Friday 16 July 2021



Think for yourselves. Do not take others' ideas as your own. Have you not heard of the adage : 'One man's food is another man's poison' ? Therefore, take to thinking for yourselves. In it is glory, the glory of your human existence with the organic capacity to think.

Absorb ideas from your mental environment but, in assimilation, creatively make them your own. Do not imitate, neither need you to emulate another, but what is absolutely needed is your own creative affirmation of your specific interpretation of life. So, start on a new page in your life with enthusiasm and vigour, with hope and dreams fuelling the intended fulfilment of your aspirations, and see what a wonderful change comes about in your life. You will finally be free from traditional trappings, hyper-allegiance to your great men, blind obedience to spiritual and material organisations that have thus far guided or misguided your lives, and you will at last bask in the wonderful sunshine of your own self in responsible, blissful interdependence in the society which you are a part of but ever conscious of your own glory. May you advance to the goal !

Written by Sugata Bose

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