Saturday, 18 November 2017


Those who are confronting the evil of religious fanaticism instead of shying away from them out of security concerns are doing a service unto humanity. They are truly the children of the Lord for they are fearless in their combativeness and true to their convictions which run in tandem and never in conflict with the higher aspirations of man and the evolving purpose of civilisation. Those that cower in fear and dare not confront the malefic elements of societies going progressively roguish by the presence of this pernicious influence do all a disservice by failing in their duty to resist evil and uphold the principles of civilised living which these noxious notions of God and man seem to be attempting to replace with their vile and toxic thrusts. Liberalism is one and cowardice quite another. While the former is the product of enlightenment, the latter is its very antithesis and needs to be repudiated as such. Cowardice today the world over camouflages as liberalism when it is essentially the fear of violent retribution that prompts the average so-to-say liberal from taking a stand on radicalism in the name of religion. This has to be understood as a basic chink in the armoury of civilised humanity that is so body-bound that it prefers the sanctuary of a compromise with untruth to a bold enunciation of fact as it is and not as is out of fear portrayed out to be by these less than valorous men and women.       

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