Saturday 6 July 2024



Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You are literally the salt of the earth, the spice of Facebook, a soul nonpareil in its combative contradiction of messages made. Ye, friend, are a novelty indeed.

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : Your humour with its soft sarcasm is delightful reading, and the content is core enough for due regard.

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You are a brilliant individual. Kudos for your perceptive and pertinent observations, often mischievously contradicting my messages in a humorous manner, opposing in a delightfully novel way full of soft sarcasm at your objects of derision and delicious denunciation. Overall a new style of writing where facts are placed before the audience for their due discernment and deduction thereof. Lovely way of writing, I must say, understanding and interpretation presented in a uniquely Shrivastavan style. Thank you for your persistent participation, clarifying concepts and conditions, events and elements that spice up our otherwise humdrum existence.

Sugata Bose @Nitin Pandit: Indeed. I fully endorse your view. You have said nothing but the truth. Buy you won't find devotees coming clean on this subject and openly criticising the Mission for this. They are timid subservient souls, ready to submit to any deviation from the original principles and precepts of the Paramahamsa if given the direction by their monastic masters, scarce understanding that in so doing they are helping the Order lose its original intent and flow towards the Divine which ultimately will seal its doom as has historically happened with all past Orders of noble beginning and tragic end. I am happy to see you raise your voice, for a lone pilgrim wailing in the desert does fervently look for sympathetic souls to give vent to his heart's aspiration and soul's lamentation, intended as they are to preventing a precipitous fall of our premier spiritual organisation. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Dhananjoy Chakraborty : I am not polarising the polity. Islam scripturally does so and Firhad Hakim has merely stated what has been mandated upon every Muslim in the Qur'an and the Hadith. For a change you stop passing supercilious advice to me and also refrain from using my profile for campaigning against BJP in such a profane manner which hardly bespeaks of enlightened civic behaviour. Preach what you like on your profile wall and spare me the discomfort of enduring your political venting which, as I said, has other spaces for due delivery. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : To begin with, the Qur'an. Then the Hadith, the Sirah and the history of Islam in gradual progression. But the Qur'an is the fundamental text to be read first. Of course, it will be incomprehensible to begin with as it is quite disorderly in its arrangement and must be read with Tafseer (commentary) of Ibn Kathir, for instance. The YouTube videos of Ex-Muslims is of especial help in this regard for rapid understanding of the intricacies of Islam, its dualistic declarations which initially confound initiates when coming from deceptive Islamic clerics practising Al Taqqiah.

Sugata Bose @Antara Sadhu : Because a God that casts His creatures (infidel humans) into Hellfire hardly has the love a mother has who cannot even conceive of such barbarism, much less execute it. Divine retribution of this sort is hardly becoming of a loving God. Such a one is a tyrant who is far inferior to a mother who nurtures the growing baby in the womb and thereafter in the light of life. She is all-love and all-forgiving unlike the tyrant that the infidel-roasting God is. Just no comparison. A mother beats this God hands down, 6-0, 6-0, 6-0, in this metaphorical tennis match of love and life. Hence.

Sugata Bose @Parag Kumar Mitra : This itself is an aspect of the welfare element of the Sanatan Dharma which is universally inclusive in its scope.

Sugata Bose @Parag Kumar Mitra : Swami Vivekananda makes it easy to understand the Sanatan Dharma.

Sugata Bose @Parag Kumar Mitra : Bring home the change by bringing the change home. Begin with the individual, that is oneself, and the movement spreads overtime. Such has been the historical flow of all great movements and must necessarily be the case for all small movements as well. Limited is our power but we must exercise it to bring about momentous changes within ourselves and minuscule changes around. That is the scope of individual effort, such the limitation of the law (meaning, cosmic code).

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : The Bhagavadgeeta speaks of rebirth as well. So, your thesis, humorous as it is and full of funny sarcasm, falls flat in terms of philosophical validity in so far as the Geeta is concerned at least. You have rather vouched the Chārvāk philosophy.

