Thursday, 9 November 2017


Unless men of character take up politics and business, the world has no hope. Greed and lust for power cannot be the features of civilisation. A handful of men, crafty and cunning, wield their sovereign hold over the world's resources and the masses must be the food for their sacrificial fire. The world is so structured even today that thugs clothed in white and pretentious of being the guardians of all that is lofty in civilisation silently loot the coffers reducing the people to penury. Such is the state of business, such the politics that supports it and is hand-in-glove with it in this sophisticated science of exploitation. The men at the helm of affairs enjoy the fruits of the labour of the millions that serf-like serve them even today when democracy delights in dishing out the choicest of verbal delicacies while draining the lifeblood of the masses all the while.

This then is the state of affairs where vile, vicious men rule the roost while the commoner suffers unspeakable indignity at the hands of these ruffians, hardly human in any manner and more resembling the robber barons of the middle ages in Europe who ruled by the rule and cared not what misery made life hellish for the masses. The only way out of this terrible predicament is for men of character to come forward and take up the cudgels on behalf of suffering humanity and assume responsible positions of public life in the service of the common weal. A resistance must build up beyond intellectual discourse on the maladies that afflict life and effective public action must be taken up by the illumined and the intelligent to foil the dubious designs of the men of evil intention. Profiteering must go and with it must profit-making be reduced as well to bearable levels such that the common man is not bled to death to pay for the pleasure of his rich paymaster. Politicians must also be kept bridled by the common will, never to be freely manipulated but to act as the check to the former's malefic malfunctioning.

The situation is grim but not beyond repair still and effective measures adopted by activation of the common will that seeks the goodness of life will yet reduce the death-grip of the toxic elements of life to a feeble hold before dislodging them altogether. Education is the key to all this, a massive concerted effort through private enterprise that will build up the base for this future change. Till then let us work steadfastly for this social transformation without letting go of the ideal to be attained in the final reckoning and the quality of life to be brought into fruition here on this earthly plane.

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