Wednesday 26 April 2017


We must not take our freedom for granted, else we may lose it again one day. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, so goes the saying.

Real equality is a far cry and until it has borne its truest fruit, liberty can scarce be. Democracy will remain a distant dream till people are freed from the fetters that bind, power bred in privilege putrid, pernicious pestering of the festering corpse that fallen man through folly has been for ages now and, God alone knows, will remain so for how long more.

Long has been the suppression of man and longer still the suppression of woman. Now the time comes when free men shall arise everywhere to declare the independence that is inherently theirs but which has remained in the pages of declaration documents of the rights of man, while power and privilege, changing garb, have ruled on to perpetuate the slavery of man with an escape through death alone to a promised Paradise the one illusory objective that makes the drudgery that life is, bearable.

And, through it all,
Through the slits yon high
Keeps streaming in
The light at dawn.
The twilit being,
Awaking to its call, Rushes forth
To meet the guest
In meadows green,
In fields far-flung,
Across the ends
Of the distant earth,
Seeking life,
A new rebirth.
The soul awakes
And awakes man
With the light of love
Richer than
All earthly pelf
Which shadows the self.
And, so begins
A golden age
Of light and love
And learning free
For men to live
And breathe in peace,
Fearless, free,
As free can be,
Like fragrant breeze,
Through a forest in bloom,
Caressing blossoms
With utter ease.
In spring shall spring
The bud to life
And see no more
A change of tide.
Fair freedom's free,
Thou ever be
In peace and bliss
And in love abide.

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