Tuesday, 14 November 2017


1. Peace is the precondition to progress.

2. While it may to some be alright to address the human being as a social animal, somehow it demeans his inherent divine status.

3. While external resources are limited and need equitable distribution, our internal resources are unlimited and need mere manifestation.

4. The tussle is on. Tibetan Buddhism versus Chinese Marxism. Which one will win?

5. The surface man is the aggregate of attributes which shift in degree and kind but the carrier principle is constant.

6. What right has China over Tibet beyond what might has obtained for them? Ought not China to be isolated by the global community?

7. The mind is potent enough to do damage to the body through ill-direction of its forces. It can heal the body as well. Use the mind well.

8. While in the flush of youth devote yourselves to the higher pursuits of life, be they in the domain of the arts or the sciences.

9. A continuous stream of matter is the secondary perception, the same of the mind the primary perception and consciousness the origin.

10. By honouring others we do not dishonour ourselves. So, let us give up vanity and its sibling, selfishness, and give all their due respect.

11. We need not complicate our lives too much with the abstractions of philosophy. Let us just practice a bit of virtue in life.

12. Let us not partake of food till we have reserved some of it for the living God that is man. Indian hospitality must be revived.

13. Religion must consist as much in the application of simple principles in life as in the pronouncement of grand philosophy.

14. What an abysmal capitulation to sense-pleasure! Is this what you call civilisation?

15. Religions that convert rely on numbers and not on the truth they supposedly represent. Never knew God needed numbers.

16. If you convert any, you are creating evil in society by spreading the seeds of separate consciousness and breaking social solidarity.

17. Hindus must not be vague about the principles and the philosophy of their religion. Mere performance of rituals will not suffice.

18. Fanaticism cannot be allowed to muzzle free speech. What constitutes violation of dignity is open to debate and needs no imposition.

19. Criminal is this human greed for power and money that reduces the masses to penury. Virtue remains an unpractised principle.

20. Mere making effete verbal demonstrations is of no use. It is vital that we carry out our convictions into practice in real life.

21. May Hinduism, Buddhism and Science show the way to mankind blinded by impositions of fanatical faiths!

22. Evil elements abound in society to exploit the malefic content of fanatical faiths to suit their perfidious purpose. Resist them.

23. Is there a God who arbitrates over human affairs or are humans the sovereigns who determine their fate in life and death?

24. Would a Vivekananda sit idle today preaching piety and not take a stand on the issues that threaten to destroy the world?

25. Are we men when we cower in fear and so refuse to raise our voices against the many heresies perpetrated on humanity?

26. Where is our sense of morality when we allow the drainage of wealth upwards creating comfort and chaos in alternate terms?

27. If Islam is now on a collision course with the West, Hinduism and Buddhism are now the dharma preceptors of the West.

28. The one way to end fanaticism is to focus on principle rather than personality and to venerate humanity in general.

29. In today's democratic world God cannot be allowed to be autocratic. Man must occupy centre-stage. This is the gist of the Vedanta.

30. One of the better ways of tackling the onslaughts of religious radicalism is to practice our respective religions sincerely.

31. Inter-faith meets must be sincere in enunciating each religion's core principles and must not cover up each other's fatal flaws.

32. Is there no end to human thirst for blood? How long must man wait till sanity settles civilisation and ushers in the good of all?

33. What a punishment to be born under a religious regime that cannot tolerate dissent of any sort! And to be born a woman at that!

34. The best way to overcome religious tyranny, some argue, is to abolish religion itself from their lives. But the heart clings to God.

35. The impersonal ideal is the best. It enhances the soul through democracy of the Spirit.

36. Let every child get education, free and fair, bereft of doctrinaire imposition. Then let them determine their own future.

37. Human beings are human beings, not Hindus, Muslims, Christians or Buddhists. Religions are cultural attachments largely, not intrinsic elements central to man.

38. Give up this puny self and see what a flood of light courses through your being. Witness your own enlightened Self.

39. Happiest is he who loves to see others happy. But sadness often is his fate as his empathy for others' sorrow makes him suffer too.

40. Why should Islam prohibit leaving the faith? It is individual choice to convert into Islam and it should be the same in leaving it.

41. Why should apostasy in Islam be punishable by death? Is it not a violation of human rights?

42. The good people are those who are pushing civilisation forward and the evil ones are those who are taking it to the dark ages.

43. Conversion in religion is a nefarious practice, completely anti-spiritual. Religions that convert are eloquent as to what they are.

44. Brainwashing children and the young with the tenets of fundamentalism has led the world to the brink of a precipice. Beware!

45. Human knowledge has exceeded human wisdom and this imbalance could spell the doom in the form of human annihilation.

46. The Vedanta must be spread on a war-footing throughout the world if we are to avert a global catastrophe.

47. The world is on the edge of annihilation and the peacemakers are busy making statues. How irresponsible can that be?

48. Perhaps atheism, agnosticism and theism are so many phases of the human mind as it evolves through dualism to unitary consciousness.

49. It takes a lifetime to shake off superstition and square up to truth face to face. Then comes spirituality.

50. Just like gravity there are psychological forces that tug precipitously. Upgrade your nervous system to avoid such pitfalls.

51. The whole idea of enforced uniformity of belief and norm by a single 'divine' decree is reprehensible to the modern man.

52. Religions that convert by force, inducement or marital condition are the nurseries of fanatical violence. Combat conversion.

