The spiritual idea should be to reduce profit and to help in public welfare. Oppression through exploitation of the very worker whose labour yields the profit is in no way dharma. Greed which fuels capitalism despite the tall claims of the creative urge as being principal to its functioning cannot be condoned in a just society with democracy as its structural set up. The poor must be provided for and this is as much the duty of the government as of capitalists and the lay person. We must all be united in this endeavour to eradicate poverty which is one the worst maladies that even today in this highly modernised world continues to afflict vast sections of humanity. It is not one man's job nor is it the sole duty of the government but it is everyone's collective effort to manifest goodness of being in fruitful action that can usher in a more equitable order where every individual lives with a modicum of dignity and has a fair opportunity to rise through effort to higher attainments in life. Let us stop blaming each other and stop passing the buck as well to others as we conjointly strive to better the lot of humanity in our much benighted nation consequent upon historical subjugation by alien powers for centuries. Jai Hind!
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