Monday 15 July 2024



The West has destroyed a lot of world civilisation, robbed the world's resources to build its civilisation. But a golden material civilisation it has built for sure despite all its destructive defects. 

Merely shouting Hindu superiority or blaming the colonists for every evil that besets us today will be of no avail. The world will move on and we have to move with it as did our ancestors who exceeded limits and extended their civilisational horizons by beating time and spreading the seeds of civilisation around. Instead of venting infertile feelings of injury and injustice meted out to us, we should rebuild our motherland following the blue print laid down by the Rishis of antiquity and modernity both. We must stand peerless in the comity of nations in every sphere of national endeavour before we lay claim, if at all, of being Vishvaguru and all such puerile propositions. Vande Mataram! 

Written by Sugata Bose

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