Monday 8 July 2024



We need a new spiritual organisation which is not compromised to cowardice, government, money or undue apolitical convenience in so far as protection of Hindu interests goes while it maintains all political connections to suit organisational convenience. Such a frog-in-a-well consciousness in the name of high Vedanta is hardly helpful to the Hindu polity and serves no civilisational purpose beyond being an arm of the status quo that is slowly and rapidly reducing the Hindus into servants of the supremacist creeds emanating from the deserts. An organisation we must found which will truly give shape to the ideals and ideas of Swami Vivekananda, suited to the exigencies of the time. Swamiji had founded such an organisation but it has overtime floundered and become ineffectual in so far as protecting the interests of the Hindus is concerned. Its apparent sociospiritual aloofness has significantly alienated it from the mainstream of civic life where it matters most and it has been rendered into being merely a passive welfare body and no more. 

Hindus are under attack daily and hourly from proselytising cults that operate within the country with the objective of subverting our Sanatan civilisation. Swamiji's organisation keeps a spiritual mum over it and is, thus, of not much help to the Hindu polity suffering such dastardly aggression. We need an organisation that will be sympathetic to Hindu interests in every sense of the term while maintaining exalted spirituality, a tall order indeed but one that is the call of the hour. Perhaps it is time for the Avatar to descend into mortal clay again to refashion things and save the Sanatan civilisation. Alas, it a shame that we have en masse failed the peerless Paramahamsa of Dakshineshwar and his leonine protรฉgรฉ from across the metropolis who would under his tutelage metamorphose into the sage of Chicago!

Written by Sugata Bose

Saturday 6 July 2024



Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You are literally the salt of the earth, the spice of Facebook, a soul nonpareil in its combative contradiction of messages made. Ye, friend, are a novelty indeed.

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : Your humour with its soft sarcasm is delightful reading, and the content is core enough for due regard.

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You are a brilliant individual. Kudos for your perceptive and pertinent observations, often mischievously contradicting my messages in a humorous manner, opposing in a delightfully novel way full of soft sarcasm at your objects of derision and delicious denunciation. Overall a new style of writing where facts are placed before the audience for their due discernment and deduction thereof. Lovely way of writing, I must say, understanding and interpretation presented in a uniquely Shrivastavan style. Thank you for your persistent participation, clarifying concepts and conditions, events and elements that spice up our otherwise humdrum existence.

Sugata Bose @Nitin Pandit: Indeed. I fully endorse your view. You have said nothing but the truth. Buy you won't find devotees coming clean on this subject and openly criticising the Mission for this. They are timid subservient souls, ready to submit to any deviation from the original principles and precepts of the Paramahamsa if given the direction by their monastic masters, scarce understanding that in so doing they are helping the Order lose its original intent and flow towards the Divine which ultimately will seal its doom as has historically happened with all past Orders of noble beginning and tragic end. I am happy to see you raise your voice, for a lone pilgrim wailing in the desert does fervently look for sympathetic souls to give vent to his heart's aspiration and soul's lamentation, intended as they are to preventing a precipitous fall of our premier spiritual organisation. ๐Ÿ•‰

Sugata Bose @Dhananjoy Chakraborty : I am not polarising the polity. Islam scripturally does so and Firhad Hakim has merely stated what has been mandated upon every Muslim in the Qur'an and the Hadith. For a change you stop passing supercilious advice to me and also refrain from using my profile for campaigning against BJP in such a profane manner which hardly bespeaks of enlightened civic behaviour. Preach what you like on your profile wall and spare me the discomfort of enduring your political venting which, as I said, has other spaces for due delivery. ๐Ÿ•‰

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : To begin with, the Qur'an. Then the Hadith, the Sirah and the history of Islam in gradual progression. But the Qur'an is the fundamental text to be read first. Of course, it will be incomprehensible to begin with as it is quite disorderly in its arrangement and must be read with Tafseer (commentary) of Ibn Kathir, for instance. The YouTube videos of Ex-Muslims is of especial help in this regard for rapid understanding of the intricacies of Islam, its dualistic declarations which initially confound initiates when coming from deceptive Islamic clerics practising Al Taqqiah.

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Sugata Bose @



1. We are slaves and wish to make others slaves. This is the summum bonum of civilisation largely. Real civilisation, though, lies in independence of the Spirit which few seek, fewer pursue to fruition and fewest propagate, giving up thoughts of direct or indirect domination.

