delight in 'citing the scripture to suit' their perverse purposes among which is no less the relishing in spurning spirituality and insulting great men, a deed to which this author is right now being culpable to may quickly be pointed out at him to defeat the general purpose of the essay. Tagore himself has in his celebrated autobiographical study 'Atmaparichay' stated that we, Bengalis, do not know how to pay reverence to the greats.
A self-clarification is due here in that this author is in no way being dismissive of Tagore's prodigious talent and even genius and that he holds in high regard his literary output and other contributions in the field of education, culture and rural development but that he finds some aspects of Tagore's cultural influence baneful for Bengal, a fact which Swamiji had himself warned Nivedita about in no uncertain terms repeatedly. To that effect this essay is a pointer but no one is blaming Tagore entirely for corrupting Bengal. It is the genetic material intrinsic to the Bengali race that, as pointed out before, has resonated to Tagore's works and derived debilitation out of its distortion for which Tagore may be held only partially responsible for having furnished in the first place such sensual thought or even spiritual thought couched in weak language which would inevitably bring about decadent effect on its reader. The rest Bengal will have to manfully bear responsibility for. The hosts of other writers and artists and musicians and cultural icons who were Tagore's contemporaries or successors have, barring a few notable exceptions, all played their due roles in debilitating Bengal but the preeminent among them was Tagore. Vivekananda with his seer's foresight knew it all coming and had, thus, forewarned his Irish disciple thus : "That (Tagore's) family has poured a flood of erotic venom over Bengal."
Bengal listened to Vivekananda early on, then turned away from him and suffered. It is time to change status and be once again on the vigorous path of an upward spiritual rise.
Bengal, renounce sensuality and follow the sage of the Age, your own leading light, Swami Vivekananda. Bengal, save thyself.
Written by Sugata Bose
দেশের সকলে এই ভয়াবহ অতিমারী হতে মায়ের কৃপায় সুরক্ষিত হোন | সকল প্রকার সাবধানতা অবলম্বন করুন |
১) অন্তত ৪ ফুট দূরত্ব বজায় রাখুন নিকটবর্তী মানুষের থেকে |
২) ফেস মাস্ক পরুন ঠিকমত, নাক ও মুখ সম্পূর্ণ ঢেকে | মনে রাখবেন কোরোনা বীজাণু কিন্তু চোখ, নাক আর মুখ দিয়েই প্রবেশ করে শরীরে ও ফুসফুসকে বিকল করে মৃত্যু ঘটায় |
৩) হাত কব্জি পর্যন্ত মাঝে মাঝেই সাবান দিয়ে টানা ২০ সেকেণ্ড ধুয়ে ফেলুন | হাতের আঙুলের নখ কেটে ফেলুন | নখে কোরোনা বীজাণু অবস্থান করার সুযোগ পায় |
৪) চোখ, মুখ আর নাকে হাত দেবেন না |
৫) অপ্রয়োজনে বাইরে যাবেন না |
৬) বাইরে গেলে, বাড়ী ফিরেই পরিধানের সমস্ত বস্ত্র, রুমাল পর্যন্ত ঢাকা দেওয়া বালতিতে রেখে দিন কাচার জন্য ও তারপর ভাল করে সাবান দিয়ে ও কেশ শ্যাম্পু দিয়ে ধুয়ে স্নান করে নিন |
৭) টিকা নিয়ে নিন সুযোগ মত |
৮) World Health Organisationএর website দেখতে থাকুন নিয়মিত নানা সতর্কতামূলক ব্যবস্থা অবলম্বন করা সম্বন্ধে ওঁরা কি বলেন |
৯) কোনরকম অস্বস্তি হলে তৎক্ষণাৎ ডাক্তারের সাথে কথা বলে নিন ও তাঁর নির্দেশমত চলুন |
মনে রাখবেন, আপনার সতর্কতা শুধু আপনার জীবনরক্ষাই করবে না, পারিপার্শিক মানুষদেরও সুরক্ষিত রাখবে | এর কারণ হল এই যে, যে কোন মানুষ নিজে আক্রান্ত না হয়েও কোরোনা বীজাণুর ধারক ও বাহক (carrier) হতে পারেন ও অপরকে সংক্রমিত করতে পারেন | মায়ের কৃপায় নিজ সাবধানতা অবলম্বনপূর্বক সকলে সুরক্ষিত থাকুন |
আপনাদের আত্মজন,
সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
Swami Vivekananda : "As long as you go on mixing with that (Tagore) family, I must go on sounding this gong. Remember that that family has poured a flood of erotic venom over Bengal."
