Sunday, 4 June 2017


Dear Dr. Blogger, kindly correct the year of birth of Subhas Chandra Bose from what you have written it as in your blog. Bose was born in 1897 and not 1902 as you in error have mentioned. Also, setting facts straight, Subhas Chandra Bose worked as CEO of the Calcutta Municipal Corporation under C.R.Das who was then the Mayor of Calcutta, the year being 1924. This mistake, Dr. Blogger, you have to rectify as well for you have inadvertently or in your stupendous ignorance --- which is more likely considering your earlier error --- written that Bose became Mayor in 1924. Later you have written right, though, that Bose became Mayor of Calcutta in 1930.

Dear Dr. Blogger, these are serious errors, both the year of birth, as well as the year of becoming CEO getting mixed up with being elected Mayor, and most unbecoming when they come from a person professing to teach others about the truth of Bose's disappearance. You do not seem to have credibility enough as a sufficient student of Bose to assume in your self-conceitedness the role of teacher in regard to the seminal personality of India's premier patriot. However, your opinions are well-worth considering, for they present a perspective on the mysterious disappearance of our leader, and your arguments, interesting, although, based much on the very conjecture you seemingly reject when it comes to harbouring any notion about the possible survival of Bose beyond 1945, and this seems to me to be the very antithesis of a rational standpoint on the issue. It, thus, appears that the very detractors of the Russian angle to the story or the monk incognito of Faizabad, adhere to the same line of irrational self-preference for their particular air-crash theory, all the while being vociferous, though, about the supposed unreasonableness of the possible validity of the other two theories.

Nonetheless, you have in your own inimitable erroneous style brought forth the discussion about the rather curious 'definite death' of Bose in 1945, positing facile arguments to fabricate your fragile thesis and, if not so, then the 'definite death' of the hero still in 1945 in terms of his shattered idealism and lost luminosity on account of his supposed survival as a nameless monk living incognito, without on your part even a bother for the real man, his pain, his suffering, his trials and tribulations, and above all, the sense of tremendous betrayal by his comrades-in-arms in the Congress that he must have felt when they ruled independent India and made no attempt to restore his pride, position and, least of all, his person, when we know for certain today from the Justice Mukherjee Commission of Enquiry that Netaji had never met with an air-crash at all.

And dear Dr. Blogger, is this what you call your adoration of the hero when you would not even bother to call a living Netaji by that name, choosing instead to dub him 'dead' since 1945 for having supposedly fallen from grace in your myopic vision in the event of his surviving as a monk incognito? Is this what you would term love for our foremost patriot, our very own flesh and blood but for whom we would have remained slaves to the British for heaven knows how long? Tell me just one thing. Would Prabhavati Devi do likewise to her Subhas were she alive to know all this?

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