Sunday, 4 June 2017


Some of the attributes of Netaji are well-worth absorbing as we go about strutting in his name in the act of discovering as to what happened to him post 18 August, 1945. And these are as follows :
1. We ought to be genuinely humble which is the hallmark of the great and ought not to be arrogant in the way we conduct ourselves simply on the basis of supposed superior knowledge on Netaji and allied subjects.
2. We ought to do serious research on Netaji before passing damaging verdict on him as one such has been habitually doing the rounds on social media recently basing all his data-sourcing from one very valid book and refusing to compare notes with others. This dogmatism does not bespeak high of a researcher or a serious reader who has the temerity to criticise Netaji thus, apparently with impunity, since it seems no one has time enough or resource to counter him effectively on these charges that he levels against India's premier patriot. Here we ought to remember that Netaji was a very serious student of history and we ought to be like him to effectively give rational rebuttals to this and other like gentlemen.
3. Many of us are simply emotionally attached to Netaji for reasons of environmental influence from birth and keep our study of him at bay simply because we are too lazy intellectually and otherwise to do better. We ought to remember that Netaji was a brilliant student throughout his academic life and, thereafter, in his political life as well. As such we should take out a page from his life and get inspired enough to make an in-depth study of his life, career and achievements.
4. Netaji was a supremely rational man and we ought to follow in his footsteps and not resort to irrational assertions about him in the name of devotion. This is no way to exhibit devotion to the hero. We must retain our calm when 'crossed in conference', refrain from using profane language in our rebuttals and produce solid evidence to back up our assertions when challenged in debate by adversaries. For all this we must be prepared with ready notes and authentic data base to effectively supplement our assertions and arguments.
5. Netaji belongs to the whole of undivided India and to the wider world of humanity where he is held in reverence and awe for his almost superhuman attainments in life. Let us imbibe this spirit and ourselves strive to greater attainments in order to fulfil his unfulfilled mission of national regeneration. Also, each one of us belongs to his extended national family which is his true family and, knowing ourselves absolutely to be his kith and kin, let us conduct ourselves in a befitting manner with neither slavish cringing before authority nor capitulation before rank and status. Instead, let us give a fair respect to all irrespective of fame, position or familial attachment.
To be continued...

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