2. When an Avatar comes, few recognise. Those that do are blessed indeed. And there are those who later make capital out of it.

3. Problems we have identified. Now solutions we must find and activate in the thoroughfare of life. Upon our creative endeavour lies our future fruition.

4. The greatest moment in human 'history' was when Eve ate of the 'Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil' and induced Adam to do so. That first rebellion against God set man free to explore and eventually discover that there is no God but he himself that man is in his innermost core. The apple of Eden set man free.

5. Few speak the truth. To lie has become easy for all. Even children casually break their truth as if to lie is to stand upright.


เฆธাเฆงু เฆฏเฆฆি เฆงเฆฐ্เฆฎেเฆฐ เฆจাเฆฎে เฆธোเฆจাเฆฐ เฆนเฆฐিเฆฃ เฆšাเงŸ, 

เฆธোเฆจা เฆคเฆฌে เฆฎুเฆ– เฆฒুเฆ•িเงŸে เฆ•োเฆจ্ เฆฎুเฆฒুเฆ•ে เฆฏাเงŸ ?

7. Judgement passed by a man (Aurobindo) on a god (Vivekananda), by an intellectual (A) on a rishi (V), by a mortal (A) on a spirit immortal (V). Good to come across a rationalisation on a supremely sublime soul (V) but an assessment that is woefully one-sided, fractured and flawed, with egotism spicing up knowledge to render sterile the highest faculties of the mind that must be called forth before an Aurobindo may judge a Vivekananda. A sad reversal of spiritual status acquired in manhood (by A) to be lost thus in one's twilight years in the attempt to bolster before the world one's failed spiritual attainments.

A : Aurobindo 

V : Vivekananda 

Foreword written by Sugata Bose 

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8. Aurobindo typically overreaches himself in attempting to judge Sri Ramakrishna as if he is a superior soul who is cognisant of truths higher than what Ramakrishna apprehended. Here Aurobindo exposes himself as to what he truly is and leaves no doubt in the discerning reader's mind about his egotistic impulses that drive him to make observations about souls immeasurably superior to him. Having failed the revolution for freedom and compromised the revolutionaries who died for his sake and suffered terrible incarceration in the Andamans, Aurobindo ventured forth as if in the world of the Spirit to fail there as well which prompted him to pose as a soul seminally superior to all else and standing in lofty greatness like the Lord apart, and equipped to pass judgement on all and sundry including the brightest of all such luminaries as the peerless Paramahamsa of Dakshineshwar. It is Aurobindo's egotism at its despicable worst display which is hereby being repudiated by this author in no uncertain terms. Not a froth of the mighty ocean of spirituality that Ramakrishna was was Aurobindo and yet the bubble proceeds to enclose within his minuscule fold the gamut of the vast sea. The judge here makes of his chair a laughing stock as he is yet to pass the school of law to know its elementary principles, leave aside qualifying ever to adorn that premier post whereby such misadventure may yet in folly be indulged in. 

Foreword written by Sugata Bose 

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9. The Abrahamic religions will all fall before the sledgehammer blows of science. Right now they are holding onto their phenomenal existence owing to the inertial flow of archaic superstition passed on from generation to generation, feeding on the ignorance of the undiscerning masses. As rationality becomes more commonplace and due discernment quickens in the thinking man, now coming to the fore by the masses, these faiths, bound hopelessly in the falsity of sterile superstition, will like crumbling cards fall, never to rise again. Enlightenment that is now the delight of the select shall in due course be common consciousness and faiths held in falsity and superstition will like the morning mist disappear in the rays of the rising sun.

10. Man has created God in his evolutionary infancy. Now he rebels against this archaic imposition of his mind and dethrones Him.

11. เฆเฆฐเฆชเฆฐเฆ“ เฆšিเฆจเฆฌেเฆจ เฆจা เฆถเฆค্เฆฐুเฆฆেเฆฐ? "And then every man going out of the Hindu pale is not only a man less, but an enemy the more," warned Swamiji. Firhad Hakim's characterisation of non-Muslims as having had unfortunate birth outside of the Islamic fold and his open avowal that all such ought to be afforded the Dawah (invitation) to join Islam is an affront to all non-Muslims and needs not only denunciation but ought to awaken all to the danger that proselytising Islam poses to Sanatan Bharatvarsha. Beware! The enemy is out there gathering its arsenal to inflict the deathly blow on our civilisation. History must not be allowed to repeat itself.