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : Your inimitable sense of humour as yet rules the roost. Alas, in this dry age of sterile sensibility when all seems lost to the baser elements and bareness but remains as residuum, this glorious gift of yours of driving home a contentious point, keeping it cloaked in satire, will go sadly unnoticed! But be not disheartened. There are takers like me, few and far between though, who will as yet be charmed by such slanted observations full of wit but full of undeniable content that flow from your mind that sees things in an altered light and expresses them in a manner so singularly refreshing.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [The People Profiles] : Nikola Tesla used to attend the Vedanta lectures of Swami Vivekananda in America in the period 1893-95. He met the Swami and evinced a keen interest in the Vedas which was later apparent in some of his attempted inventions. Vivekananda on the other hand asked Tesla if he could prove thd equivalence of mass and energy, a work that was then the consuming passion of the young Einstein. Tesla requested for a week's time and invited Vivekananda to his residence at the end of the week. The Swami complied but, alas, Tesla had failed to unify mathematically matter and energy. It was not a week's task after all. Einstein delivered the equation in 1905 but by then Vivekananda was gone from this world. Thus, the Swami's desire to establish the Vedanta on the solid foundation of mass-energy equivalence remained unfulfilled. This episode could have been perhaps included in this video presentation. Perhaps, next time. It was a meeting of seminal kinds from across thd continents. Tesla's abiding interest in esoteric studies remained lifelong which included his keen interest in Vedic cosmology.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [SCHOOL ONLINE ] : What goes by the Fibonacci numbers was discovered by the Indian mathematician Pingala centuries earlier than Fibonacci.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Winnie Lam] :  Spirituality is far from one groping in the external dark. Spirituality lies within. God is not high up in the heavens. That is archaic superstition born out of man's natural propensity to look outwards for things, the senses dragging him outwards by way of responses to external stimuli. But the advanced soul senses within, feels such stimuli coming from within the recesses of the heart and in consequence responds within. Thus begins the inward journey, the introspective movement of the soul till the very Soul or the Self of man is discovered. Spirituality has at last found its home in the Spirit, the Atman, the Brahman which is the foundation of phenomena, the seed of cosmic manifestation, and the alpha and the omega of life, existence itself. 🕉

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Bellum et Historia] : A good video marred by bad background musical distraction that dissipates the tension of presebtation of the battle and relaxes the nerves unduly to impede concentration. Better artistic sense ought to prevail while directing a film.

Sugata Bose @Hridansh Surana : Absolutely right, although, technically speaking, relatively so, for all phenomenal things are relative and only the transcendental Brahman is absolute.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Douglas Murray Debate] : Douglas Murray is a la Christopher Hitchens of the day, articulate, forthright and unapologetically direct without compromising ideas in diluted speech. Kudos!

Sugata Bose @Manoj Kumar Nanda on his bereavement (sudden loss of his wife to cerebral stroke) : Alas, it's a terrible blow! My condolences and humble prayers for the departed soul. Keep her memory by you as her living, loving, tangible presence. What more can I say, brother, than this when words are scarce consolation in a world of shattered dreams? And, yet, through it all you will rise to chalk out your future course in fertile work of the morrow and delightful memories of yesterday when together you had bonded a life that can never be sundered by a sudden separation of the body. Union is of the spirit and so let it be in the af'er years of your life. It is an unbroken stream of consciousness where ignorance weaves its magic and spells our doom where freedom ever is. Deepen your bond now in the depths of your despair for the light of dawn is soon to break upon your eyes, revealing a transfigured form of your dear departed, in the dewdrops, in the early chirps and in the soft shine of the source of us all, our paterfamilias, the sun of the Soul. Life has been, life is and life forever will be with no break of deathly dark than what our ignorance spells on us. Take cheer, good friend, she was, she is and ever she will be, right there where you cherish her the most. God bless the two of you and any of yours who she may have held as mother and shown the light of day! May such light shine on all of you, spanning the earth and the spheres beyond! 🕉

Sugata Bose @X [Andrew Roberts] : Shashi Tharoor compared Churchill to Hitler and Stalin for his crime of starving 4.3 million Bengalis to death in 1943.

Sugata Bose @Samarbijoy Chakraborty : Read Dr. Bill Warner's books on Political Islam. There you will find your sought-after solutions.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [MuslimByChoice] : Why do westerners speak in such a convoluted manner when it comes to speaking about Islam?

Sugata Bose @Siddhartha Maity : I do not believe in God. I am God. So are you. It is a matter of spiritual realisation and is fully corroborated by the Shastras. The Sanatan Dharma is not built on belief. It is founded on realised transcendental truths and rationalised temporal truths which are Shruti and Smriti respectively.

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty :  Help spread it then, bold one, thou bravest of our womenfolk who is worthy of emulation.

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty As a primary course of personal action read the Qur'an by Abdullah Yusuf Ali (English translation of the original Arabic version). It is an excellent edition, one of the two best English translations, the other one being by Marmaduke Pickthall. In my opinion, though, Abdullah Yusuf Ali's is the best. Read it.

