Wednesday 21 June 2017


Thank you, Narayanan Gandhi, for yet again rectifying a verbal lapse of mine, intended entirely by way of improvisation but not quite in keeping, it seems, with the accepted usage of the word and, hence, with gratitude I have changed 'excepting' to the less musical and rather coarse and, ought I to say, in the context of its use, a trifle harsh, 'exempting' as suggested by you and, so, I remain your disciple to that linguistic extent in all humility and beg your pardon for being boorish enough to cross you in conference over the said usage, although, I must say that I did do some referencing initially on being questioned by you to no effect in terms of understanding though. Eventually, the fact that 'excepting' is not a verb clinched the issue in your favour and I humbly accepted your suggested alteration of the word. Thank you for being such a knowledgeable individual and I pray that you will use your considerable talents to serving our motherland and our heroes instead of setting about to disparaging one in particular.

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