Wednesday, 29 November 2017


The muted millions must be given utterance, society must be freed from scriptural stricture and women allowed free play in the thoroughfare of life. Only then will spontaneity exhibit itself in all its creative flow, souls resonate to the inner rhythms of life and love, and the mind of man an empire emerge where the sovereign is he and he the architect and governor of his fate. The stifling of human thinking, the codification of human action, the checks and controls on every little aspect of human behaviour, all these have well-nigh strangled the life out of an erstwhile vibrant culture where men and women freely played about in the sunshine of life and life itself was a veritable celebration, an outpouring of the inner bliss. Cultures have been uprooted by barbaric impositions of alien ones, religions resplendent replaced by tribal cults at the edge of the sword and an iron curtain drawn over women who had earlier basked in the radiance of the free sun. The masses have been reduced to the state of subhuman savages, their individual personalities destroyed and their enslaves selves labelled with titular descriptions of their vocation and status in life. All these must go. Society must be freed of scriptural strictures, archaic and arbitrary prophetic pronouncements and the commandment of a tyrannical capricious God who at best was the vain imagination of medieval warlords and must needs die in the liberating atmosphere of enlightened reason.   

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