Wherefore, Britain, thou vaunt of thy civilisation? This is proof of thy civilisation enough. Aye, the Great Bengal Famine of 1770 which killed 10 million people through sheer negligence and the corruption of the English East India Company, and the 1943 man-made Bengal famine which killed 5 million owing to Britain's horrendous India policy and the malefic racial designs of Churchill, are but two instances of the so-called 'British sense of fair play and justice'. The fact is manifest as daylight and it is this: you came to rob India and you robbed her well enough to build your cities and your citadels. And then, when it was time to depart, in a last act of perfidy, you divided our motherland into two to create the first modern Islamic State whose Salafism you now witness through all your jihad-watch and shudder to think what a demonic force you have unleashed in the world. Britain, beware! For the resolution of karma will spare not you, and your age-old tyranny on subjected races will recoil on you with effect compounded, and the Prophet's (Swami Vivekananda's) words on historical vengeance will be vindicated. You may escape the wrath of the Indian people for they are a forgiving lot but you will have to face the ire of the Chinaman for all the ignominies you have heaped on him and he has a memory elephantine and not a streak of kindness in him towards the traitor as the Indian with a confused sense of idealism has. Colonialism at its worst was no better than fascism or Nazism and the continued colonisation of helpless races across the world by you, persistent slavery masqueraded as indentured labour in your sugar plantations in the West Indies and in the myriad other plantations across Africa and Asia, and the wiping out of indigenous populations in islands conquered by you, their forced conversion to Christianity, and the general ruination of the thriving economies of colonised peoples brought about by systematic subversion causing unsurpassed suffering to these subjugated races who had no hope of redemption for centuries while their drained coffers built up your palaces and Parliaments and all that go by to make life a paradise on earth --- this was the sum and substance of the civilising force your Empire enveloped the world with. And paradise, yes, but it was only for you, the master British, never for us, the colonised slaves, despite all the pretensions of imperial Britain being the divine agency for effecting rapid development of 'the inferior Asiatic and African races' and bringing them fast unto the mainstream of international life, a line of logic the British carefully crafted to justify their colonial rule of 'the less civilised races' whose human evolution, they vouched, was their Providential duty to enhance. But truth cannot be hid forever. Times are changing and the perfidies of the past are being revealed through historical research by the current crop of historians and the resolution of karma is manifesting as the unfolding history of the world. Gone is your imperial glory and gone with it your vanity as the pride of nations. Now it is a patient wait unto the day of your own destitution, nay, destruction at the hands of the relentless Chinese who will light upon you as the vengeance of history to set historical accounts right. Hail Britannia! thine is a terrible price to pay, for the Prophet's words will come to pass. Now only Vivekananda can save you from your damnation. Accept him if ye wish to live, else, it is darkness all over.
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