Salafism is a return to roots of the Islamic tradition in a very literal and radical way, in much the manner of its original inception in seventh century Arabia, and stands at loggerheads with all that we hold as dear in our liberal thinking and progressive ways. Its practices are in consonance with the 'sunna' of the Prophet Muhammad, so the Salafists claim, and these are anti-human, reprehensible, outmoded, malefic impositions on innocent Muslims by professional clerics of the Salafi faith serving their Saudi masters to the detriment of our nation. Liberalism must be encouraged among the Muslim masses by standing strong with them in countering the menace of Salafi servitude. As Swami Vivekananda had famously said, "For our motherland, a conjunction of the two great systems, Hinduism and Islam --- Vedanta brain and Islam body is the only hope." Again the Swami said, "We want to lead mankind to a place where there is neither the Vedas, nor the Bible, nor the Koran, yet this has to be done by harmonising the Vedas, the Bible, the Koran." Strange it is that we, Hindus, or to be factually accurate, a section among us, by way of unnecessary reaction, are falling into the same pitfall of late as the radicalised Muslims, in so far as vociferousness regarding religion is concerned, oblivious of the fact that the Hindu tradition teaches quite the reverse of what insular monotheism teaches, and the farther we go back in time to the very inception of this grand philosophical system, the more universal seems to be its origin. I fervently wish all to go to the roots of our religion, to its very genesis in the remotest antiquity, and thus arrive at a broad understanding of its essential principles and practices so that a new India may arise, inspired by the golden ideals of peace and harmony, of universal acceptance and widest allowance for divergences, however contrary to established principles they be, for only in continuous creativity may a culture thrive and evolve unto its destination divine which is freedom relative and freedom absolute for each and every sentient being that breathes the air of this beautiful planet we call our mother. Vande Mataram! Vande Vasundhara!
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