Monday, 13 November 2017


1. The personality of the speaker seeps through the words spoken, deifying or degrading them.

2. The greatest intellect born in India after Swamiji was Netaji. There has been to equal him.

3. The clarity which Netaji had about the international situation at the time of the outbreak of WW II no other Indian leader had.

4. The opinions I fire are personal to my understanding but are intended to trigger public thinking on contentious issues.

5. There is a gulf of difference between work done out of a sense of duty and work done out of love. The attitude spells the difference.

6. The purple colour is on the wane as democracy displaces monarchy everywhere. Royalty will live on only as a relic of the past.

7. This is the colour (saffron) of the awakening sun of knowledge, the realisation of the oneness of existence, the gift of India to the world.

8. Let these colours light up the lives of those who have never had the taste of the good life, whose hours have been spent in the dark.

9. The blood that drips off the artery of the aristocrat is dear, is it not, not the blood that freely flows off the veins of the poor?

10. The battle lines are drawn. It is the proletariat that is gearing up to challenge the might of the capitalist. Beware!

11. An irresponsible executive authority with little thought of the welfare of the masses will bring upon itself its own doom.

12. Peacefulness has been the basis for the flourishing of the Indian civilisation. India never stepped out of her doors to conquer.

13. These artificial lights have cast a nocturnal spell on man and shifted his self from the natural diurnal cycle. Time to reschedule.

14. The man of renunciation alone knows how uncertain life is, any moment to slip away into the yawning chasm of death.

15. Happy is he for whom the vision of man has changed to the realisation of the Self. He loves all as his very Self.

16. The power of the people propels politicians to premier positions in the polity but how easily the leaders forget their pledges.

17. Patriotism is problematic when narrow nationalism guides its course. Fanatical worship of one's country leads to great disaster.

18. Inconsequential wars serving the ego of sovereigns, bringing death and privation to the people result eventually in revolutions.

19. Rituals keep us rooted to our culture but we must be able to fly to freedom nonetheless.

20. Shall we Indians not be a little more accurate in our thinking and avoid this slipshod attitude that has become endemic in us?

21. When a question is rationally put before us, we ought to give it a rational response and not sidetrack the issue.

22. Political correctness must not be allowed to stifle freedom of speech if democracy in its original intent is to survive.

23. The West is experiencing the effects of a cultural vacuum following the sad demise of Christianity as a life-force there. Vedanta must fill the empty space.

24. Juthika Sarkar graced our house to collect my signature for the petition to GOI for removal of perfidious national attachments.

25. A delightful thing about fb is that people unashamedly ignore friends' messages and pretend not to see them for no apparent reason.

26. We must imbibe the Kohli attitude towards attaining perfection in work and the Ganguly attitude of battling back into reckoning.

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