Thursday, 29 June 2017


lt is so refreshing to see Gandhi in a new light, especially, when one gets to understand his keen interest in technology as a means to overcoming the disadvantages of a poverty-stricken life. Somehow Gandhi even today, as always, continues to strike a concordant note in our hearts for his message transcends time and barriers of nationalities and addresses the basic questions of life everywhere.
Chandra Kumar Bose has very graciously allowed us access to the letter written by the Mahatma to his father, Amiya Nath Bose, and enriched our knowledge about this essentially overlooked element of the leader, that of his abiding interest in the technological progress of the nation for the welfare of its teeming millions toiling in the villages with less than the bare necessities of life available to them.
One more thing and it is this that we must, like Bose has in this article done, revisit Gandhi periodically to seek solutions in his writings to the myriad problems that beset our national life and the whole world of complex international relations.
Gandhi remains, thus, a beacon for humanity in a tempestuous sea of ignorance where the blind forces of selfishness lead us on to inevitable destruction but for the beams shining through the dark from the soul of this singular pilgrim trudging his solitary path of truth and non-violence en route to the luminous end of life, liberation.

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