Tuesday, 6 June 2017


Narayanan Gandhi, I must say that though I thoroughly disagree with you on so many points related to Netaji, you are quite a singular character on social media circles, one who brings in an unconventional fresh outlook on things and a bold unwavering stance based on your own brand of logic and preferred perspective. However, you seldom lose your cool and never resort by way of retaliation to the invective you habitually receive in other fora for your assault on the accepted understanding of Netaji by his countless followers. Your animosity towards Netaji or his followers is a misapprehension and to me seems to be rather unfounded, although, I guess your criticism of Netaji is ruffling many a feather which is understandable indeed. However, you could, perhaps, avoid being personal in your attacks against Netaji's immediate or, as you prefer to call it, extended family, for that would be more in keeping with the civilised mode of discourse. After all, misconceptions abound on all sides when undue criticism is made. However, I am sure you are a well-meaning individual and are inimical to none. You prefer to be direct in dialogue and care not to be cowed down by considerations of rank or status when making a principled point, and so cross bounds of grace unwittingly sometimes and unnecessarily, I must say, thus, ever running the risk of being misconstrued in your intent. I am sure, you, in your wisdom, will appreciate what I say and make necessary adjustments to the mode of conversation keeping it strictly academic, argumentative to a fault if you so please and, if at all personal, then be such verbal volleys be directed in grace without the slightest aspersion on any, for that will be so antithetical to our common cause of nation-building. Kindly keep bringing in fresh arguments to keep the discussion alive on Netaji and the freedom struggle and we eagerly expect each day for your fresh translation of a page from A.M.Nair's memoirs. May peace prevail! Vande Mataram! Jai Hind!

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