53. Conversion presupposes the superiority of one religion over another. This is arbitrary, irrational, anti-equality and anti-spiritual.

54. Men are born into cultures which leave their indelible mark on them. It is education, wide and universal, that helps them overcome the limitations of inherited culture.

55. Is it not demeaning for one to submit to the will of a supposed almighty being as per the injunctions laid down by a 'chosen one'?

56. What has subservience to God to do with spirituality? Spirituality lies in the realisation of the Self through rejection of all such.

57. If God-realisation is to be, it has to be here on earth in this human body and not in some heavenly habitat of the Almighty.

58. Hinduism has the grandest philosophy, that of the oneness of existence, realised and realisable by transcendence of the senses.

59. How hypocritical can people be that they blatantly lie about fanatical faiths being peaceful when they breed violence by the day?

60. Hong much longer must man wait and tolerate the medieval monstrosity that goes on in the name of arbitrary assumptions of faith?

61. How wonderful it would be to displace God from His seat and install man there as the arbiter of his own fate! Vedanta would triumph.

62. Remove renunciation and all that remains of religion is materialism clothed in fine verbal cover. Realisation is the soul of religion.

63. The day good people have the courage to stand up for truth and stop hiding behind clever verbal cover, fanaticism can be given the death blow. Till then let hypocrisy make common cause with the worst perfidies human soul is heir to.

64. Why should I submit to God or anyone for that matter when I can with effort be a master of my senses?

65. Use democracy to subvert democracy --- that is the game plan of they who plot to impose their faith and lawless law on all.

66. Cannibalism is paramount in human society as humans prey upon each other in the name of ideology, religion and individual authority.

67. Seek the blessings of others, not their curses. Both are potent and leave their benign or baneful mark on your life. Beware!

68. Of what avail is personal liberation when the vast mass of sentience remains hopelessly bound in ignorance? Can we shirk responsibility? The Master has remained bound to us forever through our terrestrial travail

69. Preaching piety is of no avail when people wish to perforce perish. Transformation of the subliminal consciousness of man is the need.

70. Self-confidence should be such that jealousy will play no role in life and this self-confidence stems from knowing who you truly are.

71. Faith in oneself comes only when all the gods one had reposed faith in have let one down and one is left bereft of support.

72. Do not harm others if you wish to be yourself helped. Every act will recoil on you with its inevitable reaction. There is no escape.

73. Through the trials and tribulations, errors and blunders, virtue and vice, cling to the ideal of the oneness of life.

74. Hinduism and Buddhism must rapidly spread their ideas if the world is to survive growing Islamic radicalisation.

75. Monotheism has this pitfall. Carried to its intolerant extreme, it incites fanatical violence, specially, if the faith prescribes so.

76. Utopian ideology is dangerous for it sows in gullible minds the noxious seeds of unrealism fraught with pernicious possibilities.

77. Quoting from the scriptures to justify malefic human action today is opposed to all that is enlightening in modern civilisation.

78. We, Indians, must reaffirm the 'sundaram principle, our ideal of beauty, in every endeavour we strive for, in every work we undertake.

79. This lackadaisical attitude towards work, this indifference to perfection must go if we are to progress as a nation.

80. What virtue can there be in neglecting the aged while getting on with one's own life at ease? Will not the day reverse?

81. That freedom which one exercises in only railing at people who are more civilised and cannot stoop to such lows is worth not having.

82. The hard fact one eventually learns in life is that none belongs to one nor does one belong to any. It is a world of self-evolution.

83. Who to bless? Who to curse? It is all me. I can only love all despite the odd reaction here and there consequent on Self-oblivion.

84. I live on an isle of 'I' marooned and cut off from humanity. My mind remains the link with all save when it shuts down too.

85. A religion that expounds fanatical violence against infidels cannot be included in the dharma tradition of sublime humanity.

86. The bickering one can never be fortunate. Fortune smiles on the serene, the calm, the compassionate.

87. They who squabble too much lose sight of the essence of life. Their lives become miserable even as they heap misery on others.

88. The irrational doctrines of the Semitic religions is inspiring many to embrace atheism in their bid to seek their freedom.

89. Bharat Ratna, a bound soul? A strange predicament really.

90. Religions survive not because of the truths they supposedly preach but because of the Truth that is fundamental to man.

91. I wake up and am confronted with a thought. What is thought? Who is the thinker? Is there any or is the thinker a thought as well?

92. How do we see, how do we hear in a dream without the aid of light or sound? How is memory stored in the brain after all?

93. Who am I? Do I exist or is it all a seeming reality that'll vanish into nothingness in the fullness of time? Or will I just remain?

94. Why must I multiply in numbers to spread my faith? I will deepen my convictions and advance spiritually.

95. I am but a passing dream in a shifting sea
      While the sea beholds a bed I cannot see.

96. There is no hope of peace in a world so fractured along ideological and theological lines. Exclusive survival is an absurdity.

97. All spiritual good is attained by the worship of the Guru who is one with God. This is a fact hard to realise but the sooner realised, the better.

98. Spirituality is the pursuit of inner perfection and the consciousness of the integration of the universe. Oneness is the end of it.

99. Where duality is, there is fear and in fear can be no spirituality. Hence, oneness is the soul of religion.

100. Fanatical faiths grow fast because of the lowliness they cater to in man which is more generally available for induction.

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