Tuesday 23 July 2024



Tribalism is driving a specific religion and causing untold human misery. This inertial baggage of medieval times has no place in modern society. And yet it is spreading fast across the globe with the civilised world bearing scant answers to its pernicious proliferation. Worst of all, utopian leftists are exacerbating matters by supporting this cancerous growth that at no distant date will turn back on its protagonists and impose its unilateral reign, the sovereignty of its God. A great civilisational conflict is in the offing which to avert this creed has to be studied to understand its origin, doctrine, motivation and aspired end. Thereafter, effective measures may be adopted en masse which in the current scenario of mass ignorance about the same simply will not happen. Knowledge is power, as the old adage goes, and it is this growing awareness about the toxic tenets of this creed that will help humanity avert a great disaster, nay, a terrible tragedy.

Written by Sugata Bose

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