1. Are we to submit to an arbitrary, absolutist, tyrannical, irrational God or to repose faith in enlightened reason and humanity?
2. How long must man remain hostage to archaic faiths, absolutist in their Providential decrees that curse the infidel to doom?
3. Are we civilised? Then how on earth do we give up control of our destiny to prophetic utterances unfounded in reason or civility?
4. For heaven's sake stop making comments that are unrelated to the post and cater only to the personality of the attached photograph.
5. Those that have suffered, that suffer the dictatorship of medieval religion, yet survive not because of their God but despite Him.
6. Call thyself not the follower of Vivekananda if ye will save thy skin ever out of cowardice and fear to speak out boldly the truth.
7. What can cowardice have to do with revolution, freedom or spirituality? The cowering ever die in fear.
8. World peace will never be achieved by appeasement but by direct confrontation of evil. The Vedantic vision is the way out.
9. Rational men must reject medieval prescriptions and move on in this modern age with the flag of universal harmony and peace.
10. The way to suppress evil is to suppress the circumstances that are fertile breeding grounds for it.
11. A cowardly attitude has gripped the 'good' men of our society and the result is that thugs rule the roost everywhere.
12. Demographic changes rapidly effected through proliferation of sectional population can seriously affect Indian culture in future.
13. Never believe religious apologists who lie in the name of sacred texts and attempt long-term conversion of our ancient society.
14. The Hindu space has been shrinking and it is time we took to our religion seriously and defended it against foreign onslaught.
15. We must have a national identity and it must be on the foundation of the Vedas.
16. The message of Ramakrishna must be spread with zeal throughout the globe for humanity to survive a holocaust.
17. Vivekananda was the organ voice of Ramakrishna and the Master rode his soul to propagate his message across the wide world.
18. Islam partitioned India and, thus, did untold damage to the motherland. Never must we again allow it to do likewise to our country.
19. Hindus must never convert to Christianity or Islam considering the grandeur of their own religion that is spiritually so profound.
20. Vivekananda defended Hinduism like no one had or has ever done before or since. Cowards cannot quite comprehend his achievement.
21. Ramakrishna-Vivekananda put paid to the grand Christian design to convert the whole of India. Woe unto the religions that convert!
22. A religion based on Truth will never be a proselytising one. Conversion stands against all civilised principles.
23. A religion that is based on Truth will never convert for Truth is self-supportive.
24. If apostasy is criminal, why is conversion not so?
25. A provincial God who curses and condemns infidels can scarce be the spiritual ideal of Hindus whose philosophy is the most refined.
26. The Hindus have been the most spiritual of all the races of the world and their philosophy the profoundest of all philosophy.
27. The pleasure of the Guru achieved, spirituality is within easy reach.
28. Shraddhaa is the criterion. He who has shraddhaa for his Guru has everything. Alas, how rare is such shraddhaa!
29. If the disciple fails in his reverence to his spiritual preceptor, it is the loss of the former, never the latter's for his is a free giving, seeking no return.
30. The fate of the multitude is in the hands of a few --- this is the tragedy of life.
31. God-realisation is the supersensory experience of the Absolute Reality.
32. So long as we are driven to sense-pleasure, we are all atheists despite our verbal affirmations of faith in God.
33. Where there is mass poverty, how can there be dharma? We must be righteous enough to eradicate poverty first before we contemplate higher national attainments.
34. So long as human selfishness persists, spirituality is an impossible attainment.
35. Do not attempt to convert others to your religion. Convert yourself to goodness instead.
36. Gross truths are perceived by the senses, never the subtle ones that elude them. Spirituality lies entirely in that elusive domain.
37. Weakness of any sort must not be harboured if progress in spirituality is to be made. Infatuation must seek its burial before the Spirit is resurrected.
38. Decisive action at the opportune moment seizes the initiative and settles contentious issues in a favourable manner.
39. Indecision and vacillation born out of lack of firmness of character lends itself often to terrible catastrophe when things go completely out of hand. Then the forces rule the roost and the wild dogs of destruction wreak havoc as ethics takes to flight and primitive barbarism replaces age-old values that have held civilisation together.
40. We should never cooperate with evil. Those who stand against the fundamental tenets of humanity must be dealt with a firm hand by all of civilised humanity for civilisation to last and the good of life achieved. Evolution demands that evil be eliminated for good to subsist and there is no point vainly philosophising about it that after all these are relativistic aberrations that must be merely discarded through discrimination and overlooked thereafter. No, the vast mass of humanity are not philosophers and it is their right to live as well lives of dignity where furtherance of the evolutionary cause may be effected and the beauty of terrestrial life despite its inevitable end in individual death achieved. Evil cannot be allowed to hold sway like the way it does now the world over where a handful who have climbed the steps to power wield it in a manner that the masses are cattle-fodder for them and they are the sovereign gods whose will the multitude must subscribe to in a servile manner casting culture and civilisation to the winds. This must not be the rule, no, no more must it be allowed to thus paralyse good men into inaction and reduce human life to destitution and despair. Humanity must prevail and it will do so when the power for perpetrating evil is met by the power of goodness armed in superior strength with all the wiles aiding its execution as evil resorts to. Mere pleas, petitions and prayers, as the saying goes, will not work but strength and opposition to villainy through spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical force must carry the day and eliminate all that is nefarious in life, all that is debasing to living.
