2. Scepticism is an essential element in the enquiry into truth where faith and authority have to be discarded to discover the truth.
3. The philosophies of the Semitic religions look like kindergarten stuff compared to those of the dharma traditions of India.
4. So few desire to know the Truth, fewer still to realise it. Most merely wish to affirm their flawed understanding of Reality.
5. The liberal sees life from multiple perspective whereas the fanatic has a fixed viewpoint. The former evolves, the latter rots.
6. Truth is self-existent impersonal principle. Yet, personalities are conjured up into their shadowy ephemeral apparent existence.
7. Liberalism and secularism must exhibit the character to combat fanaticism instead of being preferential apologists for the same.
8. As he points to the heavens, he points to his perennial state of infinite glory and freedom from the shackles of flesh and form.
9. The stars shine beyond the clouds. So does our destiny beckon us on to seek the infinitude of freedom in the transcendent Self.
10. Jesus Christ was a brilliant Jew, a non-conformist and a revolutionary who was much misunderstood by almost all who followed him.
11. Propagation of the Vedanta will breathe fresh life into the stagnant moral climate in the world and usher in a spiritual renaissance.
12. Hypocrisy of liberalism is not what we want but a genuine concern for the principles of enlightened humanity.
13. There is no end to human error which is why constant practice is necessary. But cutting out distractions is an imperative as well.
14. Instability of human relations is caused by the superficiality of relational bonds. A spiritual bonding will never break.
15. There is an absolute Truth transcending relativity. There are a myriad relative truths as well, each catering to a specific case.
16. Dark is our future if we heed not the advice of our wise men who founded civilisation. It is a dead end now if we do not act wisely.
17. Proliferation of education, the rediscovery of roots and globalisation are sharply dividing human society into conflicting cultures.
18. Time is our greatest friend today when there is still hope of a recovery from the looming prospect of environmental annihilation.
19. The polar icecaps are melting fast. We have to act faster if we are to avert an environmental annihilation.
20. Change your attitudes, your lifestyles and work in unison to save civilisation from nuclear and environmental holocaust.
21. Love all, be attached to none. This is the secret of happiness and this is the way ahead spiritually as well.
22. Why give so much importance to your puny ego that it grows larger by the day to engulf you and your happiness with it? Look within.
23. Is there no end to the vanity of the human soul even as it is mired in material misery? When will good sense prevail, alas! when?
24. Attachment limits the soul within the confines of flesh and form and, so, breeds misery in its wake after the initial flush of elation.
25. A bloody revolution is not what we want but a civilised response to the exigencies of our times, the end to the tyranny of capital.
26. Who says you are poor, my friend? Do not ever think that way. The great Lord resides in your heart. Take heart and fight your way out.
27. The essential thing about spirituality is growth through experience. Life's the great teacher, for interactions corrode materialism.
28. The life of the many matters for the masses are not mere cogs in the social machinery but veritable divinities on earth.
29. Your affluence is at the expense of so many that suffer the indignity of an impoverished life on earth.
30. Wastage of money and resources must be avoided at all cost in a world so plagued by poverty. Your saving may be somebody's life.
31. In the midst of terrible distress hold fast onto the Lord. Believe me, the world may fail you, the Lord will never.
32. When will I be free of the shackles of this form, O when? When will I fly free in the limpid spaces of the Absolute?
33. Science is liberating human reason, rationalising man's relation to his environment but holds no clue to the workings of the spirit.
34. The mind of man an empire is whose key the monarch has lost. What obtains thus is the battle of bodies in the name of futile faith.
35. The power of the word few comprehend. Yet, it is the word that has spelled the magic as civilisation through the ages has soared.
36. The vast spaces surrounding our limited selves are merely the reflection of our inner infinitude for they come within our cognition.
37. This life is in vain if not lived for a higher ideal that embraces in its beneficial influence the whole of humanity.
38. The death of a nation comes when it shuts itself up within the narrow confines of its geography and local culture.
39. Youth is precious for it provides the one opportunity to realise the Self, possible only when the energy level is at its highest.
40. How puny is this self of man and how vast the spaces! Yet, how vast must be the Self in man to conceive in its womb the vast spaces!
41. The effort to realise God must begin in early youth, else, the resources spent deplete the system so, as to make it a futile attempt.
42. Both theism and atheism use flawed logic to establish positions. The problem of truth may be solved only through experience though.
43. The Abrahamic religions are all built on irrational assumptions of an arbitrary God quite in contrast to philosophical principles.
44. Man is divine, for God is his consciousness in the purest state of his being. Is man the image of God or is it the other way round?
45. Is God being marginalised and religion weakened with the advance of science or is science strengthening the basis of real religion?
46. It's paradoxical that the Abrahamic religions argue the case of their validity on the invalid basis of unverifiable revelation.
47. Why is Christianity so dependent on a few 'miraculous events' to prove its validity as the one and only true way to godhead?
48. How long can irrational assumptions and assertions of ignorant people of the ancient and the medieval world be held as gospel truth?
49. When will the world wake up to the higher spiritual principles discovered in India ages before the Semitic religions were born?
50. Why must mosques in West Bengal be allowed to sound the azan at dawn disturbing the sleep of the local residents?
51. A religion seeking to dominate the landscape of the entire world will fail in its bid for diversity is the way of the world.
52. Reality is double-phased with outer and inner dimensions. Science caters to its material cover and religion to its spiritual essence.
