Friday 26 July 2024



The West is dying, they say, because of civilisational self-doubt, cultural fatigue and a deep sense of remorse for its colonial misdeeds. But it will not die. It will discover Vivekananda soon and with it discover its civilisational roots in the Vedanta. The West will live. There will be a grand revival this time with the ancient wisdom of the Upanishads anchoring the West in deepest Self-identity. 

Vivekananda is coming to the West. The lion of the Vedanta will roar soon. Let hundreds of capable preachers, themselves bathed in supernal love and light, sweep across Europe and America, careless of worldly considerations, only armed with the wisdom of the Vedas shorn of the slightest tinge of superstition. 

The West is athirst for spirituality. Their thirst must be quenched. And out of this meeting of minds, the Occidental and the Oriental, will spring forth a fusion unseen in the past whence a global civilisation will be born for the first time in history. Humanity will awake to a sense of solidarity in the Self.

Written by Sugata Bose

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