Sister Nivedita : Then he (Swamiji) described some of their poetry.
Swami Vivekananda : "But a man who has left his own mother could not be tempted like that. And just you remember -- if you long for the flesh pots of Egypt -- my mission is not Ramakrishna's nor Vedanta's nor anything but simply to bring MANHOOD to this people."
Sister Nivedita : "I'll help you, Swami", I said. Swami Vivekananda : "I know it," he said, "And so I beat the alarm."
[P.S. For the doubting Thomases who suspect my motives in open 'maligning', so to say, of 'the holy and the sacrosanct' of debilitated Bengal. Statement of truth, if perceived thus, would spell the death of Bengal. Lest it does so, better ring the death knell to avert such an untimely demise, for the people of Bengal, shorn of such effeminate influences as have paralysed their onward spiritual course, have yet in them reserves of energy to rise to heights of sublimity devoid of sensual weakness. Here Vivekananda will marshall their onward course unto light and freedom. Right now, though, the fruits are rotten, the fields drained of necessary nutrients and the harvest only of weeds and weaklings wearing the mask of men. A fresh tilling, a fertilising the land, a spiritual shower shall yet awaken within the womb of the motherland here heroes and heroines who shall on maturity look with contempt upon their deluded forefathers who had succumbed to the snares of the flesh which Swamiji had forewarned Nivedita about but which Bengal, following the lead of Tagore, had cared not to heed.
Written by Sugata Bose]
গোটা বাংলাভাষাকে নতুন ছাঁচে ঢালতে হবে | উপযুক্ত শব্দসংযোজনের দ্বারা ভাষাকে বীর্যবান করতে হবে | দুর্বল শব্দপ্রয়োগের দ্বারা দুর্বল ভাবের উদ্রেক হয় | ইন্দ্রিয়পরায়ণতা, রিপুর দাসত্ব ও যথেচ্ছ ভোগে লিপ্ত হওয়ার সূক্ষ্ম বাসনা দুর্বল ভাষাকে তার বাহনরূপে ব্যবহার করে | বাংলাভাষা এই ভোগের ভাবকে আশ্রয় করে বাঙালীর মনে কামনাবাসনার বিষ সংক্রমণ করে চলেছে | আর এর ইন্ধন যুগিয়ে যাচ্ছে বাংলার স্বীকৃত সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ সাহিত্য যা ছেলেবয়েস থেকে বাচ্চাদের মস্তিষ্কে প্রবেশ করে তাদের ভোগের দিকে আকর্ষণ করে | জন্মাতে না জন্মাতেই ধরিয়ে দেওয়া হল দুর্বল কবিতা আর গান | শৈশব ধ্বংশ হল | তারপর যৌবনে প্রণয়ের পালা তো নয়, ইন্দ্রিয়ের দাসত্ব | পৌরুষের লেশমাত্র পরিলক্ষিত হয়না, শুধু সংস্কৃতির নামে প্রচ্ছন্ন নিম্নবাসনা | এরকম সংস্কৃতিকে গঙ্গার জলে বিসর্জন দিয়ে বাঙালীকে মানুষ হতে আহ্বান করেছেন স্বামীজী | এখন তাঁর চর্চা করুন যদি মানুষ হতে চান | নইলে এই অধঃপতিত জাতি সমূলে বিনষ্ট হবে |
লেখক : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
Ramakrishna Mission keeps on preaching religious harmony. But harmony is as yet a far cry off for it is theoretically and, hence, practically impossible to harmonise Islam and Christianity which reject Hinduism as false with Hinduism which in a strange and gullible way accepts them as true. That the Mission deliberately cherry-picks quotations from Swamiji's Works to highlight this supposed harmony while assiduously avoiding the limelight on those passages of his that categorically denounce Islamic intolerance is proof of the Mission's organisational imperatives and limitations thereof in not upholding the truth and nothing but the truth in all its naked wholeness. No wonder Hindus yet live under a powerful self-destructive delusion about Islamic good intent towards Hinduism and the Hindus. May my life's work be to uphold the whole truth of Swamiji's affirmations about truth temporal and truth transcendental in so far as my abilities allow me to do the same ! But I shall certainly not dilute or deflect the truth of Swamiji's powerful assertions in regard to the aforesaid subject for that in truth would be blasphemous. May Swamiji guide my steps ! Satyameva Jayatey !
