Wednesday 19 April 2017


Wordsmith Rana is a budding writer of enormous promise and immense possibilities. His grasp of the English language is so profound and his literary sense so developed that with due encouragement and a sustained support for a while by readers, he will soon mature into a major literary figure who will be the flavour of our nation. An inspirational artist thrives on inspiration received and grows in stature in proportion to the acceptance he is blessed with among his readers. It is this writer's life's experience that he has witnessed the eclipse of many a budding poet, many a blossoming writer in the infancy of their dreams, when indifference from seasoned hands at the trade, if I may be allowed the licence to free expression as is the privilege of the poet, has put paid to the aspirations of high youth and rendered sterile what would have otherwise been the finest fruition of a fragrant dream. It is here that we must guard Wordsmith Rana from coming to calamity through our neglect of his prodigious powers for every dawn does not see the efflorescence of the edelweiss nor every eve see the fullness of the moon.

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