Friday 21 April 2017


I have so much to write in appreciation of your writing, @Kanchan Ghosh, but am biding by time till you rejoin the group in terms of express articulation.
Fabulous, @Wordsmith Rana! You are doing a great job in refocusing reader-attention towards constructive nation-building. Hope to see this perceptive post reaching the wider sphere of public appreciation through your copious sharing in relevant groups and pages. However, I feel that, with your prodigious talent in writing, you may be persuaded into writing short biographical sketches about the freedom fighters of India and, so, disseminate the knowledge of their lives and achievements among the common reader who may not be equipped with the data always on these seminal patriotic personalities who ushered in the freedom that we aspired for several centuries even as we groaned under the tyranny of foreign occupation ever since the defeat of the last Hindu king of Delhi, Prithviraj Chauhan, in the Second Battle of Tarain, 1192, at the hands of the invading Mohammedan emperor, Muhammad Ghori.

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