Sunday, 18 June 2017

THEY DIED IN BLOOM ... 1 ... MARTYR ANIL DAS (18.06.1906 -- 17.06.1932)

Martyrs are the chosen ones of the Mother, they who are nearest to Her heart, who She chooses to sacrifice at the altar of Her freedom.

If you observe the photographs of the freedom fighters, especially those of the martyrs, you will find an ethereal unearthly look on their faces, in the expression of their eyes, a sublimity born out of supreme love for the motherland and a sacrificial spirit that stops at nothing to give oneself wholly to the cause of the motherland's freedom, even dear life, seeking nothing in return but the opportunity to fulfil this act of self-giving (atmadaan).

Revolutionary Anil Das was one such martyr, brutally tortured by the British Indian police for 11 days in a Dacca (Dhaka) jail before he succumbed to his injuries in police custody, who we need to remember often as we conduct our daily life if we are to love our motherland well. If we fail in this, we will have forfeited our right to call ourselves citizens of a free country for freedom subsists in grateful recognition and remembrance of they who bled to free us.

My prostrations at the martyr's feet in memory of his martyrdom day which was duly observed at Deshapriya Park, South Kolkata, yesterday, the 17th day of the month of June when 85 years ago he had laid down his life to build this free world for us which in our oblivion of the sacrifices of the martyrs we have taken for granted as if we owe nothing to them or to the country they considered their true mother. I leave you to deliberate ans send a request to each one to buy the biography of Anil Das and to read it by way of your manifested reverence to him and through him to all such who are the forgotten heroes of our motherland.

P.S. Anil Das' birthday is today, 18 June. He died having completed 26 solar orbits exactly.

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