Written by Sugata Bose
রাজনৈতিক রণে আজ নেই কোনো সমতা,
একদিকে মোদীকুল আর অন্যদিকে মমতা |
এতগুলো নৃসিংহ জোটবেঁধে করে রণ,
রথে চড়ে বাঘিনী একাই করে দমন |
বাংলার দশকোটি নারীমাঝে এক নর
কী বিপুল বিক্রম তার ! কাঁপে মোদী থরথর |
তোষণদুষণহেতু প্রায় হাতছাড়া বঙ্গ,
জলে ডোবে তরণী, তবু নাহি রণে ভঙ্গ |
বীরাঙ্গনা, মাতঙ্গিনী, ক্ষিপ্তা, উদ্ভ্রান্ত,
মোদীশাহকে বিদায় দিয়ে হবে বুঝি ক্ষান্ত |
রণচণ্ডিকা, কী প্রচণ্ড ক্ষমতা !
যেন মোদীশাহ বধ্য অরি, মাতঙ্গিনী মমতা !
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
Who will give the leadership for this change? Will tweeting and messaging thus alter course? We are armchairm evolutionists not really convinced about what we say nor are we sincere in our affirmations. Hypocrisy abounds in our personal dealings. Hence, we are ineffectual. If at all it is time to evolve, it is on the personal front beginning with ourselves. One man made is worth a million lectures, Swamiji had famously said. So, let us change ourselves if at all we are concerned about our country beyond seeking popularity that is tantamount to nothing substantial in life. I shall make my own effort in this regard towards contributing to national output in character-building. So make you yours by aligning action to affirmation. In this shall lie genuine national good if even on a minuscule scale to begin with. The rest collective evolution overtime will bring about. But let us be harbingers of the process. May Swamiji bless us in our sincere endeavour if indeed sincere we shall be !
Written by Sugata Bose
গাহিব মরণগাথা জীবনে,
গাহিব জীবনগাথা মরণে,
রচিব রুধিররঙে স্বপন,
শান্তির বিস্মরণে |
এ হেন যৌবনপ্রেম
স্ফুরিবে স্বদেশলাগি,
হৃদয়ের উৎস হতে
বহিবে রজনী জাগি |
তোমার পরাণমাঝে
খুঁজিব অন্তরবাস,
নয়নের উন্মিলনে
জাগিবে হৃদয়ে আভাস |
স্বরাজের পূর্ণস্রোতে
ভাসিবে চিত্ত মম,
ঘুঁচিবে ঘোর তমসা
উদিবে সূর্যসম |
ভেদিয়া নিবিড় নিশীথ,
উজলিবে রবির কিরণ,
প্রভাতের সেই আবেশে
বহিবে কোন সমীরণ ?
রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)