Thursday 8 June 2017


This video film is a revelation. All confusion seems to be cleared, all doubt dispelled for the while at least before they inevitably reappear owing to human limits of credulity and its insatiable thirst for reason as the dominant impulse even, perhaps, in matters of faith, a seeming contradiction in terms though. The sheer sincerity of the interviewee seems transparent enough to convince, yet, logic fails to grasp the seemingly facile assertions. One feels inclined to believing seeing the clear conviction of the interviewee himself, his narrative replete with a plethora of details, however facile they may seem to be. Still the oscillation of the mind will not stop as one looks for fresh loopholes into the very theory itself and the factual details chronicled to be able to feel satisfied as to its veracity or to reject it as fantasy woven in fact.

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