12. West Bengal is being rapidly Islamised. The fate of Hindus here will soon be that of their brethren in Bangladesh. Alarming!

13. For a civilisation to survive, it must be able to defend itself. Hindus need to defend their all from proselytising perfidious cults lest they lose their civilisation for good.

14. Truth cannot be stifled for good. It will surface hither or thither, now or on the morrow. This is the grand insurance of truth against oblivion.

15. Married to mobile.



"I have two childs. One is milds, the other one wilds. Are you a bit beguileds?" 

Learn your Inglish in one months coarse.

17. If you have a doctrine at hand that divides humanity into believers and infidels, you have a recipe ready for roguish behaviour.

18. เฆธเฆค্เฆฏেเฆฐ เฆช্เฆฐเฆคি เฆ†เฆจুเฆ—เฆค্เฆฏ, เฆธเฆ™্เฆ˜েเฆฐ เฆช্เฆฐเฆคি เฆจเงŸ |

19. เฆฌুเฆฆ্เฆงিเฆฎাเฆจ เฆฌ্เฆฏเฆ•্เฆคি เฆฏเฆฆি เฆฒোเฆ• เฆญাเฆฒ เฆจা เฆนเฆจ เฆคাเฆนเฆฒে เฆฒাเฆญেเฆฐ เฆšেเงŸে เฆ•্เฆทเฆคি เฆฌেเฆถী |

20. เฆธเฆญ্เฆฏเฆคা เฆ•োเฆฅাเงŸ เฆจাเฆฎเฆ›ে ! เฆฎূเฆฐ্เฆ–েเฆฐ เฆฐাเฆœเฆค্เฆฌ เฆšเฆฒเฆ›ে | เฆเฆ•เฆฆিเฆจ เฆธুเฆญাเฆทเฆšเฆจ্เฆฆ্เฆฐ เฆ›িเฆฒেเฆจ เฆ•เฆฒเฆ•াเฆคাเฆฐ เฆฎেเงŸเฆฐ | เฆ†เฆœ เฆฆাเฆ“เงŸাเฆฆেเฆจেเฆ“เงŸাเฆฒা เฆคাเฆฐ เฆชเฆฐিเฆฌเฆฐ্เฆคে |

21. In the light of extremist Islamic aggression directed at the Hindus, it is time for Hindus to unite and repel such attack. ๐Ÿ•‰

22. Sweet-sounding Islamists are the most toxic. Beware of such pernicious products of a 1000 year old proselytism!

23. Raise your guard, O Hindus! Read the Qur'an to comprehend Islam. Get to know its global agenda and rise in defence of the Dharma.

24. Not acknowledging an answer given to a question raised in the comment box seems to be an endemic lack of civility in us. Alas!

25. เฆ‡เฆธเฆฒাเฆฎেเฆฐ เฆ‰เฆฆ্เฆฆেเฆถ্เฆฏเฆ‡ เฆธเฆฎเฆธ্เฆค เฆ…เฆฎুเฆธเฆฒীเฆฎเฆ•ে เฆฎুเฆธเฆฒীเฆฎ เฆฌাเฆจাเฆจো | เฆเฆ‡ เฆ•াเฆฐเฆฃে เฆช্เฆฐเฆค্เฆฏেเฆ• เฆฎুเฆธเฆฒীเฆฎেเฆฐ เฆ†เฆฒ্เฆฒাเฆน্-เฆจিเฆฐ্เฆฆেเฆถিเฆค เฆ•เฆฐ্เฆคเฆฌ্เฆฏ เฆ‡เฆธเฆฒাเฆฎেเฆฐ เฆฆাเฆ“เงŸাเฆค্ เฆฆেเฆ“เงŸা | เฆธেเฆ‡ เฆ•াเฆœเฆ‡ เฆคো เฆซিเฆฐเฆนাเฆฆ เฆนাเฆ•িเฆฎ เฆ•เฆฐেเฆ›েเฆจ | เฆ เฆคো เฆธাเฆฐা เฆฌিเฆถ্เฆฌে เฆšเฆฒเฆ›ে เฆ†เฆœ เงงเงชเงฆเงฆ เฆฌเฆ›เฆฐ เฆงเฆฐে | เฆช্เฆฐเฆฏুเฆ•্เฆคিเฆฐ เฆฏুเฆ—ে เฆเฆ–เฆจ เฆ†เฆฐো เฆฌেเฆถী |

