Thursday, 6 April 2017


Transformation of mass consciousness even unto the neurological level takes place over millenia, perhaps hundreds of millenia, and is not so easily come by. I consider it presumptuous to personalise impersonal principles based on one's location on planet earth and one's puny working data base and historical understanding thereby, arbitrarily positing terrestrial personalities as being the transformers of human destiny en masse by self-proclamation, purely on the basis of logical future possibilities that are at once fallacious and totally unfounded in scientific, mathematical or philosophical rigour to which I prefer to subscribe rather than these exclusive claims reeking of a subtle tendency towards self-establishment in the hierarchy of spiritual personages that have trodden the face of this beautiful earth. While in principle it seems logical enough that the animal body's evolution unto the human form with its concomitant transformation of physical thinking unto mental thinking, evident in man's intellectual and cultural pursuits, ought to naturally carry on to the next higher level of transformative dynamics, it seems a puerile proclivity of mysticism marred into magic-mongering to aver that such a transformation has indeed been partially or wholly achieved at a point dated and degenerating thereby. Consciousness, absolute and transcendental, is of the domain of infinity and immutability is its singular status. What transforms belongs to the realm of relativity, what in Indian spiritual lexicon is termed Maya over which no human has controlling command. To do so would be to tamper with the laws of Nature which is disallowed by natural law itself. Bypassing the 'temptation' is then the only option and that is what seers and sages down the ages have done to attain to freedom which was ever there but shrouded by the cloud cover of primordial ignorance. Buddha killed Mara and Christ chastised the Devil in the final lap of their marathon past the Mother. So did Ramakrishna when he slew the Divine Mother before sinking into nirvikalpa samadhi (the unconditioned state of non-dual existence).

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