Saturday, 8 April 2017


How wonderful it would be if all the members were to participate more fully in the deliberations of the group for it would then throb with a vibrancy which would engender much enthusiasm in all of us to serve our motherland with a greater sense of purpose and intensified energy! I exhort all my dear friends to accomplish this as yet unaccomplished act which is but the sparing of a comment hither and a comment thither to encourage us in this enterprise of serving the common weal through intellectual discourse, spiritual empathy and practical endeavours. May all succeed in their work at hand and their work at a distance but may all deem this, our feeble forum, as also, at least, a very minor part of their lives, and I do seek forgiveness for unintended offence caused thereby in my foolish imposition, perhaps, on very busy schedules ever intent at any rate on fruitful and necessary work, each in his or her own ambit from where they must be reaching out to a host of people in service and love which is but the motto of our endeavour here in this group as well! So, in conclusion, I entreat all of you to spare a moment or two for this common interest of ours, not only by way of reading the content herein but also to express a thought or two of yours by penning them down to keep up the vibrancy of dialogue and discussion, debate and deliberation, for the common good of all.

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