Citizens, unite! Now no hour to rest but now is the day of reckoning when the common man and the woman and the child must act to determine their divine destiny and cast off the vermin of human society that threaten to disrupt life and honour on earth. Awake, my friends, awake!
41. Why live your life worrying about what others will think of you? For once live it free of all such baggage.
42. Why should stage fright paralyse you who are the spontaneous enactor of your life's script?
43. Reflect on the fact that you are the omnipotent Atman and the fear of failure will vanish into thin air like mist after daybreak.
44. Be unconscious of your self if you wish to attain heights in life. This is the mantra.
45. Spiritual is he who can laugh. What has glumness to do with the Spirit?
46. In the dark night of despair do not give up on life for dawn is about to break in.
47. The climb begins for all from the base but ends at the summit for only those that persist.
48. Eradication of poverty is the first sign of virtue. Our countrymen will be righteous when they have enough for their subsistence.
49. Daaridra durikaran dharmer pratham lokshon. Desher manush dharmik takhan hoben jakhan parjapta jeebonsambal laabh korben.
50. Why is it that in our deliberations on the freedom struggle we adopt a soft, almost effeminate attitude with no fire whatsoever?
51. Why do we not have manhood enough to follow the virile dictates of Swami Vivekananda and Netaji in rebuilding our nation?
52. Why must you malign Netaji with carnal connections profane and false once he is not there among us to refute the relations?
53. The Jews are the most brilliant people on earth and they have been the most persecuted in history. What reserves of life-force they have had that they have survived till this day and yet prosper to be a dominant force on earth!
54. Cowardice has nothing to do with patriotism and yet so many masquerade as patriots who are despicable cowards nonetheless.
55. We have to be bold, brave, courageous, valorous, for our Mother calls for it and we may not deny Her. The nation must rise.
56. Nazi carnage, what a wastage of human life!
57. Was Partition practically good for India in the long run? A debate on it is solicited.
58. The displaced Kashmiri Pandits must forthwith be resettled in their homeland, else, it will be a continuing travesty of justice.
59. Appeasement of the malefic elements in the Indian polity have been counterproductive. They need to dealt with a firm hand.
2. How long must man remain hostage to archaic faiths, absolutist in their Providential decrees that curse the infidel to doom?
3. Are we civilised? Then how on earth do we give up control of our destiny to prophetic utterances unfounded in reason or civility?
4. For heaven's sake stop making comments that are unrelated to the post and cater only to the personality of the attached photograph.
5. Those that have suffered, that suffer the dictatorship of medieval religion, yet survive not because of their God but despite Him.
6. Call thyself not the follower of Vivekananda if ye will save thy skin ever out of cowardice and fear to speak out boldly the truth.
7. What can cowardice have to do with revolution, freedom or spirituality? The cowering ever die in fear.
8. World peace will never be achieved by appeasement but by direct confrontation of evil. The Vedantic vision is the way out.
9. Rational men must reject medieval prescriptions and move on in this modern age with the flag of universal harmony and peace.
10. The way to suppress evil is to suppress the circumstances that are fertile breeding grounds for it.
11. A cowardly attitude has gripped the 'good' men of our society and the result is that thugs rule the roost everywhere.
12. Demographic changes rapidly effected through proliferation of sectional population can seriously affect Indian culture in future.
13. Never believe religious apologists who lie in the name of sacred texts and attempt long-term conversion of our ancient society.
14. The Hindu space has been shrinking and it is time we took to our religion seriously and defended it against foreign onslaught.
15. We must have a national identity and it must be on the foundation of the Vedas.
16. The message of Ramakrishna must be spread with zeal throughout the globe for humanity to survive a holocaust.
17. Vivekananda was the organ voice of Ramakrishna and the Master rode his soul to propagate his message across the wide world.
18. Islam partitioned India and, thus, did untold damage to the motherland. Never must we again allow it to do likewise to our country.
19. Hindus must never convert to Christianity or Islam considering the grandeur of their own religion that is spiritually so profound.
20. Vivekananda defended Hinduism like no one had or has ever done before or since. Cowards cannot quite comprehend his achievement.
21. Ramakrishna-Vivekananda put paid to the grand Christian design to convert the whole of India. Woe unto the religions that convert!
22. A religion based on Truth will never be a proselytising one. Conversion stands against all civilised principles.
23. A religion that is based on Truth will never convert for Truth is self-supportive.
24. If apostasy is criminal, why is conversion not so?
25. A provincial God who curses and condemns infidels can scarce be the spiritual ideal of Hindus whose philosophy is the most refined.
