Monday, 15 July 2024



Western intellectuals are content to rationalise on religion, some submitting to its tenets and vociferously vouching for it through tortuous methods of the mind, others rejecting the same, citing the sheer lack of empirical evidence to support the claims of religion, while so few in a genuine search for Truth attempt to go to its foundation which lies in spiritual experience. It is words all the way from the podium, the pulpit, the platform that hide the Word even as they pretend to express it in tangible terms, but the depth does not show its face amidst such verbal violence, such arrogance of the spirit that arrogates to itself exclusive possession of the Truth and negation of all else that it deems culturally alien. But Truth laughs at such supremacist supposition and goes its way while pretenders to it keep at their verbal disputations to no satisfactory end. Eventually it is cultural supremacy that is sought in the garb of religion and no honest pursuit of it for the sake of arriving at Truth. The same old suppositions of Christ being crucified to redeem humanity of its supposed Original Sin being transmitted through generations right from its apple-eating inception in Eden, being attempted to be imposed on the world for whatever purpose Christian proselytism stands for with all its assumptions of heathen ignorance and the saving grace of Christ alone that can rescue them from perdition. It is intellectual indeed!

Written by Sugata Bose

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