Friday, 10 February 2017


We have to Indianise our thoughts and stop imitating the West before we may legitimately feel that we are Indians, proud of her heritage, confident in our bearing as a nation and assertive in our presence as a civilisation. Let us root out all differences of caste, creed and religion that divide us a nation and unitedly proclaim that we are Indians first and anything else thereafter. We must rise together, united in intent and action, else, we will perish as a people, fragile and fragmented, disintegrating into despair, dissolving into oblivion, an uprooted, transplanted lot zeroing into nothingness. Swamiji and Netaji are our twin guides in this upward swing as a nation, in this resurgence as a mighty race, the former the pathfinder, the discoverer of our roots as a nation, our soul-force, while the latter the leader through the travails that led to our freedom, the helmsman who will yet steer the national ship through the tempestuous waters that threaten to sink it. Today, at a critical hour in our national existence when we are faced with the direst dangers of disintegration, we must hold onto these heroes of our soil if we are to regain the flower of our culture once more and upon such a self-discovery as a nation are we to survive as a people. Else, extinction looms large in our face for no nation may mimic another and long survive. Our culture, our civilisation, our religion, our humanity --- these must be recovered, revitalised, reoriented and relived if we are to flourish again as a premier people on planet earth.    

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