26. The Hindus have been the most spiritual of all the races of the world and their philosophy the profoundest of all philosophy.
27. The pleasure of the Guru achieved, spirituality is within easy reach.
28. Shraddhaa is the criterion. He who has shraddhaa for his Guru has everything. Alas, how rare is such shraddhaa!
29. If the disciple fails in his reverence to his spiritual preceptor, it is the loss of the former, never the latter's for his is a free giving, seeking no return.
30. The fate of the multitude is in the hands of a few --- this is the tragedy of life.
31. God-realisation is the supersensory experience of the Absolute Reality.
32. So long as we are driven to sense-pleasure, we are all atheists despite our verbal affirmations of faith in God.
33. Where there is mass poverty, how can there be dharma? We must be righteous enough to eradicate poverty first before we contemplate higher national attainments.
34. So long as human selfishness persists, spirituality is an impossible attainment.
35. Do not attempt to convert others to your religion. Convert yourself to goodness instead.
36. Gross truths are perceived by the senses, never the subtle ones that elude them. Spirituality lies entirely in that elusive domain.
37. Weakness of any sort must not be harboured if progress in spirituality is to be made. Infatuation must seek its burial before the Spirit is resurrected.
38. Decisive action at the opportune moment seizes the initiative and settles contentious issues in a favourable manner.
39. Indecision and vacillation born out of lack of firmness of character lends itself often to terrible catastrophe when things go completely out of hand. Then the forces rule the roost and the wild dogs of destruction wreak havoc as ethics takes to flight and primitive barbarism replaces age-old values that have held civilisation together.
40. We should never cooperate with evil. Those who stand against the fundamental tenets of humanity must be dealt with a firm hand by all of civilised humanity for civilisation to last and the good of life achieved. Evolution demands that evil be eliminated for good to subsist and there is no point vainly philosophising about it that after all these are relativistic aberrations that must be merely discarded through discrimination and overlooked thereafter. No, the vast mass of humanity are not philosophers and it is their right to live as well lives of dignity where furtherance of the evolutionary cause may be effected and the beauty of terrestrial life despite its inevitable end in individual death achieved. Evil cannot be allowed to hold sway like the way it does now the world over where a handful who have climbed the steps to power wield it in a manner that the masses are cattle-fodder for them and they are the sovereign gods whose will the multitude must subscribe to in a servile manner casting culture and civilisation to the winds. This must not be the rule, no, no more must it be allowed to thus paralyse good men into inaction and reduce human life to destitution and despair. Humanity must prevail and it will do so when the power for perpetrating evil is met by the power of goodness armed in superior strength with all the wiles aiding its execution as evil resorts to. Mere pleas, petitions and prayers, as the saying goes, will not work but strength and opposition to villainy through spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical force must carry the day and eliminate all that is nefarious in life, all that is debasing to living.
Citizens, unite! Now no hour to rest but now is the day of reckoning when the common man and the woman and the child must act to determine their divine destiny and cast off the vermin of human society that threaten to disrupt life and honour on earth. Awake, my friends, awake!
41. Why live your life worrying about what others will think of you? For once live it free of all such baggage.
42. Why should stage fright paralyse you who are the spontaneous enactor of your life's script?
43. Reflect on the fact that you are the omnipotent Atman and the fear of failure will vanish into thin air like mist after daybreak.
44. Be unconscious of your self if you wish to attain heights in life. This is the mantra.
45. Spiritual is he who can laugh. What has glumness to do with the Spirit?
46. In the dark night of despair do not give up on life for dawn is about to break in.
47. The climb begins for all from the base but ends at the summit for only those that persist.
48. Eradication of poverty is the first sign of virtue. Our countrymen will be righteous when they have enough for their subsistence.
49. Daaridra durikaran dharmer pratham lokshon. Desher manush dharmik takhan hoben jakhan parjapta jeebonsambal laabh korben.
50. Why is it that in our deliberations on the freedom struggle we adopt a soft, almost effeminate attitude with no fire whatsoever?
51. Why do we not have manhood enough to follow the virile dictates of Swami Vivekananda and Netaji in rebuilding our nation?
52. Why must you malign Netaji with carnal connections profane and false once he is not there among us to refute the relations?
53. The Jews are the most brilliant people on earth and they have been the most persecuted in history. What reserves of life-force they have had that they have survived till this day and yet prosper to be a dominant force on earth!
54. Cowardice has nothing to do with patriotism and yet so many masquerade as patriots who are despicable cowards nonetheless.
55. We have to be bold, brave, courageous, valorous, for our Mother calls for it and we may not deny Her. The nation must rise.
56. Nazi carnage, what a wastage of human life!
57. Was Partition practically good for India in the long run? A debate on it is solicited.
58. The displaced Kashmiri Pandits must forthwith be resettled in their homeland, else, it will be a continuing travesty of justice.
59. Appeasement of the malefic elements in the Indian polity have been counterproductive. They need to dealt with a firm hand.
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