Saturday 13 July 2024



There has never been a day but a long long night in space where dust is not but for stars that shine and send their radiant darts to light up rotating bodies that block them. All things lit up are those that have impeded the passage of light. And as they rotate following their spatial curves, their timely tides of advancing and receding light alternate experience of day and night. A nocturnal journey is on through cosmic space-time where the space-ships are lit up by their stellar patrons in a rotating dance of shifting bands. Verily, verily, Kepler's music of the spheres is on, and much more, the waltzing couples are adding flavour. Mozart, thou truly art in the high heavens!

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : The Mozart family on tour: Leopold, Wolfgang and Nannerl. Watercolour by Carmontelle, ca. 1763. [courtesy, Wikipedia]

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