Thursday, 29 July 2021



This Witness (Saakshi), this Seer (Drashtaa), is witnessing itself in solitary habitat. The Eternal Presence is One that simply cannot replicate. Multiplicity is born out of apparent dispersion of the uncompounded Light seemingly, magically passing through the prism of the mythical Mind. Divergence is thus caused, an impossibility in original terms, yet a derivation in strange aberration of the Absolute. This impossible manifestation is Maya. It appears magically and in time disappears magically. Law is the mythical classification of events within its fold but at base meaningless for there is neither rhyme to rhyme nor reason to reason as such. Law is the inverted vision of the lawless, of Brahman as Maya. And, yet, Maya is that which seems to be but is in essence not, it being the impossible image of the Real which cannot reflect itself except within itself, unpartitioned, whole, a Self-brooding on itself. This impossible event of universal name and form is Maya and must of its own move before Brahman reveals as Brahman. Queer appearance and queer disappearance, but Maya must move eventually to reveal the Truth which then will be self-evident as eternally evident and never eclipsed or obscured ever. Time and space vanish to reveal the Self as the superconscious, frozen, existential, integrated substance in solitary status. Neither analysis nor synthesis can operate in it as it lies ever-awake in a solidarity of absolute existence. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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