Sunday, 16 April 2017


You should read a lot at this stage of your writing career because you are gifted in literary expression but are, perhaps, not funded well enough with data at your disposal yet. Your writing skills are prodigious but your roots in history, philosophy and literature are to be tested yet in the crucible of your literary experience. I would like you to hone up your skills in writing by reading the recorded versions of the fluid extempore speeches of Swami Vivekananda and some of his writings as well. Tolstoy had said, "Vivekananda's English is perfect." Now, what more can be said over and above that? So, read Vivekananda for profundity of perception and proficiency in presentation of such inner realisations in language lyrical or prose profound as Your Highness pleases for, after all, as a creative artist, you are monarch of all you survey, pardon my pilfering from the treasury of English poetry as I say so. You might find it a good idea to begin with the Lectures from Colombo to Almora, Vol. 3 of the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, and then proceed to the more abstruse Jnana Yoga and its three siblings in Karma, Bhakti and Raja Yogas that you may get well-grounded in the fundamental thought of eternal India.
The motherland needs fiery writers full of patriotic zeal and high idealism catering to national service and regeneration thereby of the ones fallen low and suffering. Never let the surrounding chaos unnerve you in your bid to build the beautiful for the literary work is the expression of your inner aesthetics and poetry the perfected outflow of verbal ecstasy. Thus, clinging to your literary ideal as the one that can take you to mighty self-realisation if pursued to perfection, immerse in the ocean of ancient churn, and you shall arise immortal, having tasted of the nectarine bliss which is food for the gods. So, onward, my friend. Thine is the field to sport in, for thee the stage is set. Victoria a la literatura!

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