26. เฆœเฆก়เฆฌাเฆฆী เฆนเฆฒে เฆเฆ• เฆœীเฆฌเฆจে เฆฎুเฆ•্เฆคি เฆ†เฆฐ เฆ…เฆง্เฆฏাเฆค্เฆฎเฆฌাเฆฆী เฆนเฆฒে เฆ…เฆจেเฆ• เฆ•เฆท্เฆŸ เฆ•เฆฐে เฆฌเฆนুเฆœเฆจ্เฆฎে เฆฎুเฆ•্เฆคি | เฆœীเฆฌเฆจে เฆฏা เฆ•เฆท্เฆŸ, เฆ“เฆ‡ เฆเฆ• เฆœীเฆฌเฆจเฆ‡ เฆญাเฆฒ | เฆฆুঃเฆ–েเฆฐ เฆฆিเฆจে เฆเฆฎเฆจเฆ‡ เฆฎเฆจে เฆนเงŸ | เฆธ্เฆฌเฆฐ্เฆ—, เฆจเฆฐเฆ• เฆธเฆฌ เฆ—เฆช্เฆช เฆ•เฆฅা, เฆ›েเฆฒেเฆฎাเฆจুเฆทেเฆฐ เฆ†เฆœเฆฌ เฆ•เฆฒ্เฆชเฆจা | เฆœীเฆฌเฆจ เฆถেเฆท เฆคো เฆ•เฆท্เฆŸ เฆถেเฆท---เฆเฆ‡ เฆญাเฆฒ | เฆ•িเฆจ্เฆคু เฆ•িเฆ›ুเฆ‡ เฆคো เฆœাเฆจি เฆจা | เฆฎเฆนাเฆฎুเฆฐ্เฆ– ! เฆ•োเฆจเฆŸা เฆธเฆค্เฆฏ---เฆœเฆก়เฆฌাเฆฆเฆธเฆฎเฆฐ্เฆฅিเฆค เฆเฆ• เฆœเฆจ্เฆฎ เฆจা เฆ…เฆง্เฆฏাเฆค্เฆฎเฆฌাเฆฆোเฆ•্เฆค เฆฌเฆนুเฆœเฆจ্เฆฎ ? เฆฏা เฆนোเฆ•, เฆเฆ•เฆŸা เฆ•িเฆ›ু เฆนเฆฌে | เฆญেเฆฌে เฆ†เฆฐ เฆ•ি เฆจিเฆท্เฆชเฆค্เฆคি เฆ•เฆฐเฆคে เฆชাเฆฐเฆฌ ? เฆชিเฆทে เฆฎเฆฐা เฆ›াเฆก়া เฆฆেเฆ–เฆ›ি เฆ†เฆฐ เฆ‰เฆชাเงŸ เฆจেเฆ‡ | เฆคাเฆนเฆฒে เฆฒเฆก়েเฆ‡ เฆฎเฆฐি |

27. An angry punishing God is not God. God is all love. Human frailties if He cannot always forgive, what sort of a God is He?

28. God unites all sentience. If He divides humanity into believers and infidels, He is no God.























Thursday 4 July 2024



Is this the reason why Christians convert? That they believe in universal brotherhood which urges them to save the heathen from hellfire, to save souls while yet there is time, before those poor people precipitate unto perdition? Pity the modern evangelical preacher who clings to this last straw of hope that makes him believe he can save his faith through numbers against the unceasing onslaught of knowledge, both secular and pagan? Africa and Asia then must suffer this neocolonial religious assault but to what effect? Asia will largely repel evangelical Christian advances but in Africa Christians are in battle with Muslims for gaining religious supremacy. There the war unfolds with unknown consequences. India must resist this Christian fraternity that is a facade for setting up fissures in our own civilisational structure. The 'Good News' is bad news for us when it comes from maliciously motivated proselytising Christians. Hindus we are and wish to remain so. ๐Ÿ•‰

Written by Sugata Bose