53. Why argue to validate irrational faiths when the very basis of these is rotten philosophically and entirely founded on assertions?
54. We must be fearless in expressing our views so long as we are working for human welfare and not infringing on others' rights.
55. Why fear any when we are immortal souls fired with the conviction of our divinity that cares but for the commonweal?
56. We are standing on the edge of the ocean of truth and light and, yet, groping in the dark, seeking light from an imaginary God.
57. We, Hindus, must strengthen our society by breaking down caste barriers and destroying the privilege system obtaining thereof.
58. A classless, caste-less society we want where the Constitutional provision of equality of opportunity will be fulfilled.
59. Democracy cannot entertain privilege of any sort for citizens are all equal in the eyes of the Constitution of the land.
60. Cultural rights of all must be respected but they must not infringe upon the fundamental principles of civic living.
61. Free the individual of the shackles of religion, society, tradition and all of its ilk and see how human society progresses rapidly.
62. Poverty has to be experienced to understand its pangs. The rich must make periodic pilgrimage of living in impoverished conditions.
63. When in danger of suffering harm, resist with all your might. If resist you cannot, then pray to the Mother. Surrender unto Her.
64. We have to strengthen our nation by uniting the progressive elements within the polity provided they are not opposed to the essential ethos of our nation.
65. 'Catholics should try to convert the whole world to Catholicism.' What a violent idea! A futile attempt it will be. So, give it up. If this is the stated position of the Vatican as is borne out by the statement of Msgr. Stuart Swetland, I pity its fallen state.
66. Conversion is a violent idea and religions that convert are ever at war with each other. It is more political an idea than spiritual.
67. Conversion by influence, inducement, fraud or force is as dark a design as can be and is an offence against humanity to all intent.
68. We should be good and genuinely so by manifesting strength of character and not by mere verbal pretence.
69. The world has lost its spiritual moorings and it is time that India shows the way once more. There must be a spiritual inundation.
70. Science is driving sledgehammer blows at the flimsy foundations of doctrinaire religions and liberating the soul of man.
71. Gullibility in judging a religion's real intent is a suicidal trait. Let no sane person fall into this characteristic pitfall.
72. A nation that forgets its heroes cannot profess to be moral. Let GOI give Netaji his due honour and so bring honour to itself.
73. If only men were more civil and each followed his own religion without disturbing that of others, peace would've been an end achieved.
74. Semitic religions fight over theological differences born of spiritual myopia. Their exclusive claims make for mutual hatred.
75. Beholding the poverty of spiritual conception in the non-Indian religions, I see the Vedanta as the only ray of hope for them. Om!
76. So long as conversion remains on the agenda of Christianity and Islam which it necessarily will, religious harmony is impossible.
77. Conversion invariably leads to spiritual degradation when done to increase numbers which proselytisation fundamentally aims at.
78. European civilisation and the fruits of the Enlightenment are under the threat of subversion from alien fanatical contamination.
79. I feel saddened to see the trusting European and American youth surrender their critical faculty to convert to alien fanatical cult.
80. Fanatical faiths will fight with each other to their desperate doom. If they wish to survive, they will have to reform. But can they?
81. Jesus is not the Son of God merely, He is God Himself. And so are Ramakrishna, Chaitanya, Buddha, Krishna, Rama, Shankaracharya.
82. Let the propagators of the Semitic religions give up dogma for once and contemplate God through enlightened reason and realisation.
83. If there is anything that may be labelled blasphemous in religion, it is this tendency to say that God can be this and not that.
84. Wickedness masquerades as religious propagation intent on corroding the simple beliefs of men whose trust they betray and convert.
85. Hindus must streamline their knowledge of the scriptures in order to fortify themselves against perfidious attempts at conversion.
86. Vow in the name of Sanatana Dharma that you will spread it across the ends of the earth for the uplift of human spiritual culture.
87. This darkness is not an entity in itself ; it is the absence of light. Strike the lamp of the Atman to dispel it.
88. This blazing fire of the Self within is consuming all of the earthly oblations. Now may it consume this simmering self to free me.
89. These proselytisers are all trapped in Maya. Bound souls themselves, they have the temerity to attempt saving others.
90. Blessed am I that I am a Hindu for where else would I have had such a profundity of spiritual thinking to back my convictions?
91. The God in heaven has cast a spell on the spiritually fixated people of the world while the ultra-rational have renounced Him.
92. The least we can do is to manifest a bit of manhood. Effeminacy has cast its shadow on our nation paralysing its very nerve-current.
93. Mental misery is caused by degradation of the system through impure living. Even in the direst circumstance, the pure man is happy.
94. Scripture for man or man for scripture? Is civilisation the subservience of man to God or is it the eventual dethroning of God?
95. Indoctrination is destroying the human potential, the prospect of attaining cultural heights and the subliming of the soul.
96. Children? Oh, their lives are being blacked out by profane pronouncement of bygone eras and womanhood being despoiled as well.
97. Is this being religious when you honour-kill your own daughter for violating your convictions about marriage?
98. Educate the masses fast and get them out of medieval barbarism in the name of rotting religion that stifles growth.
99. Parents have no right to ill-treat their children and be violent towards them citing the grand reason that it is for their own good.
100. Shed cowardice if you are to be the instrument of change in a world plagued by a myriad evils. The valorous alone may transform.
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