Monday, 19 July 2021



We are an economically exploited nation, not by the British anymore but by our own people, the capitalists who care not for us but care only for their uncouth profits at the expense of the lifeblood of the labouring class and the rest of the country that goes by the name of the peasantry and the middle class. It is robbery by broad daylight with full legal protection.

Must a handful enjoy life to facilitate which the rest of humanity must live a living death? The government is insensitive to the growing misery of the people and only rising public consciousness can avert a national economic catastrophe in the not-so-long a run with its terrible overall fallout. But the polity, despite such suffering, is being quelled into passive acquiescence of the exploitative powers that be and this invariably is done by the media and the entertainment channels which are controlled by these capitalists.

Those who rise from the middle class or even from the labouring class to the upper economic strata choose to conveniently forget their past life of strangulated means and become one with the exploitative order directly or indirectly. Thus, the bulk of humanity keeps suffering their unbearable economic hardship. This is not what a nation state should have been in seventy-four years of it having won political freedom.

We all suffer badly today. Doctors, lawyers, businessmen and politicians -- they all exploit. Even monks do not raise their voices against this exploitative order but rather make common cause with it by befriending the rich to finance their philanthropic projects, thus allowing these dastardly people to justify to themselves the fairness of their foul acquisition of wealth. 

Where is justice, where fairplay, where a level playing ground? Where is God when the living God is so exploited?

Written by Sugata Bose

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