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You are original to a fault. Great response each time. Unique style of rejoinder. How strange that none but me appreciates such comments of yours with a 'like' sign or a 'laugh' sign! Strange indeed. Reveals an utter lack of literary and intellectual apprehension. 

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : 'Damage the bar itself.' -- What a superb sense of humour! Bravo, kudos!

Sugata Bose @Kapil Patil : Muslims know the truth but some motivated ones pretend that Islam is a religion of peace. What else can they do to further the cause of Political Islam which aims to subjugate the entire world? Right now in the face of Western military might, Islam must resort to Al Taqqiah to advance its cause. Hence this peaceful pretence by the most warlike, violent creed.

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : The 'laugh' sign is by way of appreciation of your humorous presentation of lateral thinking. So, please do not take it amiss. I read your comments with evident relish and cannot but keep wondering at your remarkable resourcefulness.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Religiosity and spirituality are not to be confused. The true aspirant for spirituality must necessarily renounce all material desire whose exchange mode is money.

Sugata Bose @Hridansh Surana : One must know the adversary's intentions, motivations and doctrinal stance as well like the armed forces have to in order to combat the enemy. Merely knowing one's own culture is not enough. It is the primary step but it must be followed up by a comparative study of other faiths, especially those that are ill-disposed towards ours. Preservation of religion, culture and civilisation requires this two-way understanding followed by adopting effective defensive and offensive measures by way of combating adversarial elements.

Sugata Bose @Hridansh Surana : Not only must the goal be big but the exertion to achieve it must be commensurate as well. Then alone will endeavour be crowned with success worth the call at the international level. Encouragement must surely be given but mere hoopla is no encouragement nor is it due support for athletes to do well. Infrastructure, corruption-free management and economic and technical support are of paramount importance. Athletes must not be made to worry about anything other than their disciplined effort and consequent performance. All other considerations must be taken care of leaving them free to concentrate on honing their skills and sharpening their sporting output.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [YUVA SHAKTI] : Very inspiring. India's womanhood is on the rise as Swamiji had prophesied. Congratulations on achieving excellence that is contributing to the nation in no insignificant terms. A pathfinder for others as well for which all such who will be helped must feel grateful.

Sugata Bose @Amitabha Dutta Majumdar : The general mentality of Indians to be inaccurate in little things of apparent inconsequence, the general irrational mindset coupled with undue frothiness, a levity that bespeaks of fractured concentration, dissipation of energy in every phase of national life, the general lack of a sporting culture, terrible preoccupation with self-seeking and pursuit of petty pleasures of life that leave no room for disciplined higher effort over years that calls for tremendous self-sacrifice, the lack of self-honour and national honour that prompts us to rejoice at trifling, all these and so much more about the social scenario that in development seeks crass commercial gain, self-advertisement and petty self-interest. Overall a dismal scene despite tall claims of development. The Indian mind has been randomised and needs rationalisation along scientific terms. We have become a nation of low expectations, shallow mindset and third rate performance in the international arena thereby.

Sugata Bose @Rohini Jalan : You are excelling in their own backyard, remember. That is not an easy attainment. At the heart of modern civilisation you are triumphing. How great must be that!

Sugata Bose @Dhyan Maneesha : Poetic expression in solitary des⁵pondency.

Sugata Bose @Anirudha Bhattacharya : Correctly stated. Do read the Qur'an and help awaken awareness in sleeping Hindus about the enmity Islam bears 'Mushrik' Hindus.

Sugata Bose @Amitabha Dutta Majumdar : Sportsmen are not being ridiculed. Commoners and crass commercial houses are being criticised. Political intervention of a perverse kind is being ridiculed and the irrationality of the so called educated masses which is in common currency.

Sugata Bose @Meher Tasnim : Does that absolve Muslims from reinspecting the essentials of their religion as scripturally ordained and is mandatory for Muslims to follow, and does it not thereafter behove Muslims to reject such divisive, intolerant, genocidal mandate and alter social stance along civilised lines to live in peace and harmony in a civilised human society instead of trying to subvert all forms of civilisation other than Islamic by all possible means, that is, by conducting jihad in every phase of human activity and living? What Khalid Umar is doing is what all civilised human beings should do. As it stands, they do not and for various reasons. So, do not try to castigate Mr. Umar for doing the rightful thing for which instead of censure or carping criticism all encouragement is due. 🕉

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